Beiträge von gaborh

    We have videos with URL parameters (exam.: myhost/video.mp4?ttl=12345&token=abcabcabc),

    When we put the URL into the videointerface_addsource parameter, the XML parsing failed because of the non XML compatible characters.
    We tried to put the URL into <![CDATA[]]> notation, that resolved the XML parsing error, but the player was not able to read the URL
    If we remove the ?ttl ... part (the variables), the URL works fine, but we get a 403 Forbidden error, because the variables are required for authentication on the server side :(


    <action name="add_video_sources">
      videointerface_addsource('1920x1080', 'myhost/video.mp4?ttl=12345&token=abcabcabc', 'myhost/preview.jpg')

    Is it possible to solve this somehow?