Posts by mc360photo

    See example at this link:

    The virtual tour has been generated with krpano MAKE VTOUR 1.21.2 adding the Vimeo iframe hotspot.

    When you open the link you will see just in front of you a Vimeo video that is the hotspot.

    Try this:

    1. put the mouse on a side of the iframe hotspot
    2. drag the cursor to move the panorama so that the cursor enters the iframe hotspot
    3. at this point the movement stops
    4. now move the cursor on the other side of iframe hotspot
    5. panorama position jump back close to entering position


    I have a distorted hotspot (type iframe) with a Vimeo video as the iframeurl attribute (the same problem exists with YouTube iframeurl)

    This is the code of the hotspot (i am using krpano ver. 1.21.2):

    <hotspot name="iframespot0001" ath="0" atv="0" type="iframe" edge="center" distorted="true" width="1920" height="1080" scale="0.25" iframeurl=";badge=0&amp;autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479"/>

    When dragging the mouse to look around in the panorama it happens that the cursor goes over the hotspot, at this point the dragging of panorama stops (this is ok because the iframe take control of the mouse position) but when moving again cursor out of the hotspot the panorama position jumps back toward the position where the mouse entered hotspot (this is evident if you exit the panorama on opposite side of the entering side).

    Any suggestion how to solve this annoying problem?



    I need to overlay a text layer on top of a distorted hotspot video but (with version 1.21 build 2023-04-30 and 2023-03-30) the video is no more visible below the text layer (video is playing but is transparent and I can hear its sound). Here the code I have used.
    Instead if the video is rendered as layer (not as hotspot) it is properly visible with the text layer in overlay.

    <hotspot name="hsvideo"
    <layer name="layertext"
    css="font-family:Arial; font-size:20px; color:#000000;"

    I also tried to use a container hotspot with video and text as children layers (see code below) but in this case the video instead of "not visible" is a black layer (but it is playing and I can hear its sound). As soon as I drag the panorama with mouse the video became visible.

    <hotspot name="hscontainer"
    width="384" height="216"
    <layer name="layervideo"
    <layer name="layertext"
    css="font-family:Arial; font-size:20px; color:#000000;"

    Any suggestion how to insert text over a video hotspot?
    Thanks Marco

    At this link the panorama shot with remote control button (JPG format)…iew?usp=sharing

    When generating a makepano tour with config file set as below:

    the scene is produced with empty LAT LNG ALTITUDE HEADING but are properly set the:
    <view hlookat="182.64".../>
    <image prealign="-0.00|182.64|-0.00">

    Thanks Marco

    Ricoh Theta Z1 have an embedded compass but do not have an embedded GPS (it uses the phone GPS data).
    For this reason if you shot using a remote control button (instead of the app in the mobile phone) no GPS data are recorded in the EXIF but the heading from the internal compass is recorded in EXIF.

    It seems that krpanotools.exe doesn't recognize the presence of the compass EXIF data if GPS EXIF data are missing.

    If I process with krpanotools a pano shooted with the mobile phone app, I get all LAT LNG ALTITUDE HEADING data in scene element of tour.xml.
    If I process with krpanotools a pano shooted with the remote control button or the button on the camera (no mobile phone app) all the above data are missing in scene element of tour.xml (also the HEADING is missing but compass data is present in the EXIF)

    Any suggestion?
    Thanks Marco

    I am trying to use flowchildren=h with flowoverflow=true to organize child layers in a parent layer when parent layer is resized.

    It works but the child layers are always arranged with left alignment in the parent.

    I am unable to set center or right alignment of the child layers in the parent layer, it seems that the align attribute of child layers is ignored when flowchildren=h flowoverflow=true is set in the parent.

    Here below a sample of code i am using

    <layer name="myparent" type="container" align="center" width="50%" bgborder="1" flowchildren="h" flowoverflow="true" childmargin="5" childflowspacing="5"/>

    <layer name="mychild1" type="text" align="right" text="Child1" width="200" parent="myparent" />
    <layer name="mychild2" type="text" align="right" text="Child2" width="200" parent="myparent" />
    <layer name="mychild3" type="text" align="right" text="Child3" width="200" parent="myparent" />
    <layer name="mychild4" type="text" align="right" text="Child4" width="200" parent="myparent" />

    Any suggestion?
    Thanks Marco

    Release Notes of version 1.21 states "Container layers can automatically resize their-self based on their children elements" but I am unable to make it working.

    I have a container layer with a child image layer but the container has no size (width=0 hieght=0). What is wrong in code here below?

    <layer name="TestLayerContainer"

    <layer name="TestLayer"

    Thanks Marco

    I am using krpano POPUP IFRAME example code to open a popup with an HTML page (from same domain) inserted as src of the iframe.

    That is ok, the popup open and src page is properly dispayed in the popup, BUT problem is that I need to call a jscript function in the src HTML page from the parent tour.xml code.

