Beiträge von Maksim Barsukov

    Thanks for your suggestion, I did it a little bit different but algorithm is closed to yours. But unfortunetely, when I remove previous hotspot and replace it with new one it blinks for a couple of mileseconds. Do you have any ideas, how can I get rid of this side effect, I mean the blink itself?


    Let me explain the situation itself. We make an SPA where a couple of pages depends on krpano plugin, so we use Webpack to manage JS bundle.

    If I decide to switch off --use-strict mode for all imported dependencies at may leed to future errors. So, I hope that this behaviour will be fixed in future releases.

    We use krpano files itself to give users ability to manage hotspots that they have built in Panotour (icons, position etc)


    Hello there,

    I've come across with initialization Krpano Viewer Error while setting "use-scrict" mode in Javascript. I can't just switch it off because too much functionality depends upon this mode in other modules.

    To represent this Error I've built a codepen example ( )-> open developer console to see the Error message.

    According my observations it happens due to setting Uint8Array.length = 0, when in 'strict mode' assignment to read-only properties is not allowed

    Please help me to solve this problem.