Beiträge von lilxxl

    i dont understand why Firefox alone among all other web browsers displays this error message:

    INFO: krpano 1.16.5 (build 2013-07-09)
    INFO: Desktop/Win32 - Firefox 22.0 - WebGL
    INFO: registered to: **************
    ERROR: soundinterface - loading of col.mp3|col.ogg failed!

    In all other browsers and devices i can hear the sound, so the paths is right for it. I've tried to load it on a Firefox 18 (on PC that doesnt connect to web) and it work perfectly.
    Also i have the same error on Safari 5.1.7 - loading of col.mp3 failed

    The code of this

    <plugin name="soundinterface" url="plugins/soundinterface.swf" 
     alturl="plugins/soundinterface.js" volume="0.35"  preload="true" keep="true" />
    <action name="playMusic">
    playsound('Music', 'col.mp3|col.ogg', loops='1')

    Link to tour

    I dont understand why this browser cant load the ogg file... *pinch*

    Help, pls, I cant find a right way to do this myself.

    I have a tour. When it starts, it shows one intro image, wait for 4 seconds and then dissapears.
    For example:

    When I put this code into the first scene - it works, but of course it load every time, when the first scene is loaded.
    When I put it just after <krpano version=""> and before scenes - in doesnt work, even if onloaded or onstart in defined in <krpano version="">... *wacko* Maybe there's something need to be added to make it work?

    So the question is - how to make this plugin LOAD ONLY ONCE in first scene / or when tour starts???? *confused*

    Thanx *rolleyes*

    I've just finished a tour for iphone/ipad, but when i try to open it in safari - i get a warning message


    WARNING: soundinterface - HTML5 audio is not supported by this browser!

    It works in usual mode in this browser, but when switching to iphone - i get message and sound doesn't work.

    Does it mean, that it does not work only in Safari, but it will be working on iphone?? I dont have an iphone, so i cant check it by myself.
    the code is^