Posts by San7


    Hi, I don't understand what you're talking about...I have already written about the changes in the posts above, posted screenshots and gave links to an example and a demo version so that users could see the difference.

    Hello everyone! *smile*

    UPDATE of the menu plugin version 2.2!

    • Almost completely changed the logic of the menu code.
    • Changed the menu design editing panel, control is more visual and convenient.
    • Now the menu has an interactive - if there is a transition to another panorama not through the menu (by arrows, by buttons, etc.), then the menu will automatically show a thumbnail or button corresponding to the displayed panorama.
    • Added a tab for setting background filters , such as blur, saturation, etc.
    • To select images, icons, audio files, a window with thumbnails (list) from the corresponding folder opens, no need to open Explorer and specify the path.

    Test it online
    Download the demo version, it is fully working, it only differs in the inscription "DEMO"


    Hi, everybody!
    In the next version, the interface will be changed, the menu code will be almost completely changed.
    Filters such as bluer, saturated, etc. will be added that can be applied to
    menu containers and buttons.
    When navigating through the arrows in the tour, the thumbnail corresponding to this panorama will be automatically displayed in the menu, even if it is inside several attachments.


    here another possibility as one-liner:

    set(('button.'+attribute), value);

    The ('button.'+attribute) gets evaluated as expression and its result then is used as argument for the set() call.

    Notes the other suggestions from above - using array indices [] for addressing attributes doesn't work in krpano action code, that's Javascript syntax.

    Best regards,

    Hi,Klaus! Thank you for the information! *thumbsup*

    yes, but it's js.
    I wanted to understand how to write it in krpano
    I tried button["*attr"] = val; and it doesn't work for me.

    test(screenshot, x, 50);
    <action name="test" scope="local" args="name,attr,val" >
    button = layer[*name];
    button[*attr] = val;

    should work, doesn't it ?

    altough... it doesn't make much sense, because this is way better understandable:

    layer[screenshot].x = 50;


    yes, this is a simplified example and it doesn't make sense, but my code needs this mechanism itself.

    button[*attr] = val; It doesn't work


    b2 = 'b.'+a;

    It seems to be working, oddly enough *smile*

    I am a developer who purchased and developed krpano.

    When I add a hotspot and click save, the hotspot I added does not appear in tour.xml and only undefined is displayed. help me

    1. Does my example from the archive work?
    2. What is the difference between your tour and my tour from the example?
    3. Describe in detail and consistently what you are doing. There is not enough information to analyze
    4. If the problem remains, then do so:
    Create a test tour from a single panorama
    Connect only the add hotspot plugin and make sure that the plugin does not work.
    Send me the archive of this tour and I'll see what the problem is.

    I'm getting the "invalid name! Names need to begin with an alphabetic character!" error with krpano 1.21.2 (build 2023-12-11). I like having panoramas name "01 Something...", "02 Something else...". Can we have that functionality restored please Klaus?

    Does this apply to the add hotspot plugin?
    Is there a problem with the plugin disabled?

    I can't manage it. When I work with the example template it works very well. However, when I insert a panorama of mine into the example tour, saving it in my panorama doesn't work. After saving my panorama, the scene end </scene> is missing and no callout is added. I'm working with the latest Krpano version. But I can only find one difference. My panoramas have a higher resolution.

    There was a problem due to the presence of capital letters in the title of the scenes. I have corrected the error. I have sent the corrected files to your email.


    Soon I will add the ability to display in the center within a given zone. The information will be hidden behind the edges of the zone.
    I will also add text wrapping when pressing shift+enter

    I can't manage it. When I work with the example template it works very well. However, when I insert a panorama of mine into the example tour, saving it in my panorama doesn't work. After saving my panorama, the scene end </scene> is missing and no callout is added. I'm working with the latest Krpano version. But I can only find one difference. My panoramas have a higher resolution.

    Hi, can you send me an archive of the tour with the plug-in connected, which has this problem?

    Hello, I have purchased and used your Floor Plans plugin, but I am currently facing an issue. When using it on a mobile phone, I click to open the map, and then clicking on the map area brings up an info notification as shown in the picture. How can I prevent this notification from appearing? Please guide me on how to disable that notification. I do not want it to appear.


    Hello, I have already sent you an answer by mail, I will duplicate it here.
    The bug has been fixed in the updated version, download the latest update here  , Use your key file from the mail!!!