Beiträge von tinynestproject


    The iPhone doesn't support the HTML5 fullscreen mode at all.

    How can Apple be this bad... I have no words to express my feelings of frustration towards things like this... it's completely nonsensical...
    Is there official Apple documentation that describes this lack of support?

    Is everything that runs inside iOS affected? or is it per-browser? (e.g. does Chrome for iOS support it?)

    Thanks for the code to force support... if I were to add this (to tour.xml?) what would happen on an iPhone? would there be a fullscreen button that simply does nothing?

    I do not own an apple device, so I only noticed this problem at a recent convention, when I had someone load a page that contains an iframe embed of one of my virtual tours, using an ipad. This problem is not present on Chrome on Android, but it is present in the DuckDuckGo browser on Android (which I'm currently using for testing).

    I recently solved a similar problem that WAS present on Chrome on Android... there was an update to chromium that blocked mobile sensor access, resulting in the removal of the VR and gyro buttons from my embedded vtours (embedded using iframes). The solution that I found was two parts:
    1. all data had to originate from secure locations (https)
    2. I had to add updated tags to my iframe
    I thought this had solved the problem (because it was fixed on Android), but now I know that the ability to toggle fullscreen is still missing from some mobile browsers.

    Here is my iframe after solving that chromium update problem:

    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="320" allow="fullscreen; gyroscope; accelerometer; magnetometer; vr; xr"></iframe>

    And here is my iframe after much effort to brute-force the allowing of fullscreen:

    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="320" allow="fullscreen; gyroscope; accelerometer; magnetometer; vr; xr" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowvr="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

    none of the following would enable the fullscreen button in DuckDuckGo:

    Banging my head against a wall here... what is preventing fullscreen from working? VR and gyro seem to work, which require access to the device's sensors...
    Here is my testing page ->

    I have also found mobile VR to be quite laggy/jerky.
    I may be remembering wrong, but when I first started experimenting with krpano about 2 years ago, it was better... have there been browser updates that put more load on a phone when it's trying to track motion?

    sorry that i revive this old thread, but since i want to do exactly the same i thought to ask my question here.
    i want to link the plugins folder to a specific path on our webserver. I tried to change every "%SWFPATH%/plugins/swffile.swf" to "" whitout luck. Now i want to change the %SWFPATH% path globally, but i don`t know how to do that with the embedpano line.

    Here is an example from one of my tour.html files. Note that my folder-structure always has a tour-specific-folder inside a company-named-folder, and my global folder is at the same level as the company-named-folders. This is why you see ../../ because the global folder is always found two levels above the tour.html file. I have a template file from which I copy this chunk and paste it over any new tours that I make. It's a single added step during tour-creation.

    <script src="../../KRPANO-GLOBAL/krpano.js"></script>
    <div id="pano" style="width:100%;height:100%;">	<noscript><table style="width:100%;height:100%;"><tr style="vertical-align:middle;"><td><div style="text-align:center;">ERROR:<br/><br/>Javascript not activated<br/><br/></div></td></tr></table></noscript>	<script>		embedpano({swf:"../../KRPANO-GLOBAL/krpano.swf", xml:"tour.xml", target:"pano", html5:"auto", mobilescale:1.0, passQueryParameters:true});	</script></div>

    Thanks for all this info. I will definitely reference this the next time there is an update.
    The last time I did a krpano update, I went through a process of comparing the new xml to the existing one I had modified, and manually copied over my alterations... it was a bit of a pain, but it meant that I was starting with a fresh updated file (from the new version) and making my modifications again from scratch.
    There hasn't been an update to krpano since then, so I haven't had to struggle through this process a second time so far... it's actually nice to have software that is reliable without needing constant updates :)

    I'm having a similar issue which is very problematic for my use-case... I create virtual tours of tiny homes for builders/designers to embed directly on their websites. I just noticed that the embed is not showing the VR option on mobile browsers (which is a feature that I promise to clients). Both my site and the client's site are secure HTTPS, but I guess this update to chromium does not treat the embed as secure?

    Here is the actual tour location ->…omes/hugge_skp/
    Here is the page on which it is embedded ->

    On my desktop I see the VR toggle in both cases, but on mobile it is missing from the embed (and obviously this VR is intended to be viewed on smartphones).

