Thanks !
and best regards
Thanks !
and best regards
Thanks Klaus and Sacha.
(...and thanks to "krpanocoder" who posted the bug on "Adobe Bugbase")
I'v seen many other "serious" site has this problem.
I think I'm waiting for a week for new release.. maybe.. I don't want to check and edit my all xml files.
We will update the in the next month, so if still no workaround, we will use Sacha's "Do It Yourself" method or other solution.
Best Regards
If I use this "slide" with y coordinates -> works fine on both side with "autosize".. will good for temporary solution
Thanks.. but...
The text in the text field is dynamic, so I have to use "autosize".
If I remove the "height" (you are right, no need) the result is same.
I have tried many variations, and if I set the x value to max -280, then works fine on left side too.
It looks, if the negative x value higher than width of textfield.. goes crazy.
So, I don't know... till last flash player update was good .... It seems I have to edit all my old xml files...?? Why ???
Hi all, Please Help ME !!
I have a problem with alignment after Flash Player Update (
It was a smooth sliding text field from different side of the screen.
What I used - > a simple text field with negative X parameter (eg. -500) and I tween to 0 (zero) with "onloaded" parameter.
The width of textfield is lower than negative X parameter, so the texfield is out of screen when rendered, and after slides to position.
Everything worked fine till today on both side.
Now it is works if I use align="bottomright". If I try to use with align="bottomleft" it is looks like a vertical text inside.
Here is the small example code:
<krpano version="1.0.8" basedir="%SWFPATH%" logkey="true" showerrors="true">
<preview type="grid(cube,32,32,512,0x000000,0x111111,0x555555);" />
<!-- ******************** TEXTFIELDS (LEFT - RIGHT) ***************** -->
<plugin name="right_box"
html="[br][p]RIGHT ALIGNED TEXTFIELD[/p][br]"
<plugin name="left_box"
html="[br][p]LEFT ALIGNED TEXTFIELD[/p][br]"
<!-- ******************** STYLE ***************** -->
<style name="box_style" url="plugins/textfield.swf"
css="p{color:#000000; font-family:Arial; font-size:14;text-align:center;}"
Display More
See the result of above code at
Please Help Me Find a Solution !!!
ps. sorry for my english
Thanks, good idea, I'll ask the programmer, how can make it.
The bubble is a photo overlay. Fully customizable in KML.
You will easy to understand the description here ->
Thanks !
The placemark, photo overlay and camera position are fully customizable in earth KML.
Only you have to know the north position of your panorama photo, and the initial hlookat value from your pano XML.
With this two information you can set the correct position of placemark on earth, and you can synchronize "fly in" to panorama photo.
All details:…opicsinkml.html
Thank You So Much !
The hitcounter works like "normal" counter.
Increase the number of "visitor number" field in Sql database through PHP when new visitor see the pano.
After Read this information and send to "pano XML" with Javascript.
We use same method to send any information from database to XML. (eg. date, text info, head settings .....)
Thanks !!!
No, We don't use CMS. We use PHP,MySql,Javascript, .... so, like a 'normal' site.
(... still beta with many bugs)
Thanks. You can change the view at the right top corner's buttons. Switch PANO or EARTH. Now you can browse without earth plugin between panoramas, and we made a little demonstration video for helping usage. Plain Google map function comes later...
... yes, you have to install the Google Earth plugin, (if not installed yet ) .. but we hope the curiosity will win
and of course in the final version the user can select between Google Earth interface and ordinary Google map layer
We will try to show to users why use Google Earth plugin. (more realistic, 3D building ... )
We have try to mix the Google Earth Browser plugin with Virtual tours and panorama photos.
A first beta version is working now.
Please write Your suggestion about speed, or animation...
(please don't use double click at marker (red sphere) on map.. still not disabled. just one click!)
in case one shot, I try edit the shots one by one in lightroom, (recovery, and filllight) before stitching, but now I will try this +-2 variations...
HDR + lowlight + moving people...
1. step: 2 minutes presentation about HDR technique, about Exposure leves, and camera settings blah blah..
resolution= 50 % understand, other 50% still moving ...
3. step: translate to arabic, hindi, and to all other language your story about HDR ...
resolution = only 10 % moving (i think they has not a language problem... )
All inside HDR photos in this tour are STILL pictures. I ask them stop moving for one second... like a stone
.. arabic singers, or belly dancer, and all guests, staff, and people in spice souk...
(if need, I not use automatic Ghost removing during HDR editing... manually mask in photoshop only)
They was very helpful during shots.
So, I can't give you any solution for Night HDR photos with moving people in a LIVE situation.
Thanks MA ! (I just find a way ...)
All Inside Photos (with people) are HDR, and outside Night Photos (with people) too.
(I got a gun and said FREEEZZ !!! .. DON'T MOVE !!!! ... )
Creek at daylight only not HDR.
This autotour problem not solved... at next work I'll repair it..
The rotate is too fast, but they select this speed...
If no user activity, they want one "video" clip like auto tour.
The original concept in scene change: set 'idle time' to 23 sec, (with this rotate speed the pano make one round (360)), change scene and again one round ....
With this autotour settings looks like a short "video" clip.
The problem - when tour change his mind - at second scene, where I use "limitview range". There the pano forget the 'idle time' setting, and every time use different way to go to next scene. So, if I use the 'limitview range' and 'autorotate enabled', then the counting of 'idle time' every time give different result.
I have tried resolve the proble, and without 'limitview range" works good, but at this scene I have to use this setting.
Thanks again.
(sorry for my poor english)
Hi Guys,
I'm waiting your suggestions about this tour. .. any type.
What you think, how can I make it better.
Thanks a Lot.
yes, currently the images are fixed build in,
but in a later version I will make them changeable,best regards,
Hi Klaus,
Could you tell me when will be changeable the spot graphic ?
Thanks and Best regards.