Posts by jang2620


    Can depthmap and panorama scene be used for one tour?

    If i go from scene_000(depthmap) to scene_002, it will change like the image below, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know.


    Two models were placed in one scene each.

    Every time I move the scene, I keep loading the model,

    - Can I keep the model continuously after the first loading?

    - Is there any additional way to accelerate model loading?

    -model tris

    g1o - 600k tirs / loding time - about 5s

    g2o - 600k tirs / loding time - about 5s

    scene_000 > 5s > scene_001 > 5s >scene_000 ...

    repeated loading..

    code here


    i wanna make toggle button

    code here

    <layer name="m_toggle" type="text" html="data:toggle" editable="true"/>

    <data name="toggle"> <![CDATA[ <label><input type="checkbox" onfocus="this.blur()" /> </label>

    If the focus is on input on mobile

    A mobile keyboard will be created.

    Normally, the keyboard does not come out when type="checkbox" in HTML.

    Is there a solution

    best regard:)


    I started using obj in krpano 1.21.

    When you run the obj file you took in krpano,

    PC and Android phone correctly called scene with obj

    However, there are constant problems with the iPhone.

    If loading is not possible, the Internet Explorer will reboot continuously.
    (with chrome, with safari)

    The url is below.


    Does iPhone user load?

    How can I solve this

    ex) Should I reduce the size of the obj file?

    best regard_:)


    1. Please tell me how to check the references correctly

    2. (00:12) Catch the base reference in scene 00:102.

    3. (00:25) Go to first scene and add the reference specified in scene 2.

    4. (00:50) Go to third scene and add the reference you specified in scene 2.
    However, in scene 3, I cant specify a reference to the end of the chair when adding a reference.
    What is wrong?
    If you add a reference to the end of the circle, the modeling is out of position.

    5. (01:15) Go to first scene and add a polygon.

    6. (02:00) If you check Scene 2 and Scene 3, the polygon position is not correct.
    Even if some lines are cleared, they are constantly out of position when connecting the next scene.

    7. The polygon doesn't fit, so you can't even connect it later.

    8. What's the right way?

    making everpano video (youtube)



    best regard

    thank u for reading my question

    how to use '<seeting css=""/>" in action

    code here.

    <settings	css="color:#2d64a7; font-size:16px; text-align:left;line-height:25px; font-weight:700;"/>
    <action name = "abc">......
    	set(layer[get(name)].css, settings.css);....</action>

    it's not working..
    best regard:)