Posts by clio

    ?? sorry i didn't understand...

    i have another question, is it possible to add flare by programming?

    i explain : in a big virtual tour i used old lensflare plugin, now with krpano 1.2 lensflares don't appears... i have to add lensflare in more than 2000 pano, i can't do that one by one...

    Before i had a lensflare file (lensflare.xml) like this :

    <lensflares name="obj">
    <item name="flarka000001" ath="-115.7" atv="-1.1" scene="scene_1" typ="blinkstyle4" dust_effect="false"/>
    <item name="flarka000002" ath="175" atv="-9" scene="scene_2" typ="blinkstyle2" dust_effect="false"/>
    <item name="flarka000003" ath="166" atv="-8" scene="scene_3" typ="blinkstyle2" dust_effect="false"/>


    <item name="flarka002000" ath="175" atv="-8" scene="scene_2000" typ="blinkstyle2" dust_effect="false"/>


    is it possible to use this file to add lensflare by programming in my new virtual tour (krpano 1.2)?

    Thank you

    hello, i have a string where there is the caracter '
    i want to replace it by another caract, with the txtreplace function.
    i tried diferent codes but it does not work...
    i tried for example these lines of code :
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, ''', 'othercaract');
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, ', 'othercaract');

    i tried the unicode ('), and the hexacode (%27) too, like this:
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, ', 'othercaract');
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, ''', 'othercaract');
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, %27, 'othercaract');
    txtreplace(myvar2, myvar1, '%27', 'othercaract');
    but it doesn't work...
    If someone has an idea ?
    thank's a lot in advance

    je me rends compte que tu es français comme moi *tongue* , et donc peut être que si je t'expose mon pb en français ce sera plus clair (désolé pour mon anglais...)...
    J'ai donc fait un "virtual tour" simple avec "MAKE VTOUR (VR-OPT) droplet.bat", que j'ai ensuite mis en ligne sur mon site, je mets le casque oculus go, je vais dans "navigation" puis dans "navigateur", je tape l'adresse de mon "virtual tour", il apparait bien dans la fenêtre (rectangle) du navigateur, j'ai aussi un bouton rectangulaire qui apparaît en plein milieu de cette fenêtre du navigateur avec le texte suivant "Enter VR". Quand je clique dessus la fenêtre se scinde en 2 parties (gauche droite), mais je ne suis pas en mode VR puisque c'est juste la fenêtre qui s'est scindée en 2, autour de la fenêtre il n'y a toujours rien (ou plutôt que du gris), et lorsque je tourne la tête avec le casque j'ai toujours cette fenêtre en plein millieu, et l'image du pano qui est dedans ne tourne pas... je ne comprends pas car il y a qqs années j'avais fait un test d'un virtual tour avec oculus go et ça marchait très bien... j'ai du me planter quelquepart mais je ne sais pas du tout où... peut être ne dois je pas utiliser le navigateur de l'oculus go mais autre chose? si tu as une idée elle est la bienvenue, merci en tout cas de t'intéresser à mon pb... ciao

    thank you, but my pb is the same when i use the "MAKE VTOUR (VR-OPT) droplet.bat" with only 2 simple panos...
    i put my occulus go on, i write the adress of the virtual tour, it appears well on the rectangular screen of the browser, but when i click on the mask to put it in vrmode, it's only separate the rectangular screen in 2 equal sections, i don't see my virtual tour in vrmode, and when i turn the head it doesn't turn the pano...whereas i should see it in every direction... Some years ago i saw a simple krpano virtual tour in occulus go, it was perfect... i don't know where i'm wrong (configuration? other?...)... If you have an idea, thank you very much...

    hello, i made a virtual tour, when i launch it there is a black screen with a vr button i the middle appear. When i click on this button it activate vrmode on the screen of a computer.
    All is allright with a samsung gear+samsung s7 edge.
    Yesterday i received an oculus go, i launch oculus browser to open my virtual tour. when i launch it i have my button that appears, but i have another button with the text "0 ENTER VR" that appears in front of it in the middle of the screen of the browser. when i click on it it doesn't put my virtual tour in VRmode...?
    Can someone help me to find where i'm wrong?
    Thank's a lot in advance...

    sometimes i have pb with my videopanos, it is most in the case when my video are very heavy... i think i'm not a good "adobe premiere exporter"...
    Your opinion is welcome for my questions, for you :
    What are the best parameters to keep good quality? to have a good looking in VR mode?
    Which type of file keep the best quality: mp4 or webm?
    Which rate (0-100 mbits/sec) for a good looking do i have to use in exporting in adobe premiere ? other parameters?

    Thank's a lot for your opinion about this subject *smile*

    A client gave me for some days his oculus go for testing krpano virtual tour offline, but i don't know where to begin...

    Jordi said :
    "If you do not hack it, you cannot have local files"

    Could you please explain how hack an oculus go?... or where (website or other) i can find how to do this?