Beiträge von byproxy

    I am using control in my krpano viewer. It is working fine in browser, but when i browse it in iphone, the cameracontrols is not being shown.
    Is cameracontrols not supported in iphone or there is any other way to implement the cameracontrols in iphone. Please help.

    Is there any possibility to count the items in combobox plugin. What i required is that if there is only one item in combobox I want to remove that plugin in xml load complete.
    something like this

    <events onxmlcomplete="if(plugin[SwitchCombo].RowCount()==1,removeplugin(SwitchCombo));" onpreviewcomplete="" onloadcomplete="action(fullscreen);" onenterfullscreen="action(enterfullscreen);" onexitfullscreen="action(exitfullscreen);" />

    <plugin name="SwitchCombo" url="plugins/combobox.swf" alturl="plugins/combobox.js" keep="false" align="lefttop" width="100" x="0" y="0" onloaded="action(AddFloor);" />
    <action name="AddFloor"> removeall();additem(pano-01,'');</action>


    Hi krpano team.
    I got problem on switching to fullscreen on testing ipad in safari browser.
    when I click on fullscreen it shows error like
    "krpanoiphone.js:5 TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'a[_[39]](i)')"

    Hope to get response soon
    Thanks in advance
    Tri Mandir prajapati
    Byproxy Nepal Dot Com Pvt. Ltd.