Your code works correctly. It's been a lot of power to me. Thank you very much. I wish you always good luck.
Posts by kangsj2277
One more question, is there any way to make the layer invisible if I have linkurl=null?
Your code works really great! This is the feature I wanted. Thank you. Good luck!
I want to generate openurl dynamically. As below.
for(set(i,0), i LT gallery[%1].img.count, inc(i),
txtadd(hname, get(gallery[%1].img[get(i)].name),'_home');
txtadd(ihome, get(gallery[%1].img[get(i)].home),'');addlayer(get(hname));
set(layer[get(hname)].parent, gallery_scrollarea);
set(layer[get(hname)].edge, center);
set(layer[get(hname)].align, left);
set(layer[get(hname)].crop, '0|0|90|30');
set(layer[get(hname)].onovercrop, '90|0|90|30');
set(layer[get(hname)].ondowncrop, '90|0|90|30');
mul(layer[get(hname)].x, stagewidth, i);
add(layer[get(hname)].x, 245);
set(layer[get(hname)].y, -280);
set(layer[get(hname)].onclick, openurl('get(ihome)',_blank));
div(layer[get(hname)].ox, stagewidth, 2);
);as above openurl('get(ihome)',_blank)); Can't use it dynamically?
someone please help -
Can bootstrap be used for krpano layer?? Can you give an example if possible??
This is very useful code. san7
I want to sequentially assign the values fetched by get to the layers in the generated array.
When importing images, use get(gallery[%1].img[get(i)].url) to apply them sequentially.
only the last value of the layer properties used for onclick="openurl" is applied collectively.
Also, it cannot be imported in the same way as above. Is there any way? -
Add the following code to tour.xml and add action to onloaded of hotspot.
<action name="do_crop_animation" scope="local" args="framewidth, frameheight, framerate">
<!-- define local variables -->
calc(local.xframes, (caller.imagewidth /framewidth) BOR 0);
calc(local.frames, xframes * ((caller.imageheight / frameheight) BOR 0));
def(local.frame, integer, 0);<!-- set the first frame -->
calc(caller.crop, '0|0|' + framewidth + '|' + frameheight);<!-- do the animation -->
setinterval(calc('crop_anim_' +, calc(1.0 / framerate),
if(frame GE frames, if(caller.onlastframe !== null, callwith(caller, onlastframe() ) ); set(frame,0); );
mod(xpos, frame, xframes);
div(ypos, frame, xframes);
mul(xpos, framewidth);
mul(ypos, frameheight);
calc(caller.crop, xpos + '|' + ypos + '|' + framewidth + '|' + frameheight);
<!-- stop the interval when the hotspot gets removed -->
clearinterval(calc('crop_anim_' +;
ex) <hotspot name="animate_circle_hotspot" onloaded="do_crop_animation(50,50,2);"/>)"" -
ondown="asyncloop(pressed, layer[scrollarea].scrollby(+2,0) );"
read here! :)
krpano-1.20.8 → templates → xml → skin → vtourskin_hotspot.png
image change :) -
Try fancybox, it looks like what you want is right for you.
<style name="camera_icon" url=".../.../...png" align="lefttop" edge="center" zorder="9" x="" y="" onhover="showtext(get(scene[get(xml.scene)].title));"/>
note please.
good luck bro! -
1. radar plugin editmode true
2. onhover showtextgood luck! Bro
That's a really good idea. I want to use it if possible.
How do I make a sphere image a texture? If you have a tutorial, can you share it?
The cause of the ios blackscreen phenomenon seems to be a video hotspot. After removing the video hotspot, or when configured for Android, desktop, the ios panorama is stable and the blackscreen phenomenon no longer occurs. We would appreciate it if you could investigate the exact cause on the krpano side.
Currently, onclick in a layer does not work when horizontally viewing in safari on iPhone. I did various tests, but the above problem did not occur in the iPad safari, and I verified that it works in the Chrome browser for the iPhone. Please test whether it is a safari issue for iPhone or a krpano issue.
What are the minimum and recommended specifications for the 1.20 version? As an example, recommended minimum specifications such as Explorer 11 or later, ram 2gb, chrome.... are required.
Thank you so much! Klaus