Posts by relationcg

    hello, thanks for the new krpano version. I'm new to this vr viewer. Is there a user's instruction or something like that?
    can I use it on windows PC? I opend the demo link in Chrome, it seems that I can't control it with the mouse.
    I clicked the "Look here to start",but nothing happens, and I clicked the "Enter VR", the screen splited and I still can't control it with mouse.

    something I do wrong? or I need some device or equipment?

    sorry for the silly questions.

    by the way, my system is windowsXP

    1, Wich version of the Krpano does your plugin surported? in your demo I noticed it's the krpano 1.18.5. but I use the krpano 1.16,there's nothing displayed.

    1. This plugin is tested only against the latest stable release. Which at the tшme was and still is 1.18.5. Not sure what is the problem with 1.16, since all features I use were already implemented.

    I think it's maybe the problem of VALUE "null" and the OPERRATOR "===".
    because they behaves a little differrent in ver 1.18.5 and 1.16.

    in your Arrow.xml there are:

    I think this is the problem. and I changed them to:
    then the arrow displayed in ver 1.16. *smile*

    Hello, relationcg

    1. This plugin is tested only against the latest stable release. Which at the tшme was and still is 1.18.5. Not sure what is the problem with 1.16, since all features I use were already implemented.
    2. You can move arrows up or down but you cannot move them left or right. Arrows are supposed to be "in place" and if you move them sideways they will be either asymmetrically distorted or "out of place" (like on a separate screen). So I decided do only one thing without excessive options

    Thank you!

    thanks for your reply,
    so that is to say, the arrow's right place is in the middle of the screen, there is no Attributes for it's position.

    hello lonelyelk,thanks for your arrow plugin, I have 2 questions about it:
    1, Wich version of the Krpano does your plugin surported? in your demo I noticed it's the krpano 1.18.5. but I use the krpano 1.16,there's nothing displayed.
    2, In your demo, the arrows are at the middle of the screen, can I put the arrows at the left corner or right corner of the screen?

    thank you.