    I am able to do this when the iframe is not created using the POPUP IFRAME example code but is inserted by me in the parent HTML. To do this I use this code to call the jscrip function in the iframe src page:

    Problem with POPUP IFRAME is that the "id" of iframe is not defined and the getElementById generate this error:
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getElementById')

    I have also tryed with "getElementsByTagName('iframe');" but same error.

    Any suggestion how to call a js function in the iframe src page from parent tour.xml?


    I am trying to use the command line version of tour_testingserver.exe with the URL made of the page name followed by a querystring, but the querystring is truncated after the first parameter.

    this is the commandline I am using:

    • tour_testingserver.exe -root=C:\Test -url=mytour.html?logkey=true&startscene=1 -interface= -port=8090 -open=default

    but the browser is loaded with a truncated URL, the parameter startscene (or any other parameter) after the & symbol is truncated:

    Any idea how to pass a multiple parameters querystring to tour_testingserver.exe?


    I have some strange behavior of soundinterface plugin when trying to use it on mobile (using last 1.20.7 krpano version)

    1. I generate a virtual tour using the MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet
    2. I add to tour.xml the soundinterface plugin as follows:

      <plugin name="soundinterface"

    3. Finally I add streamsound action to startup action:

      <action name="startup" autorun="onstart">
      if(startscene === null OR !scene[get(startscene)], copy(startscene,scene[0].name); );
      loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE);
      if(startactions !== null, startactions() );

      streamsound(bg_sound, sound.mp3);


    This is the behavior:

    • This works locally using krpano Testing Server on desktop AND mobile (android and iphone)
    • This works remotely from webserver on desktop
    • This DOES NOT work remotely on mobile also if I interact with the browser by click in the pano image (android and iphone)

    Thanks for any suggestion

    I am trying to have a text layer vertically rotated with a background color. I use XML like this:

    <layer name="verticaltext"
    html="vertical text"
    css="color:#FFFFFF; transform: rotate(-90deg);"
    bgalpha="1" />

    The text is properly rotated but the background remain horizontal !!

    If I use HTML with the same css, like this:

    <div style="background-color:#FF0000; transform: rotate(-90deg);">
    vertical text

    both text and background are properly rotated.
    I am doing something wrong or is a bug?

    Thanks for help.

    To make room for a second row of buttons I need to increase the height of the controlbar of vtourskin.xml (last release) when, by resizing, the controlbar width becomes too small to show all the buttons in a single row.

    I have not been able to understand how to dinamically change the height of the controlbar (statically defined by the "skin_setting.controlbar_height" parameter) keeping all the functionality of controlbar scrolling when thumbs and map are open/closed.

    Any help will be really appreciated.


    I am getting wrong result using krpano 1.20.2 to generate VTour from images with Google Photo Sphere metadata.

    I used the default MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet passing an image that has following metadata:

    Cropped Area Image Height Pixels: 3000
    Cropped Area Image Width Pixels : 6720
    Cropped Area Left Pixels : 0
    Cropped Area Top Pixels : 0
    Full Pano Height Pixels : 3360
    Full Pano Width Pixels : 6720
    Initial Camera Dolly : 0.0
    Initial Horizontal FOV Degrees : 90
    Initial View Heading Degrees : 23
    Initial View Pitch Degrees : 0
    Initial View Roll Degrees : 0
    Pose Heading Degrees : 23.07
    Pose Pitch Degrees : 0.0
    Pose Roll Degrees : 0.0
    Projection Type : equirectangular
    Stitching Software : mc360photo
    Use Panorama Viewer : True

    As you can see the image is a full 360° panorama with nadir section cropped; metadata tells that image is starting from Zenith (Cropped Area Top Pixels: 0) but is limited in height at 3000px (Cropped Area Image Height Pixels: 3000) instead of the 3360px of the full sphere (Full Pano Height Pixels: 3360)

    But krpano create a tour.xml that has the horizont in the middle of the image (1500px from the top) instead at the proper position at 1680px from the top. This is the generated <view> element in the tour.xml:

    <view hlookat="23.1" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="range" vlookatmin="-80.357" vlookatmax="80.357" />

    Is it possible to generate automatically a correct VTour from images with the Nadir part cropped and Google Photo Sphere metadata properly set?

    Thanks for help

    Please help me to understand how to use placeholders for xmltemplate and how to change them in the command line.

    I use the command line: "krpanotools makepano -config=vtour-multires.config [options] inputfiles" and I can change the value of the [VIEW] placeholder with -xmltemplate_view=... in the [options] but I do not understand how to change the value for other placeholders in the xmltemplate file like, for instance, the [VIEWLIMITS] placeholder.

    What to do to change [VIEWLIMITS] placeholder from default limitview="auto" to limitview="lookat"?

    Thanks Marco