Hi Klaus, all the best to a healthy, happy and prosperous 2021.
As we exit 2020 Flash is all but over - I know has been for years - but now it pretty much official as no major OS will support it in 2021.
I assume like a lot of other early 360 photographers and users of KRPano we may have a lot of old 360's that were built on Flash as the default or even only option.
While I have figured out a few ways to move these to no Flash, it would be great if there was a tool to do this in batch, basically automatically.
One way to convert old Flash based 360's is to simply run the existing cube faces thru KRPano and change the HTML from old to new. However in the tour I did this to, which included a opening graphic, for some reason showed lines in the first 360 that appeared to show what the cubefaces.
Anyway, I know such a conversion program would probably open a can of worms in issues based on Flash, older versions of OS and KRPano.
Just a thought.
Best Regards to you and your family,
Happy New Year!