Posts by bulp

    hi all.. maybe some of you give tips or offer extra services to your client that have their own website built with Wordpress a Panoramic is a WordPress plugin allows you to use Google Street View with auto rotation in the your web page. You can easily customize the appearance of panoramas rotation speed and size. < Wordpress Version < JQuery Version

    Just a share......

    if you are a website designer / programmer would you do this ? will put "commercial free" Street View as a background of your website ?

    Panoramic is a javaScript library allows you to use Google Street View in the background of the web page.

    For desktops devices panoramas can rotate automatically, for mobile device shows a static image of this panorama. Included is a background layer pattern ready for use

    you can see the sample here

    and can get it (buy the script) here

    id notice this script an xml example of dragablelayer totally can drag out of screen / canvas area..

    anyway how to limit it with in canvas / screen


    Thanks for your request. Actually I started working on it some time ago but never complete it as nobody was interested.
    Now I will definitely get it done. But first I'm going to finish documentation for new versions of SWFAddress and Google Analytics plugins.

    Cool.. this month i can buy some coffee for you.. share ur paypal acc.. :)

    We all love WordPress, but in most cases we prefer to hide the fact that we are using a blogging platform for our entire business. From other side every day a couple of new security bugs found in plugins, themes and WordPress itself.

    This is natural for a popular software but are we safe? Can all plugin authors be notified timely about bugs? Are all of them responsible for security problems they generated? or Can we update our themes and plugins everyday?

    Hide My WP created to help us. It not only boosts our security but it also allows us to have more beautiful URLs and permalinks!

    Boost your security

    Hide My WP control access to PHP files. It protects your site from 95% of SQL-Injection and XSS attacks. This means you can install unsafe plugins without worry about security.
    You know hackers, spammers and robots all love WordPress, too with Hide My WP they can’t recognize WordPress and simply ignore you!

    Hide Your Wordpress *thumbsup*

    it doesn`t display included panoramic photos, only link and doesn`t show all posts. *thumbdown*

    well.. thats the flaw of external script.. unless the whole embed url been share into the FB pages..

    it DOES SHAW ALL POSTS .. as it is use FB feed instead of post... FB graph define feed as all the post by admin or visitor will be publish... (that we use) Fb graph for post is only display the admin post / status only...

    there is limit for the comments for more 25 comments that you get in 1 post... we will fix it...

    hi.. id just can't make this code works in HTML5...

    the layer...

    the action...

    its been a long time i didnt do krpano code.... maybe someone can help me...



    I thought you meant that the online demo is now working correctly. I think you mean the personal work you are doing is now working.

    Either way I would appreciate knowing whether this plugin will work with an iPad. Many thanks.

    zzzone, id test this swfaddress plugin for html5 and its works.... you can try it here *thumbsup*

    now my biggest problem is ... its didnt works in Flash.. :( .. maybe id didnt set it properly..

    Klaus, this is the link... change the minimize bar button only... and in html5 mode.. there is no responsive area to start drag the tour.. id notice only rightside of the screen can be drag.. the rest left side include the button cant be click...

    this link id put ur hardwarelimit code...

    and Klaus,.. can i have code for onhover / onover to show current thumbnail scene name, both on hotspot buttons... :)

    erm.. last time i think there is effect for layer or image blendmode... ie overlay, multiple, different etc.. on this version do those effect still available and do html5 support it ?


