Posts by magnifiko

    I need to use text variables. Total variables are 50-100 pieces. They are subjected to different places in the tour. But I need them to be in one place so that I can change them at will.
    How to do it, use date = or style =? What will be faster for work?
    <data name="data1"> maintext1 </data>
    <data name="data2"> maintext2 </data>
    <data name="data50"> maintext50 </data>

    <layer name="1" ...... html="data:data1"
    <layer name="10" ...... html="data:data5"

    <style name="data1" html="maintext1" />
    <style name="data2" html="maintext2" />
    <style name="data50" html="maintext50" />

    <layer name="1" ...... style="data1"
    <layer name="10" ...... style="data2"

    <layer name="13" ...... style="data37"

    Which option will have less impact on the performance of the tour?


    Send me a link to this project, preferably with audio files and without them, so that I can compare them.


    I analyze a code for increase in speed of work now.
    I have here such question: after installation of the Html5Soundmute team (sur2, true); whether there is load of the processor on work of a sound of sur2? Whether it is possible to be sure that work of a sound of sur2 doesn't influence speed?
    Or the sound of sur2 continues to work, but its loudness is equal to 0?

    Many thanks!!
    I will try these command in our tour. I almost don't know html of programming, but I will try to make animation during loading of xml of files.

    But I want here what to ask still. You have created krpano and the majority of plug-ins. Only you can tell what most of all influences productivity of work of a tour on mobile devices? In our tours it is much used plug-ins of textfield and scrollarea... can do it incorrectly? Also there are a lot of constantly open layers (multipage menu). It can be necessary to do only dynamically created layers (addlayer)?
    I need very to understand - how to optimize our tour that there was more smoothly a graphic work on mobile devices?
    Whether such plug-ins - gyro2, radar and others can influence speed smoothness...?

    We have made many rounds on the basis of krpano and we apply your plug-in of html5sound.
    But we try to solve a problem of slow work of tours now. I have carried out long analy works of a tour and have come to a conclusion that your plug-in very strongly influences work speed.
    And here two types of problems.

    The first:
    as soon as I add a line
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/html5sound/xmls/init.xml"></include>
    that is visible at once that a tour works much more slowly on phones (samsung j5 & iphone 6). The smoothness of the movement of panoramas vanishes, the image at management of a finger twitches. As soon as I remove a line that at once everything works with init.xml quickly.
    I tried to remove a part of sounds, doesn't help. At us was: 1 music, and 2-3 sounds 3D in each scene. I have removed music and one sound. Became slightly quicker. I even tried to remove in general all sounds - all the same when loading init.xml works more slowly!)) Can be to eat some feature in work of a plug-in which I don't know? It can be possible to reduce influence of a plug-in on productivity?

    The second:
    At start of panoramas in phones init.xml is long loaded. What mechanism of start init.xml? Perhaps the plug-in checks all sounds in all a tour? Can be to eat a way to accelerate this process?

    At present I could only make the prompt at tour start (instead of the black screen at initialization of all xml of files)...

    PS: all sound files at us small, approximately on the 500th kilobyte. Each file is written down in two options - a MP3 and ogg. Bitrate - 128 kilobits. The version of a plug-in - 3.1.2 and 3.1.0.


    I have understood how to make the picture before start of tour.xml
    I have created start.xml in which the picture with a logo is started.
    And I have stated in the index.html file: ( "loadpano (start.xml);"); ( "loadpano (tour.xml);");
    Has added event onloadcomplete for shutdown of the picture with a logo to tour.xml.

    But I have made in start.xml the picture with animation. But animation doesn't work during loading of all xml of files. There is no opportunity to make animation? Only the static picture?

    Correctly I understand that during performance of initial processing of all xml of files nothing can be carried out in general?

    PS: I have made several experiments, at me it hasn't turned out to use the loadxml team for start of group of commands. I have version 19.16.
    I have drawn a conclusion that the loadxml team won't help for reduction of time of loading of xml of files...

