Posts by thomasmcvea

    I can't work out how to implement "use3dtransition" function. I would like to use this plugin with the 3dtransition in krpano 1.21.
    I assumed I should place the call somewhere in the onclick2 attribute in the circle_hotspots.xml but can't seem to get it working.

    Here is my current onclick2 action


    Anyone able to advise?

    EDIT: Ignore this. I'm not sure why the below was happening before but today, saving the tour.xml file using a 3rd part xml editor does not reset the menu thumbnails.

    When setting the startup view for each scene via krpano tools, the menu thumbnails automatically update to the correct view. Saving the tour.xml file keeps the thumbnails views as set via the startup view tool.

    However, if I then save the tour.xml file using a 3rd part xml editor (I'm using XML Notepad) the menu thumbnails revert back to their default view. In previous versions this did not happen.

    Hi Arthur

    All scenes.

    I can manually input the variables (hlookat, vlookat, fov) via the onloadcomplete event call, after I set the startup view for each scene using krpano tools but was hoping for something less copy and paste. A tour of 20+ scenes would be alot of copy and pasting :)

    Hmm, thanks Arthur. That's a little beyond my knowledge. I am hoping there is a way to pass the hlookat, hlookat and fov parameters to the scene once it has loaded. I thought that "get" code would work here but I guess I don't understand it properly.

    Hi. Can someone tell me if there is a better way to do this. I want to rotate a scene to it's startup view onloadcomplete.

    I can do it via <events onloadcomplete="delayedcall(1,lookto(-74.425,6.879,120));" /> where I am manually putting in the hlookat, vlookat and fov values.

    But rather than manually inputting I have been trying to replace the variables with something like <events onloadcomplete="delayedcall(1,lookto(get.hlookat, get.vlookat, get.fov));" /> but this isn't working. What am I doing wrong?

    My scene code is this

    <scene name="scene_Arrangement_Room" title="Arrangement Room" thumburl="panos/Arrangement_Room.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" alt="" heading="">
    <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
    <view hlookat="-74.425" vlookat="6.879" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.000" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />
    <preview url="panos/Arrangement_Room.tiles/preview.jpg" />
    <cube url="panos/Arrangement_Room.tiles/%s/l%l/%0v/l%l_%s_%0v_%0h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2688,5376" />
    <events onloadcomplete="delayedcall(1,lookto(-74.425,6.879,120));" />
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-30.846" atv="6.802" linkedscene="scene_reception" linkedscene_hoffset="292.22" use3dtransition="true" />

    Thanks for any help

    Hi. In the past I used to be able to use multiple instances of the MAKE VTOUR Droplet.exe to create different tours and have each droplet running separately as it created each tour. I can't seem to do this now. I can't seem to do this now (Windows 10). Am I missing something?


    Hi Hamid

    I have another project on the way that will be using the easy html plugin. I have to tell you, this is one of the best plugins I have for krpano and I use it alot. Thank you for developing it!

    For this project I will be using the infobox as a popup (with title, rich text description and slideshow) actioned via a hotspot click. I have some questions that maybe you or someone more clever than me could answer.

    1. I am not sure how to create a style for the pop up rich text. I know I can use css somewhere but my knowledge is limited.
    2. Can I use % instead of px for the infobox size?
    3. The size of the slideshow images appear to be tied to the dimensions of the pop up. For example, if the infobox width and height is set to '720px','500px' the images get scaled also? Is this correct?


    Same here. and not just chrome. I have tried on MS Edge also. When testing locally I can open the site but online the command does not open anything.
    Here's my example.…,3.04,100,0,0);

    Has anyone else found a solution to this using the plugin or is it only fixed by the client changing the SameSite-attribute for cookies on their website?


    In previous versions when you clicked on the Main Circle Hotspot on mobile devices it would rotate the pano to look at the hotspot and animate the activated circle hotspot. This hotspot would remain on screen until an "onclick2" call. This does not seem to work any more. With the latest version of krpano the activated circle hotspot only remains on screen when you are looking directly at it. I hope this makes sense.

