Awesome, will try this with the distorted hotspots and keep you updated.
Thank you!
Awesome, will try this with the distorted hotspots and keep you updated.
Thank you!
Thank you, I didn't knew a stereo option does exist until now!
Ah, the possibilities...
Do you know if it is possible to use these stereo hotspots to work with videos, too?
(im referring to the extract distorted hotspot technique here )
I got these distorted hotpots working with videos, so, it would be awesome to use them with stereoscoic images !
Thank you and best regards,
Hello Everybody,
FWIW, it just took me hours to realize that you have to replace the "," from the PTGUI values to "." for the krpano xml,
All krpano values have to have a dot as decimal seperator!
Woiferl maybe you want to edit your howto to include this?!
Best regards,
Did you have to enable webXR functionality in safari - or does it work out of the box?
ola herrpedro thank you for the information!
Will try to incorporate this and keep you updated.
Just tested it, it works! but since it is tied to the looking direction,
i need to build a little inertia like the vr prev/next buttons, otherwise its a bit confusing...
But thanks a lot for the hint! Best regards, M
Hi Tuur , yes I have to try that again.
but they won't work when there is no controller available, like in the simulated VR view -
but then, this shouldn't bother too many people, or?
Best regards and have anice weekend, all'y'all!
Hi Klaus, your issue with VR Controls might be related to my question concerning VR Interface -
Is there a possibility to "translate" the 2D-UI layers into a VR distorted hotspot area ?
Would be nice to have a dedicated hotspot type for this. If I can be of any help please let me know!
Hi there,
I am looking for a way to extend the VR prev/next scene navigation with some more buttons.
The background is, we have some panoramas with a day/night switch - on desktop this switch is a layer, which works flawlessly.
It actually worked to add the buttons to the prev/next menu, but the the onclick value doesn't update...
Does anybody have any idea how to do the action right?
This is my scene (the other ones look similiar)
<scene name="scene_WINTER_DAY" title="WINTER_DAY" onstart="" thumburl="panos/WINTER_DAY.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading="" loadscene="scene_WINTER_NIGHT" >
<control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
<view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />
<preview url="panos/WINTER_DAY.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<image stereo="true" stereolabels="1|2">
<cube url="panos/WINTER_DAY.tiles/%t/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%t/%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1024,1536" />
<plugin if="!(webvr.isenabled OR device.mobilevr)" style="switch2night" name="switch2night" loadscene="scene_WINTER_NIGHT" />
<hotspot checkvr="if(webvr.isenabled, set(visible,true))" style="switch2nightVR" name="switch2nightVR" loadscene="scene_WINTER_NIGHT" />
<scene name="scene_WINTER_NIGHT" title="WINTER_NIGHT" onstart="" thumburl="panos/WINTER_NIGHT.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading="" loadscene="scene_WINTER_DAY">
<control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
<view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />
<preview url="panos/WINTER_NIGHT.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<image stereo="true" stereolabels="1|2">
<cube url="panos/WINTER_NIGHT.tiles/%t/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%t/%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1024,1536" />
<plugin if="!(webvr.isenabled OR device.mobilevr)" style="switch2day" name="switch2day" loadscene="scene_WINTER_DAY" />
<hotspot checkvr="if(webvr.isenabled, set(visible,true))" style="switch2dayVR" name="switch2dayVR" loadscene="scene_WINTER_DAY" />
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and this in my vtourskin:
<!-- VR scene switching hotspots -->
<style name="skin_webvr_menu_style" torigin="view" depth="1000" scale="0.625" distorted="true" ath="0" atv="45" alpha="0.9" />
<hotspot name="skin_webvr_prev_scene" keep="true" style="skin_base|skin_webvr_menu_style" crop="0|64|64|64" ox="-88" onover="tween(scale,0.750);" onout="tween(scale,0.625);" vr_timeout="750" onclick="skin_nextscene_loop(-1);" visible="false" devices="webgl" />
<hotspot name="skin_webvr_switch_scene" keep="true" style="skin_base|skin_webvr_menu_style" scale="1.25" ox="0" vr_timeout="750" url="%SWFPATH%/skin/switch2night.svg" onclick="switchscene();" visible="false" devices="html5.and.webgl" />
<hotspot name="skin_webvr_next_scene" keep="true" style="skin_base|skin_webvr_menu_style" crop="64|64|64|64" ox="+88" onover="tween(scale,0.750);" onout="tween(scale,0.625);" vr_timeout="750" onclick="skin_nextscene_loop(+1);" visible="false" devices="webgl" />
<action name="switchscene">
loadscene(get( scene[get(xml.scene)].loadscene ), null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW, BLEND(1));
<!-- set(hotspot[skin_webvr_switch_scene].url, "%SWFPATH%/skin/switch2day.svg"); -->
the problem is, once clicked in VR, the value persists and is not updated anymore when going to other scenes.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you and best regards,
What version of krpano are you using?
You're right, and many many thanks for this!
Hi all'y'all,
just wanted to let you know that it was indeed a problem with my model,
we built it anew with panocamadder+.
Many thanks, Tuur and der-mische !
Ola lastromantik
Ok, so where can I get the full version?! :)
Hi lastromantik ,
are there any updates for your plugin in the maeantime?
Thank you and best regards,
so, here you are.
The problem:
But it should look like this, which it does, without depthmap.
The code in question is nothing fancy, just a standard scene:
<!-- default depthmap rendering mode -->
<display depthmaprendermode="3dmodel" />
<!-- a style for changing depthmap settings for all scenes -->
<style name="scene_EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN" prealign="0|0|0" ox="70" oy="20" oz="11" />
<scene name="scene_EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN_WINTER_TAG" title="EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN_WINTER_TAG" onstart="" thumburl="panos/EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN_WINTER_TAG.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading="">
<control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
<view hlookat="90" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.000" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" tx="0" ty="0" tz="0" />
<preview url="panos/EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN_WINTER_TAG.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<image style="scene_EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN">
<cube url="panos/EG_EINGANG_AUSSEN_WINTER_TAG.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1024,1536" />
<depthmap url="assets/mm3.stl.depth" mapmode="1" scale="0.5" offset="0" curve="1.0" style="depthmapsettings" origin="0|0|0" />
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I wonder if I should load the pano with panocamadder and build a new model?
I also tried to make it work with everpano - the obj file does work there,
but it has other restrictions which make it unsuitable for this pano experience...
The root cause for me fiddling with depthmaps is that the client thinks that the 360 pano when viewed in VR (without depthmap) "is too huge"
Since I haven't found a way yet to reduce that effect and have seen that panos with depthmaps do scale, and look better in VR, i thought that would be the way to go^^
Hope to find a solution here soon.
kme Yes, will provide as soon as possible.
Tuur Yes, doesn't make a difference.
sergeykorchagin447 please, stay on topic and create your own thread. Thank you.
ok, that could be a possibility^^
No, too bad, that wasn't it.
But I suspect the model to be faulty, too.
Any other ideas?
Hi there,
first of all - thank you for this product!
I have been utilizing it for quite some time and now i want to divee deeper into some features.
While creating a tour which should be used on a VR headset, I have a 3D model ready and the corresponding panoramas.
( we want to visualize a house, and the first scene is in front of it )
I have created the stl.depth file and it works.
The image load, too -
The only problem I have now, the panorama "doesn't fit" - the front of the house shows "the back" of the panorama^^
It looks like that the pano image is rendered into the 3d-model, not onto it.
Does anybody have an idea why ?
And if possible how to fix ?
Thank you in advance and best regards,
ok, it has been a while,
is there some news on this?