Oh, sure! Thank you Tuur!
Posts by rey
I tried to set onovercrop/ondowncrop in action:
Display More<layer name="map_button" crop="300|0|50|50" onovercrop="350|0|50|50" ondowncrop="300|0|50|50" onclick="showmap()" /> <action name="showmap"> if(show, set(layer[map_button].crop, "800|0|50|50"); set(layer[map_button].onovercrop=, "850|0|50|50"); set(layer[map_button].ondowncrop=, "800|0|50|50"); , set(layer[map_button].crop, "300|0|50|50"); set(layer[map_button].onovercrop=, "350|0|50|50"); set(layer[map_button].ondowncrop=, "300|0|50|50"); ); </action>
Crop work, but onovercrop/ondowncrop - not. Why?
I used Tooltip plugin before, but it doesn't work in the current version of krpano.
Now I'm looking for way to place (thumb|hotspot|mapspot) tooltips at top/left/right/bottom position of layer or hotspot.
Seems like I should to set coordinates for layer[skin_tooltip] instead of
It's nice to see a lot of developers for krpano.
It’s unpleasant to see when developer of commercial plugin uses someone else’s interface skin without permission.
Hi all!
Even on localhost I get "video loading failed" error message on 4K mp4 and webm video
The same Mp4 file plays with Oculus video without problems.Second biggest problem on Oculus Go is antialiasing. On usual panoramas I found oversampling 2.0 for best results, but https://krpano.com/examples/119/examples/webvr/ still looks very ugly
ver 2.2.1
Hi Piotr!
Got it, thanks!Still confused with this button. It stop/start sounds, but in my opinion it need to set all sounds on pause.
Andrew -
Found some problems on default installation of plugin:
1. Background sound2d, press button Sound Off and here is no way to switch it On
2. Press on button Sound Off/On on scenes with s3d sounds restart it instead of mute.
3. Is there way to make different level of background sound on different scenes?
4. There is no Sound Off/On on mobile interface.Test URL http://www.360pano.eu/space/
Sounds XML http://www.360pano.eu/space/html5sound/sounds.xmlregards,
Andrew -
Hi Klaus,
Thank you for answer!
But why here https://krpano.com/examples/119/examples/webvr/video start playing without of touch screen?
Andrew -
For one festival I need to provide WebVR slideshow (mix of panoramas and video) and got the same problem as others: on PC video scene runs with autoplay, but on mobile it's necessary to touch screen for start playing.
So it required to remove phone from headset to start video and insert again.In my opinion for mobile it's necessary to have "skin_video_playpause" button in WebVR interface. Is it possible? Is anybody work on this issue?
Andrew -
On krpano.com plugins page it says "HTML5 Sound Interface Plugin 19€", but on shareit.com - 54.00€!
Can I pay directly without of shareit commission?
I don't know bug or not, but for me on S7 background sound plays only on second scenes. Not after any interactions, but after switch scenes.
FYI: This engine plays sound on smartphone without of interactions https://www.virgo360.com/tour/Cv6GkbQictHxaGKcN
Hi Hernan!
Did you received my e-mail?
Hi Hernan!
1. How I can get updated version of plugin?
2. How I can change alignment of thumbs to right side?
3. I have few scenes in tour, but want to hide some from thumbs. I removed thumburl, but it not help. any ideas? -
Still waiting for html5 multi-res object
Hi all!
Any news here? Anyone succeeded in control panoramas using Leap Motion controller?
Thank you Klaus!
Still no multi-res for HTML5?
7Gb in 45252 files... and no HTML5 support
Klaus, when??? -
2: sacha
thanks for tip!
confirm following uri for webkit is incorrect:
correct is:
but Flash not get xml variable if I use /pano/?show=1&id=571
Just try to convert my site to be accessible with mobile devices.
http://www.360pano.eu/pano/test.xmlFirst example is not work on Apple mobile devices.
test.xml is just static copy of xml that generated by php script. Mime type header is correct.Any ideas?
Andrew Bodrov @ http://360pano.eu
Ok, I found the solution myself ;)