    The developer has amended this plugin to fix the above.

    On my last dev (krpano 1.20.9), hotspots works on desktop but not on mobile (firefox like chrome).
    on mobile click on hotspaot adjet the fov but that's all. impossible to loadscene.
    Have you some idea ?

    Damien. plugin is updated now at krpano

    It doesn't work pdf open in mobile safari on iphone. I can open and save only first pdf page.
    Is any solution?

    I have just discovered the same issue using safari & chrome browsers on an iPad. I can only view the first page of the pdf.
    Fingers crossed the developer can make an update.

    Example. Try opening "Who wants to be a millionaire" hotspot on this link using safari…,8.07,100,0,0);

    I wonder is there a small bug with the latest version of krpano?

    In previous versions when you clicked on the Main Circle Hotspot on mobile devices it would rotate the pano to look at the hotspot and animate the activated circle hotspot. This hotspot would remain on screen until an "onclick2" call. This does not seem to work any more. With the latest version of krpano the activated circle hotspot only remains on screen when you are looking directly at it. I hope this makes sense.

    Try the below on mobile.
    Example with previous version of krpano:…ml?startscene=1
    Example with latest version of krpano:…mple/index.html

    Is there someone cleverer than me that solve this?

    Postprocessing Plugin query

    I am having trouble getting the post processing plugin to action on a hotspot click. I have included the Postprocessing Plugin in the XML file with name="blur" attribute

    <plugin name="blur" keep="true" url="plugins/pp_blur.js" enabled="true" range="0.0" linearrgb="false" order="" phase="2" />

    and called the plugin from the hotspot

    <hotspot name="mario" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-69.024" atv="-12.112" onclick="looktohotspot(get(name),get(view.fov));plugin[easy_html_lightbox].open_image('assets/ICT/Mario.jpg','','','IMAGE TITLE can go here.&lt;br&gt; A brief DESCRIPTION can go here',true);"/>

    but it does not appear to work for me and I cannot see where I am going wrong. Can anyone advise me?

    Thank you

    Hi Jerome. Many thanks for doing a krpano version of this.

    where do I add the syntax below? Is it in a hotspot style called 'callout' in the vtourskin.xml?

    css_text="color:#fff;font-size:16px;text-shadow: 3px 3px 8px #000000;"
    text_padding="10 10 0 0"


    Hi all

    I have had talks with some of you about this work. I think the specification I wrote is making it more complicated than what I am actually looking for.

    I do not need a full custom editor. I am happy to use existing krpano framework and modify the default skin in a way that it can be replicated easily and without having to input too much code/data. It may be easier to drop the panos on the makemultires krpano droplet (perhaps slightly customised) and copy the scene/xml code out of it to a project/template…an empty template with the right panos and xml code that I can then modify for each customer.

    Using already existing krpano code to make hotposts/callouts and other interface elements is what I have in mind. Nothing too complicated. (eg for pdf brochure). I saw this yesterday (…02664479777638/ ) and thought it might be a useful way of use flat panos as floor plans. Here is another interface that has some functions of what I want ( )

    A small redesign on the default krpano navigation bar would be welcome. Such as removing up, down, left & right buttons and replacing with other function eg open brochure, estate agent info & contact, floorplan, photo gallery & help screen.

    When in VR mode, the only items I need would be info hotspots, navigation arrows and scene menu.

    my best

    Some questions asked.

    How soon would you need this?
    There is no hard timescale, but I would be happy if this could be delivered within 1.5 to 2 months. (30 - 40 days).

    Custom Autotour explained
    A scene rotates stopping at 2-3 specific lookat points and then finally rotates to the view which takes you to the next pano/scene.

    Social sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, etc). What are the etc?
    We require only Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Email

    No fullscreen button?
    Fullscreen Button required.