Thank you for your input. Altough it makes me sad but then I now why it is not working.
Posts by alexey7783
Good day,
I am trying to show an external website with a questionnaire during a tour in WebXR. On mobile devices and desktop we show the questionnaire on the right side in the browser, that is no problem. But during a VR session we want to project the site on a plane next to the user, but it doesn`t work. The external site is not shown, only a white screen. Does anyone have experience with that? And of course this website should be interactive and the clicks on the questionnaire working.
Thank you for your help
Hello again,
I have a tour that I want to use with the Pico 4 and Quest 3. My customer wants to use gaze also on the standalone VR HMDs, instead of controller. Is it possible to configure my tour accordingly?
Best regards
Alex -
You sir Tuur , are the best
it is so simple.... Thank you
perhaps try it with this in the xml.
<image stereo="true" stereoformat="TB">
<sphere url="pano.jpg" />
</image>i hope it makes sense..
Hi guys,
I tried to use the vtour-vr.config as starting point for a tour with stereo equirect. images (8k x 8k JPGs) to use them in Pico 4 or Quest 3 headsets. Technically everything is working fine, I can use the project in the headsets and move through the tour. But I don`t have the feeling that it is stereo. I enabled stereo in the settings, see attachment.
But to be honest, I don't need multires cubemaps, what I want is to use the pure equirect. stereo image, because I can also swap them later, if they change (tour and URL stays the same, I just change the images). How can I do this, I am too stupid to get this out of the forum, nor can ChatGPT help me
And why is there no stereo effect? Maybe there is, but the source material is not good enough and I just cant sense it? I attached one example file.
Thank you so much for your help!!
Alex -
Hi Leute,
wir suchen einen Freelancer für ein Projekt. Es geht darum, dass bestehende 360° Videos (ca. 3-4 Stück) über ein ansprechendes Menu vom User ausgewählt werden könnenn. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die eigentliche "Zielplattform" Android und iPhones im VR Modus sind, also "Cardboard". Es soll optisch was her machen und im Prinzip auch erweitert werden, wenn es unserem Kunden gefällt. Gehostet wird beim Endkunden, doch das Projekt selbst sollen wir erstellen.
Es geht im ersten Schritt darum ein Angebot für den Kunden zu erstellen, wobei die prinzipielle Zusage zu dem Projekt bereits vorliegt.
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