ok .. simple ask for width (not pixelwidth) after a small delayedcall !!
Posts by milemann
try the onautosized event
Was my first atempt .. but nope .. seams like text hotspot doesn't have the pixelwidth property. -
Hi all,
may be a stupid question:
how to get pixelwidth of a text-hotspot after autosize incl. padding left/right?
The same hotspot has dynamic seted html and css font depending on tour situation.
so each time the "real" hotspot width will change.greetz
mil -
Hi Index,
another idea ..
Is it possible to assign blur with different strenght to Hotspots?So i would blure all in general (works well) ... and exclude my 3 "unblured" Hotspots thrue assigning the bure value 0 to them. Would it work? How to get it in simpliest way?
Greetz mil
i would like to use blur to all elements (pano,layers, hotspots) after a click on hotspot "make_all_blured" .. but some of the hotspots (lets say "hs1", "hs2" and "stop_ blur") should stay unblured. click on "stop_blur" hotspot should reset the blur.
How to achieve this in a simplest way?
mil -
Check the VR-Suite from present4D .. the most versatile VR-presentations tool on the market! All 3D obect formats are featured via drag and drop, all pano media formats (mono/stereo) via drag and drop, no need of programming knowledge .. and much much more ..
https://present4d.com/de/greetz mil
Dear Klaus,
you've mentioned you are going to integrate three.js "natively" (not as plugin) in krpano.
Could you tell us more .. when could we expect the release ..
Would be great to have the possibilty to Feature 3D objects in player.
Hi guys, check your mail.
milemann -
I have also found a note on a workaround that can be found in Amazon Sumerian
Quote from Amazon SumerianWebVR
When entering VR, we capture a screenshot of the HTML by rendering it into a canvas as SVG, then converting it to an image. The screenshot is applied to the plane as a texture. Instead of a black plane, you’ll see an image of the HTML in 3D.Whenever the HTML is changed or resized or has a new style applied, the screenshot is updated.
Rendering the HTML to an image and converting it to a texture on a plane is a slow operation that can take 200 milliseconds or longer. This delay is unacceptable for most VR use cases, where a hitch in frame rate can cause users to experience nausea... so, this is nothing what you could call "a workaround"
dude, trust me -
How do you know and why? ...
Trust me ..
VRmode = only hotspots no layers;
iframe only in layers possible (yet);
... -
Hi Klaus,
are you going to patch the older version 1.19 in order to work with gyro in Safari iOS 13.3??
mil -
there will be support for 3d-models in krpano in one of the next releases (without the need of three.js).
Best regards,
UHhh .. waiting for this impatiently!!! -
Hi Klaus ..
would be possible to get HTTPS working in test server for testing VR-Mode on iOs12.2.
i have stopped using Xampp for krpano development since you made your test server available, and I was quite happy with it.
Setting up Apache with SSL seems to be a pain in the ass ..greetz
Hi Tuur ..
i didn't want to remove all hotspots but only the few my user generatet in the particular game interaction which names are collect in array "arr" ..
ist the sollution ..the problem i had was that it doesn't worked in VRmode unless i have dalayed the call .. bit strange ..
someone else had an issue wchich could be solved with delayedcall?
mil -
Hi krpano experts ..
i make kind of a krpano game with multichoice options.
in this game i get a bunch of hotspots made thrue user interaction in runtime which names i collect in array "arr"i need to remove this hotspots and replace them thrue new ones in a new game situation.
when i try to remove it "dynamicaly" it this way:
Codefor(set(i,0), i LT arr.count, inc(i), trace('arr[',get(i),'].value=',arr[get(i)].value); removehotspot(arr[get(i)].value); );
it doesn't work .. WHY???
Trace Result:
-->removing "manualy" after same user interaction with:
Coderemovehotspot(item_0); removehotspot(item_1); removehotspot(item_2); removehotspot(item_3); removehotspot(item_4);
yeahh .. »I can't see the wood for the trees« ..
Hi guys,
is it possible to count the lenght of a string .. without makeing it "outside" krpano with JS??
mil -
WOW! .. dude so nice that you are sharing this!!