    Any idea for a workaround? Is there a property that can be assigned to the embed somehow? Or a different method of embedding? This is my embed code:

    <div style="text-align:center;width:80%;min-width:240px;max-width:640px;margin:0 auto"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="320" allowfullscreen></iframe><figcaption style="line-height:150%"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Use This Tour" width="120"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Powered by Tiny Nest" width="120"></a></figcaption></div>

    EDIT: I just checked that the VR+gyro are available on mobile in embeds that are on my own site (within the same domain as the location of the actual tour) such as here ->
    So the issue has to do with how the iframe is loading off-site content... is there any way to "validate" the contents of an iframe?

    Thanks for the reply :) I finally got it working the way I want.
    But even with your feedback, I struggled to get this working, so I thought I'd share a few things that I learned along the way:
    My syntax for the path to my custom skin xmls was correct from the start. I was getting errors because I had made modifications to the base vtourskin.xml file (to hide some UI elements), and since that file references all the image files (pngs for the buttons etc.) it was looking for them in the same directory as itself... I had only placed 2 xml files in my central location, without the images... so once I added the rest of the skin folder contents to my central directory (alongside my custom files), it loaded fine.
    The other thing that was tripping me up was that I could not find any reference to the "plugins" folder, and no information in the links you provided... I did find ONE occurrence of the word "plugins" in the main .js file and figured that it was the same situation as the skin xml: it looks for a plugin folder in the same directory as itself... so my central directory now contains krpano.js, krpano.swf, plugins folder, and skin folder... then I point to the new .js and .swf location via tour.html, and point to the new skin xml location via tour.xml... the plugins folder is found by the fact that it is in the same directory as the .js (as far as I can tell).
    Does this sound right? It seems to be working fine.

    Hi, this is my first post and I wasn't entirely sure what sub-forum would be best, so I am posting this here and maybe it can be moved if needed?

    Last night it came to my attention that VR for my virtual tours was broken. I searched the forum and found the solution, which was that an update to some math in Chrome (degrees vs radians) had caused it, and that I just needed to update my plugin, js, and swf files (I was on pr12, so updated to pr16). In doing so, I found it very cumbersome to replace the contents of the "plugins" folder inside every vtour individually. The number of vtours I manage will only increase over time, so it would be very helpful to be able to make a single edit (per vtour, at the time of creation) that causes it to look for plugins in a central location. This way I would only ever need to update the contents of one folder. I looked through the xml and html files, but could not find any reference to "plugins" path anywhere. Is this centralization possible? What do I need to modify?

    On the same theme, I would like to centralize the customizations I've made to my vtour skin. This one is more obvious HOW to do, but I can't seem to make it work... in the tour.xml file, you can "include" extra files that will modify the skin. The default path which works fine is the "skin" folder, which is inside the root vtour folder for a given vtour. So including my custom file looks like this:

    <include url="skin/vtourskin_tntweaks_rev01.xml" />

    This is fine, but same as with the plugins, I need a copy of this file inside every "skin" folder for every vtour. If I want to make a tweak in the future, I will need to replace every instance of it. It would be much better to have one instance of it that every tour can reference. Since, in my file-structure, it would be two directories higher than the vtour root, I have tried variations of this:

    <include url="../../SKIN-CUSTOMIZATIONS/vtourskin_tntweaks_rev01.xml" />

    But it fails to load... I've even tried an absolute path with my full website URL. Is this a permissions issue? or do I have the wrong syntax? Is this possible to achieve?

    Lastly, a bit different kind of question, but I noticed that there is a vtour editor built right into "krpano Tools.exe" in the new pr16, but it when I tried to use it, it told me that my tour had not been created by one of the droplets. My workflow is to use a droplet first, then make some manual edits, which include the "include" lines mentioned in the previous paragraph, as well as the duplication of some scenes (and renamed, so that I can make you face the right way depending on what direction you are travelling through the vtour)... so my question about this is: what are the criteria that the tool looks for to determine if the tour is valid for editing by inside the program? My edits are pretty minor, so it seems pretty strict...

    Hope I can find some solutions, and streamline my work!