    Yes, I understand that the speed of the server can influence. At us all tours are located on one hosting. And on the usual Internet on a usual vompyyuter everything opens quickly. The black screen is too, but it goes one second, it isn't terrible. And everything works on fast devices and the fast Internet too well.
    But our tours will be watched by very different people on very different devices, and under different conditions of speed of the Internet. Therefore the question is very important for us - how to make some picture during the black screen (loading of xml)?

    PS: html5sound plug-in of course at first loads files, but these files on the 500th kilobyte. Matter in another. Similar to the fact that at start of init.xml for work of all tour some processes which strongly take device processor resources are imposed.

    I have only one preload team = "true" in line
    <plugin name="soundinterface" url="plugins/soundinterface.swf" alturl="plugins/soundinterface.js" rootpath="" volume="0.2" preload="true" keep="true"></plugin>

    But I disconnected it, and it didn't help. On the contrary, I am forced to pass to soundinterface.js plug-in as it has accelerated loading in comparison with work of html5sound.

    Here what is included in my tour:
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/skin/vtourskin.xml"></include>
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/html5sound/xmls/init.xml"></include>
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/skin/lensflare/core.xml"></include>
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/Gallery_photoSM/Gallery_M.xml"></include>
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/Gallery_photoSM/Setting_gallery.xml"></include>
    in the vtourskin.xml file:
    <include url="%CURRENTXML%/plugins/webvr.xml" devices="html5"></include>

    I tried to disconnect everything, but it hasn't given effect. But when I remove init.xml that becomes quicker even if all teams on this plug-in are disconnected. Each additional sound in a scene increases loading time. Therefore I have also transferred work of music to soundinterface.js (soundinterface.swf).

    I with pleasure would use only a plug-in of soundinterface.js (soundinterface.swf), but in him teams don't work 3D and 2D... At me it has turned out to start only simple sounds.

    But it not all. In we wash a tour there are some more modules. The biggest - it is difficult the menu in which there are a lot of layers and sclrollarea.swf is used. When I move away him, is loaded about 10% quicker.
    There are still modules the plan scheme in which there are also a lot of layers. There is still a module of Google Map and the plan scheme for the VR mode. If to remove all these modules that loading 30% faster. Likely I could divide all these modules in separate xml files and load only at the first appeal to these functions. By means of the loadxml team? Or it is impossible?

    Thanks a lot for such detailed answer!
    But the matter is that it is very necessary to make such screen of expectation.
    I have made many experiments today. Even the simple tour created by means of krpano in which there is nothing superfluous even such tour shows the black screen 3-4cek in phone through wifi in Mozilla and 1 sec. in Chrome. If the Internet goes through 3G, then the zazherzhka turns out very big, 5-30 sec. It is necessary for us that in the period of the black screen there was a message or something flickering in order that the user didn't worry.
    I don't know as to make it... I don't know how to connect command execution in index.html with team of a tour in xml.... It is necessary that this screen was switched off upon termination of loading of all xml of files...

    I want to make still experiments with the loadxml team. But it is strong won't help as the main part of plug-ins has to be started at start. Only a little it can help.

    I will write to html5sound developers concerning delay of work of the krpano tour, it really strongly influences.

    We have made a big tour (30 panoramas) in which many additional modules are used (html5sound, photo gallery, Google maps, textfield, scrollarea, gyro, webvr, lensflare). And when loading on phone we have a big delay (5-50 seconds depending on the speed of the Internet). And the greatest part of this delay - the black screen.
    But whether is a way instead of this black screen to show the picture with the message "to Tour is loading. Please wait"?
    It is very important for us as many users have a feeling that phone has frozen... :)
    I read messages at a forum on such delays. And I have understood that I won't be able strongly to reduce these delays. For example, about 20-30% of this delay are caused by addition of a plug-in of html5sound (include init.xml).
    Klaus , can be you will prompt as to us to resolve this issue?
    It is perhaps necessary to add team to index.html? I not really well understand html programming...

