Posts by agufon

    Another small problem, which surely has an easy solution, but I can't find it.
    I use this code so that it goes from one panorama to the other with a smooth fade between both panoramas:

    <hotspot name="adelante01" url="imag/adelante.png" onloaded="do_crop_animation(60,60,2);" ath="-96" atv="0" onclick="lookto(get(ath),0,70,smooth(400,20,100)); loadscene(scene_03,null,MERGE,ZOOMBLEND(2.0, 2.0, easeInOutSine));" scale="1" style="tooltip" distorted="false" tooltip="Sala 305-III" ondown="draghotspot();"/>

    However, it does not work that the miniature of the panel that is displayed is in the center of the panels (I have about 50 miniatures) and on the mobile especially it is very uncomfortable.

    I added skin_nextscene (0) to it; and the code was like this

    <hotspot name="adelante01" url="imag/adelante.png" onloaded="do_crop_animation(60,60,2);" ath="-96" atv="0" onclick="lookto(get(ath),0,70,smooth(400,20,100)); loadscene(scene_03,null,MERGE,ZOOMBLEND(2.0, 2.0, easeInOutSine));skin_nextscene(0);" scale="1" style="tooltip" distorted="false" tooltip="Sala 305-III" ondown="draghotspot();"/>

    But by adding skin_nextscene (0); no longer makes the smooth passage from one panorama to another and takes a jump if the desired effect.

    Does the thumbnail centering instruction have to be put elsewhere in the code?
    Thank you

    When using this great way to display popup windows (…tml5=only+webgl) it has the disadvantage that the popup opens, but the whole panorama continues to work, even the lower menu (which is not seen in the example). What happens is that if the user clicks to change the panorama, the new one drags the blur and it cannot be eliminated if The page will not reload.
    I have tried to put something similar to z-index, but I have not achieved satisfactory result. Any option?

    I have already made it work, according to your advice:, however the image is upside down horizontally.
    For the sphere I could solve it by reflecting the original image, but it would be better to get it by programming so that the image would be valid for the sphere and for the plane.

    He was trying to see the flat map, setting up a second scene (as seen in but instead it appears as a cube, with the map correctly oriented, but inside the cube in instead of flat. It's like keeping the 3D *cry*

    I'll end up learning ;-), although maybe I want to do the impossible.

    Thank you very much for your correction.
    The thing about the spaces may have been when pasting from the Dreamwearer, because in my code they were not.
    For the rest, I must be doing something else wrong, because I have substituted what you happen to me in my scene and the screen is still black. It's maddening *cry*
    Could the STL file be incorrect?

    Thank you very much Mische.
    I have downloaded a sphere in STL format and I have put the code that seems to have your example, but it does not work for me. *cry*
    Este es el código que le he puesto:

    <scene name = "scene_mapamundi_br" title = "mapamundi_br" onstart = "" thumburl = "panos / mapamundi_br.tiles / thumb.jpg" lat = "" lng = "" heading = "">
    <view hlookat = "0.0" vlookat = "0.0" fovtype = "MFOV" fov = "120" maxpixelzoom = "2.0" fovmin = "70" fovmax = "140" />
    <preview url = "panos / mapamundi_br.tiles / preview.jpg" />
    <cube url = "panos / mapamundi_br.tiles / pano_% s.jpg" />
    <depthmap url = "panos / mapamundi_br.tiles / 300_polygon_sphere_100mm.stl" enabled = "true" rendermode = "3dmodel" background = "none" scale = "80" offset = "0.0" subdiv = "" encoding = "gray" axis = "+ x + y + z" cull = "twosided" center = "0,0,0" />

    Where this error? Is the stl not in the correct format?

    Thank you

    Thank you very much Klaus.
    In http://this%20web it is seen mounted with the parameter:

    <view hlookat = "0.0" vlookat = "0.0" fovtype = "MFOV" fov = "120" maxpixelzoom = "2.0" fovmin = "70" fovmax = "140" stereographic = "false" fisheye = "1.5" />

    On the other hand, I can't get the sphere to zoom out, to make it look smaller (although I can zoom in as much as I want) and I don't really know what parameter to touch anymore, because I modified the FOVs in various ways and did not achieve the goal.

    Nor did I get that, when clicking on a place on the map, the view was zoomed in and the ball effect was lost.
    Alternatively it could be something like a button for the ball view or not, toggling between both views.

    Thanks a lot.

    I have assembled this sphere of the earth: (URL)?startscene=0&startactions=lookat(45,15,10,0,0);
    I intend to see the globe in the middle of the black background, in the style of the beginning of Google Earth.

    I got it (by chance) by modifying parameters in the URL, but now I don't know how to reproduce it again.
    Some help?
    Thank you

    I needed to put a button in each scene so that, when pressed, an MP3 is heard, different for each scene, but with streaming (that is, it is listened to as it loads, without waiting for it to load completely)
    And also that in the first scene the button will start when the scene is accessed. Ideally, it should only work the first time that scene is accessed.
    Obviously, when changing scene, all sounds should stop.
    Thanks in advance if anyone can help me.

    Thanks Sergey.
    The problem is that I don't know how to incorporate this into a hotspot of the type: <hotspot name = "detail1038" handcursor = "true" distorted = "true" onclick = ""
    url = "imag_escape / detail1038.jpg" scale = "0.1" ath = "0"
    atv = "0" />

    Thank you.
    The first option does work for me, but I don't understand the maximum or minimum values, if they are around the initial position of the hotspot and in which units they are expressed in the startup.
    The second option doesn't work for me. You may not have understood correctly *cry*

    In the first scene of you can see 2 buttons (stars) that activate plugins in the upper left, each one showing a letter.
    In the second scene there is a star that makes a number appear.

    I want the activated numbers and letters to be seen when moving from one scene to another. That is, if the goal is to find all 3 stars, the three gaps above should be completed.
    Now what is done when changing pano is canceled.

    I have tried to put the plugins out of the scene, but it doesn't work for me.
    Any idea?
    Thank you

    This is the code: