Posts by thevtman

    Hi Nupsi, thanks for your response

    You are thinking from a defensive point of view but customers/realtors are not thinking that way.

    They can get a floor plan right away.
    I can give them a tour with a floor plan that is just as nice or better but I would have to do more to produce but also charge more.
    Most realtors are not looking for the best quality, they are looking for the best price.

    This quick result allow them to offer better price with good enough results.

    If I should say I can offer the same price then I would be working harder and delivering a better quality tour for the same or lower price than I want to.

    They use 3D mapping to capture the floor plan.

    I assure you that if this comes to your city and is well promoted, it will affect your business.

    I am not saying they produce better tours, I am saying they provide a quicker solution. Quicker for them so it translates into better pricing for their customers.

    Hello everyone, it me again on this IGuide system

    Please check this out


    Just want to revisit this post because there are two companies in my area doing this and they seem to have taken over the market from tradition virtual tours.

    The selling point seem to be the floor plans.
    It's not the quality of the plans but the tech used to generate it and the ability to have measurements right there on in the tour.

    This may not affect you because it's not in your city but it is in mine and it's hard to beat.
    Is there a tool out there I can add to my system to automatically generate these floor plans as easily and effectively as these system?

    Does anyone else have something like this in their city.

    Thank you

    I just want to say thanks to spacerywirtualne for his great support on the virtual tour builder.

    I bought the builder and I must say it's a very awesome plugin and on top of that, spacerywirtualne offers great support.

    I would really encourage anyone who has thought about buying this plugin to go ahead and buy it.

    This has made my life easier and I think it will only get better as we continue to make suggestions and suggesting new ideas.

    Keep up the great work spacerywirtualne.

    Thanks for your help and great support

    I have been watching your builder for a while now and I am very impressed with it but I have a few questions.

    1. In the note section of the plugin page you stated

    1. Use the newest krpano version - min 1.19 pr8!
    2. Do not make any independent code changes.

    I am not sure what you are suggesting here, are you saying that if I use your builder I cannot make code changes to had things I would want to have in my tour?
    2. If I have a floor plan image and want to create with radars, do you have a tool that does that similar to the map link?

    3. On the page to buy your plugin I notice there is section for coupon code. Is thee a current discount coupon code that offers a discount.
    Thank you

    1. The sync is fine
    As for the network, I started out using a network via my router and was in a bind where I had no access to a working network so I google how to connect directly to your Apple TV with your IPad and I found a solution that worked perfectly. I am not on that machine now so I do not have the link to that tutorial.

    2. My ultimate solution for a touch control Virtual Tour on a TV will be this when it's released (Wave).

    Hope this helps

    I really love this iframe function but I am having an issue
    I use it to call an html audio player.
    Instead of an hotspot I used a layer button so it loads in a layer but when I close the layer, the music still plays.

    Any suggestions

    Here is my code

    <layer name="iframe" align="centertop" x="10" y="2" keep="true" url="skin/PlayButtonRed.png" zorder="2" scale="1.0" style="tooltip" tooltip="Play Samples" onclick="switch(autorotate.enabled); add_iframe('player/index.html', 450, 650); showinfo(closeiframe); " devices="!mobile"/>
    <layer name="closeiframe" url="skin/click_here.png" zorder="999" parent="layer[iframe]" keep="true" align="centertop" x="0" y="2" visible="false" alpha="0" scale="1.0" onclick="hideinfo(iframe); "/>

    Here is my "hideinfo" action.

    <action name="hideinfo"> 
    tween(plugin[%1].alpha, 0, 0.5, default, set(plugin[%1].visible,false));
    tween(plugin[%1].scale, 0.5); 

    When I click on the layer "closeinframe", the iframe goes away but the music still plays
    Is there a way to kill the inframe along with the sound from the audio player?

    Thanks in advance

    I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I do this.

    I get the apple app called "folderplus"
    I install the app to my IPAD
    I then download the desktop software that allows me to attach my IPAD to the computer where I can upload the actual virtual tour folder to my IPAD.

    From there I use an Apple TV to connect to my TV.
    I load the VT on my IPAD then mirror my IPAD to the TV via the Apple TV.
    From there, whatever I do on the IPAD show on the TV.
    I now have a full touch function showing on my TV

    Sorry if I missed what you wanted but this is what I think you were asking for.

    Thanks for the response

    Yes I want to do something like the link you posted.
    Do you have an example of it working with your addon?

    Thank you

    I want to buy this plugin but is it possible to have a progress bar for the sound.I mean to go back or forward in the track or to skip to ahead.

    In the latest version (update soon) by using the seek method will be able to control the progression of playing.
    You will be able to create any interface element using krpano coding.

    For example, something like that


    Argh... I didn't see your message, Urke... And I juste received a S6 + Gear innovator and have the same problem. Did you find any solution for using S6 + innovator with Krpano ?

    Any help welcome.

    Best regards

    I am using GearVR for S6 and this is what I do

    1. Download Package Disabler Pro from the play store
    2. Launch Package Disabler Pro and search for "vrsvc" this is the Gear VR service
    3. Disable it
    4. Once that is disabled you should be able to browse to the tour you want and then insert your phone into the device.

    That works for me, I hope it does for you
    Thanks to "sachagriffin" on the forum who helped me with this

    Did you try my suggestion at all?

    Try it and continue on with your day.
    ....scroll down.. find Gear VR. Disable it. done.

    Thank you

    I did not pay attention that stating "Gear VR Services" differs from searching for Oculus.
    I should have pay attention to that.
    I found it, disabled it and all is well, I can now go about my day.

    Just a note
    If you desire to find it via the app's search function, search for vrsvc

    Thanks again

    You leave all that stuff be.
    Gear VR service is what you disable.

    There are 6 things related to Oculus

    Disabling none of these solved my problem
    No matter which one I disable, I still get a sound and a blank screen when I place the phone in the Gear VR, even if I have it open to the url of the tour in the browser.

    I need to know what I am doing wrong.

    This is the app I am using to disable it Package Disabler Pro
    Thank You

    Hello All

    I just got the Samsung Gear VR for the Galaxy S6/S6 Edge and it is awesome.
    I have to upload my panoramic images to the Oculus/360Photos folder to view my panoramas and they look great.
    I wanted to view my actual tours via a browser so I bought the "package disable Pro" and I disabled everything related to Oculus by searching for Oculus in the "package disable" app.

    When I attach my phone to the Gear VR it makes a sound but nothing comes on, I cannot see the browser screen on my phone

    Are there anyone here using the same gear and is able to get it to work?
    If so, can you please share

    Thank you