    It is a shame to me to admit, but I don't know a basis of HTML of programming at all... :( Very much I ask to help to resolve this very important issue up to the end.
    I have added your example to index.html, but the standard option of a mistake from tour.js is all the same displayed...
    Here is how my index.html looks now:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>krpano - 9</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    @-ms-viewport { width:device-width; }
    @media only screen and (min-device-width:800px) { html { overflow:hidden; } }
    html { height:100%; }
    body { height:100%; overflow:hidden; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; }

    <script src="tour.js"></script>

    <script src="html5sound/js/howler.core.min.js"></script>
    <script src="html5sound/js/howler.effects.min.js"></script>

    <div id="pano" style="width:100%;height:100%;">
    <noscript><table style="width:100%;height:100%;"><tr style="vertical-align:middle;"><td><div style="text-align:center;">ERROR:<br/><br/>Javascript not activated<br/><br/></div></td></tr></table></noscript>
    embedpano({swf:"tour.swf", xml:null, target:"pano", html5:"auto", mobilescale:1.0, onready: function (tour)
    tour.set ("events.onxmlerror", function () {console.log ("error:" + tour.get ("lasterror"));}); ( "loadpano (tour.xml);");


    <krpano version="1.19" title="Virtual Tour" >

    Thanks! I tried to make so, here a part of my tour.xml:

    <events name="onxmlerror" keep="true" onxmlerror="xmlerror();" />

    <action name="xmlerror" >
    set(layer[xmlerror].url, %CURRENTXML%/skin/fatalerror.jpg);
    set(layer[xmlerror].keep, true);
    set(layer[xmlerror].zorder, 99);
    set(layer[xmlerror].align, center);
    set(layer[xmlerror].width, 100%);
    set(layer[xmlerror].height, 100%);

    But it doesn't work...
    If there is no xml, for example webvr.xml, or because of a bad connection of WiFi couldn't be loaded, then there is a standard option of a mistake which is formed by the main tour.js module
    We have a problem that under no circumstances nobody has to see an absolute path to our files (to our hosting).
    If for example there is a mistake when loading tour .xml, then the method with won't help. And such mistake is theoretically possible.
    Can be to eat some team which can be added for example to the index.html file instead of a line - <script src="tour.js"></script> ?

    Problem: at emergence of a fatal mistake (the black screen) on the screen the complete absolute path to the file which could not be loaded (for example - http://.........../plugins/webvr.xml) is displayed. To us it is very important that nobody has seen the link to file (our hosting).

    Whether there is an opportunity to make that at such mistakes the way to the file was not displayed?
    It is very important for us. Very much we ask for help.
    Maybe somebody faced such problem?

    Hi, Piotr

    We have made several virtual rounds in which your plug-in is used. By means of your plug-in music is started (plays constantly) and separate 3D sounds (different in each scenes).
    After updating music has ceased to work for the version of a plug-in 3.1.1. At first music is started, but after transition to the following scene music vanishes. Start of music at us is registered so:

    <events name="music" onxmlcomplete="playHtml5sound2D(true, bgmus, assets/music50, 1, 0.2, true); set(events[music].onxmlcomplete, null); set(bgmusoff, 0);" />

    Before updating everything worked steadily

    What command in your plug-in allows to execute preliminary loading of audio of files?
    In a plug-in of soundinterface (krpano) there is a preload team.
    And whether there is a similar opportunity in your plug-in?

    If to use a plug-in of soundinterface (krpano), then a sound (music for example) it will be started in phone at once.
    And if to start the same music by means of your plug-in, then music will be started in phone in 10 sec. Such delay does not allow to apply this plug-in in commercial projects. In the modern world the program has to start music along with his loading.
    In our project a lot of audio of texts on 6Mb, and I in a difficult situation is used now, I do not know what should I do... everything is started very slowly.

    Maybe there is only one option, Yu to use the onload command?
    And during loading of audio of the file to show the picture "to load audio, please wait"...