Posts by tomozoh932

    Create a SPOT with addhotspot.

    I cannot rotate the panorama while holding down SPOT.



    The red circle allows you to move the panorama.
    Yellow squares do not allow you to move the panorama.

    I would be happy if you could give me some advice.

    Sorry for my bad English.


    For me it's work in 1.22.3 but if i'am in fullscreen the lightbox is not visible, if i exit from the fullscreen, i see it.

    I'am not in panotour


    I don't know if it's correct or not, but I simply added full screen with JS and used it.

    However, I'm not good at programming, so I don't understand the difference between full screen and krpano.

    thank you.

    Sorry for the difficult to understand English.

    		<action name="fs_btn_onclick" scope="local" autorun="onstart">
    			onclick  ='jscall('document.documentElement.requestFullscreen()');copy(onclick,onclick_b);set(layer[skin_btn_fs].crop, '64|576|64|64');',
    			onclick_a='jscall('document.documentElement.requestFullscreen()');copy(onclick,onclick_b);set(layer[skin_btn_fs].crop, '64|576|64|64');',
    			onclick_b='jscall('document.exitFullscreen()');copy(onclick,onclick_a);set(layer[skin_btn_fs].crop, '0|576|64|64');'

    I have a message that I would like to display when the full screen button is displayed at startup.
    In previous versions, it was displayed after loading, but in the current version it is not displayed.

    It seems that visible=true is required, but is this the correct move?
    All tests have not been completed, but I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

    Sorry for my bad English

    February 13, 2018 at 10:11 AM

    (jordi -san)

    Is this helpful?

    I think it works, but I haven't tested it... *smile*

    Okay, I understand.

    Is your example based on the maps2 example?

    If yes, add this line into the 'krpano.actions.panto' function there

    view.lng = krpano.functions.adjust360(view.lng, lng);

    This adjusts the the horizontal warping 360 degree position for the shortest distance to the target value.

    I will add that also in the next release and also for the krpanomaps.xml (which I would recommend to use instead the maps2.xml).

    klaus.krpano -san.

    I am using map2 code.

    Thank you for your quick reply!

    I was able to change it to the movement I wanted to show.

    thank you.

    I have been having trouble for some time now.

    While blending the panorama, Nadia disappears.
    You can check it by looking below the panorama and pressing the thumbnail.
    What should I do?

    Sorry for my bad English.

    krpano - s1

    Everything seems to work fine with 1.22 We will have to adjust documentation to include the "sameorigin" parameter in the embedpano, but after that, things should work fine.

    If you purchased the license for the annotations plugin and the overlay is not being removed after setting your license, please reach out in direct message or by e-mail kristof @



    Hi. kme-san.

    Even with krpano1.22, I was able to run it as before.

    However, there was a problem, so I would like to report it.


    File not found. Was that what you intended?
    It seems like you can't zoom without this.
    (It's not in the downloaded file.)

    A license error was always displayed because Mousehandler.xml was loaded.*sleeping*

    Authentication for mousehandler.xml is "<settings name=".
    The current license authentication for annotations is "annotationsettings name=".

    I configured both and it worked.*wink*

    Thank you.

    Sorry for my bad English.

    Everything seems to work fine with 1.22 We will have to adjust documentation to include the "sameorigin" parameter in the embedpano, but after that, things should work fine.

    If you purchased the license for the annotations plugin and the overlay is not being removed after setting your license, please reach out in direct message or by e-mail kristof @



    Thank you. kme-san.

    I thought I had given the krpano version for a tour that had no problems up until now, but I may have made a mistake.
    I'll check.


    there is a new security feature in version 1.22 - the loading of external code content is disabled by default:

    To enable it, set the sameorigin embedding setting in the html file to false:

    embedpano({..., sameorigin:false});

    Best regards,

    klaus.krpano - san.
    thank you.

    The error message went away, but I got a message saying I don't have a license.
    There was no change in operability.

    I would be happy if it started working properly.

    All I can do now is wait.*wink*


    in this example, this is missing:

    <include url="youtube-player.xml"/> 

    That's the file where the 'youtubeplayer_open' action is defined.

    About the hotspots - if you define them in the <scene> or include them using <include> or using includexml() wouldn't matter. The result would be the same, expect for the additional file load.

    Best regards,

    hi. klaus.krpano -san.

    When skin_settings.littleplanetintro="true" is used, if xml is called as an include in the scene, it does not work...

    not include tour:
    krpano - x1

    in include tour:
    krpano - x1  

    Am I using this incorrectly?

    I would be happy if you could let me know.
    Thank you.