Beiträge von markus0778

    I (copy the
    code into the tour.xml directly after der "<action

    if you try this link

    then is the active Spot in the map the Spot from the scene_001. If i try
    "f5", then is the active Map-Spot the right.

    It would be great, that the right Map-Hot-Spot is active by entering the Pano after
    clicking the link (without “F5” and any other action).

    Thanks in advance

    Dear all,

    this is a great Plugin and it runs at Desktop (ie,ff, chrome,…) and iPhone4
    (without bingmap!). My Problem is that the activated BingMaps-HotSpot is always
    the HotSpot from the first Scene! Is it possible to implement the code
    "plugin[panotourmaps].activatespot(%1); plugin[panotourmaps].pantospot(%1);"
    into the jAddress so that the right Map Hotspots would be activated? Or is
    there any other Opportunity?

    For Example:

    This is the
    Startscene, and if you are linking to scene_002 the MapHotSpot wich is active
    is that from the scene_001. That’s not very nice, because I am using this for a
    City Tour through my hometown and it is necessary to link directly to a special
    Here is the MapHotSpot from Scene_001 active instead of scene_002 (the Hotspot directly
    under the Scene_001-Spot).

    Thanks in

