Beiträge von Efimoff

    Не закрываем, но и на развитие нет ресурсов. А реальность такая - что в панорамах можно и нужно постоянно что-то делать и улучшать, что-бы выпустить на массовый рынок - нужно большую работу с серверам проводить - вот и немогу придумать что с этим делать :)

    Not close, but there are no resources for development. And the reality is this - that the panoramas can and should be always something to do and improve, something to release to the mass market - you need a lot of work with the servers hold - that can `t think of anything to do with it :)

    A year ago, designing a website for online creating virtual tours. Website was made for the project, which unfortunately was closed *sad* . Advise what to do with it? Develop it or let die? You can see that it is:

    You can try to work as the creation of virtual tours: (login: demo pass: demo)
    Part of the functionality had to be closed in the demo version

    The project is Russian, but integrated Google translator.

    Please share your thoughts, what should I do?

    I'm sorry for my english

    Roman, panoramic photographer and.....