Beiträge von gizmo

    Hello I would like to add a border to a hotspot image.
    How to do ? (krpano-1.19-pr13)

    I added the following line and it does not work

    set(hs.border, '4 0xFFBB00 1.0');

    Other solution if possible ...
    How to add the following layer parent to the hotspot in <action>?

    <layer name="skin_thumb_border" type="container" x="0" y="0" zorder="1000" width="1604" height="1071" visible="true" enabled="false" align="" bgborder="get:skin_settings.design_thumbborder_bgborder" bgroundedge="get:skin_settings.design_thumbborder_bgroundedge" scale="0.075" />

    I am desperate
    please waiting for your answer


    in the example 'cylinder-grid-hotspots.xml'

    I would like to get a mosaic with


    calc_spherical_offset is not suitable for calculating 'ATH'. the hotspots are superimposed.

    by what to replace this line

    calc(hs.ath, (x - cnt/2) * wo + wo/2);
    calc(hs.ath, ...???... );

    by what to replace this action

    <action name="calc_spherical_offset">
      Math.atan2(a, %1, 500);
      calc(%2, a * 180.0 / Math.PI);
    <action name="calc_not_spherical_offset">

    help me please

    Bonjour j'ai un problème...
    Je ne comprend pas pourquoi le texte ne s'affiche pas !

    Hello I have a problem ...
    I do not understand why the text is not displayed!

    variante qui ne marche pas non plus!
    variant that does not work either!

    meme si je met cette ligne à la place ca ne change rien
    even if I put this line instead it does not change anything

    set(layer[get(box_title)].html, 'test text');

    que dois je faire ? (j'utilise krpano-1.19-pr3)
    what should I do ? (I use krpano-1.19-pr3)