Everpano rendered project doesn´t work in Firefox for me (last version, 77.0.1). Panorama images are not loaded, there is only black background visible
Posts by igor.socha
i want to trace different events of krpano based virtual tour on a kiosk computer - e.g. on which hotspots guests really click etc.
Is it possible to write output log which is normally accessed by ";" also to some .txt file on a local drive? Perhaps once a day? -
Hi Hamid,
how to set up the action, which would be launched after closing easyhtml plugin window? -
Did it anyone for krpano? I couldn´t find anything. I´d like to have some solution for autotur, showing how much time the user has to look around in recent scene before new scene loads.
No problem for me to create something simple with showtext plugin and delayedcall action, but how to do it in some nicer way with some graphics (bar, clock, pie - you know it from the websites...)
Any ideas? Thank you!
in my case (HTC VIVE PRO) it´s very easy. Had to spend reasonable time to find the solution (and find out it has nothing to do with krpano nor with webVR or firefox browser) but it is as easy as to just click on headset icon in Steam VR toolbar and set mirroring :D
I have krpano tour running in WebVR in Firefox on VR glasses. Is it possible to broadcast the view to the external monitor/TV but without splitting in two halfs?
Thanks Klaus,
i just managed it to work. Client want W10 kiosk with VR system and virtual tour, i´m new to HTC Vive vr glasses and was confused by steam VR Viveport all the apps etc. I found it´s very simple. Just to run krpano testing server, open my tour in firefox, allow firefox for VR devices and in my krpano tour just enter VR. Now, after some tests, i must say that everpano 3D made tour is really fantasticThanks!
Any recommendation, what' s the best for playing krpano tours on vive pro at the moment?
No internet, thus should be offline...Firefox Reality? Or?
Thanks in advance! -
Today i tried my link once again and the problem is gone. Seems it has something to do with my GPU, as yesterday (due to my problems with starting PC OS) i had to upgrade this driver:
(Not sure n 100% though if this might be the case, casue i updated more drivers on my PC in last days.) -
I have problem with krpano 1.20.4 flat pano dropplet made Gpix panorama on a Chrome (last version 64bit) and W10.
My powerfull desktop becomes very laggy, unresponsive, Chrome process eats 100% of GPU memmory.
AMD Ryzen 9 3950x with 128GB of RAM and nVidia GTX 1080ti with 11GB of RAM, nvidia driver 442.19
http://virtualguide.sk/frantiskani/gp…180_flat30K_v2/ -
something non alcoholic here?
so to find out, i completely simplified Abu Simbel offline example project just to 2 panoramas and one info hotspot to learn the code and how it works :) After copying all the necessary code from Abu SImble project to my own it still didn´t work as expected and while moving from one pano to the desired one, it finished at the middle of new panorama instead at the desired tx/ty/tz. After a lot of time of trying i found the whole problem was caused by everpano navigator plugin and its settings (which i set in the beginning in everpano before rendering). after removing whole plugin code it works now as in Abu SImbel project and as i want - i have to do more tests though :)
Hmm, still one problem here :)
Tweening doesn´t end at the desired position of 20|0|400 but at the pre-defined ox oy and oz settings in everpano-rendered xml
<style name="everpano3d_2" panoname="hunady01" prealign="0|4.661|0" ox="30.825" oy="0" oz="541.750" linkedscene="scene2" />
How can i force it to end at 20 0 400? What´s wrong with my code? -
OKAY, seems that i made it to work.
while this action must be in first, tour.xml (created by krpano dropplet ):
<action name="test" > loadpano(main.xml,,PRELOAD|MERGE|KEEPVIEW|NOPREVIEW); transition_3_2_obraz1();</action>it is calling the action which has to be physically in second, main.xml (created by everpano):
<action name="transition_3_2_obraz1"> loadscene(scene3,,PRELOAD); tween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz, 20|0|400, 2.0, ,); lookto(93,-10,50,smooth(100,50,20));</action>
now it works, as I want
I have two projects with the same panoramas: one created by krpano dropplet and one made in everpano. Is it possible to load everpano xml from krpano via loadscene(scenename, vars*, flags*, blend*), BUT WITH THE ACTION at the end?
(I need to run the action , which will bring me to the desired 3D position similar as in ABU SIMBEL example). I have this action, and it works in everpano project, but i need to run it from krpano xml. HOw to achieve this?
Thanks! -
Yes, this is the case. Do we have some chance, that multires will be fully supported or not really?
Becasue, at the moment it has no sense to shoot high res pano when i now I use depthmap