Posts by PanAustria


    I too got this mail from google.
    It says i have to register my existing API-key-account to a 'billing-account' with monthly free costs of $200.
    Otherwise my key won´t work after 11th of June.

    This is a major change and i am not sure, if the traffic (map calls of my customer projects) will exceed this $200 or not.
    So i am wondering, nobody else - only 'clio' reported this here...
    This should effect all googlemap plugin users!

    Do we have to swap (again for me) to bingmap to avoid monthly costs?

    Hi Klaus

    Would be nice if the Sphere Cube Droplet could write the Exif position data from a spherical image to each of the cube faces as well.
    I often do a sphere to cube manually for image corrections on nadir or/and sky cube faces.
    With this conversion the position information stored in the source picture gets lost. Using the make vtour droplet after that makes it nessecary to add this lat / lng values manually into the resulting xml for every scene.

    I know it will lead to the question "which cubeface's position data (?)" to use for the xml.
    A solution could be to simply determine eg. "always using the front cubeface ("..._f.jpg") for that. So everyone would know how to handle this.

    The reverse function - cube to sphere - is less important but could be solved in the same way.


    Hallo Klaus

    Thanks for the quick response!!

    The droplets all are from the latest release (dated with Dec 1st 2017).
    So i tried to change the quarantine flag using your sudo command and it worked.

    ... seems that apple again changed something *cursing* .

    For the moment i am very happy with this solution - it´s no troublemaker anymore (just one command to execute) *thumbsup* *thumbsup*

    best regards,

    Hallo Klaus, maybe you have an idea what to do:

    As in this 2 year old thread…&threadID=13699

    same happens now on both of my Mac systems
    (OSX Sierra 10.12.6 on macmini AND OSX 10.13.2 High Sierra on brandnew MacbookPro):

    Pulling 10 Panos - equirect., tif-pictures (from "cube to sphere") as well as pulling 60 cubefaces - tif-pictures (from "sphere to cube", worked on)
    on "MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES)". Sometimes terminal starts and does 2-3 panos. Ignoring the rest. Rest even is not recognized by the system
    (in terminal app you can see a "processing 1/3..." - so not more than 3 panos where passed to terminal).
    If i try it again directly after that - it leads to sometimes no terminal app appears; the droplet itself starts and nothing happens.

    This is reproducable also using other droplets and
    the hint from the (unresolved) thread above - renaming the tif-files to tiff-files does not help either.

    krpano Version 1.19-pr14

    Hi Klaus

    Does it affect subnodes in generally?
    Using multiple 'set' command does not work fpr hotspot points at the moment:

    only the following conventional code works:

    best regards,

    Got a hexacopter this autumn and here are the first 7 results.
    The panos are updating a tour project (more than 160 panos) already existing several years.
    During the last time it was updated to run html-only (only flash in earlier days) and now relaunched with also responsive design and functions.
    Was a lot of work because some years ago when i started this project i coded many features using actionscript and now had to recode and adapt all again...

    direct links to the hexacopter panos here:

    The regular tourstart is without parameters, so:
    will do it.

    Hope you like it!

    Thank you both for your reply!
    I know the workaround as well -
    ...would be fine to here from Klaus if this is a (known/unknown) bug or part of the concept.
    Consequently I would expect this to work because it eases coding as well as readability and in my understanding those were the goals for the new syntax...

    Best regards,

    I just startet to use "" xml-definition code in future for better readable code (xxx means e.g. "normar", "desktop.or.tablet", and so on).
    But i have problems with this using dynamic added layers type "text":

    definitions like:
    set(plugin[myText].autowidth.normal, true);
    set(plugin[myText], 'css here...');
    set(plugin[myText].width.desktop.or.tablet, 200);
    don´t work.

    Is it not possible to use those device attributes within layers of the plugin type text?
    Or is it not possible to use them within any dynamic added code?

    Having exactly the same problem as princebk: ... multiple (8) panos on one page. They are small: only 300-400 in width and 159 height.
    Although they are small and i generated an extra low res pano-version for this kind of animated 'preview', raising the amount of embedded panos from 4 (works) to 8 leads to black boxes for some panos.

    Any help out there?

    EDIT: Solved (with help from Klaus):
    The limit of live WebGL-contextes we cannot control or change. It depends on browserversions and other systemspecific parameters.
    But in my case - displaying only small animated panos as eyecatcher (8 at the same time) it helped
    to control the rendering via HTML5="only+css3d". So no WebGL used for this small panos and it looks fine anyway!
    Thx to Klaus!

    I try to get a rectangular view out of a sphere.
    Using this command line in terminal (Mac):
    /Jobs/krp/krpanotools sphere2cube view /Jobs/krp/169.tif /Jobs/krp/169part.tif -outsize=10088x6724 -fov=43 -lookat=19,0,0 -noautolevel -jpegquality=100 -jpegoptimize
    immediately leads to:
    "ERROR: view mode - too small fov value!"

    Don´t know if it is relevant but: This is a 1.1 GByte Tif, 84460x42230 Pixel
    I tried other fov´s (more than 100 degrees too) and smaller outsizes too - no success at all.

    Can anybody help?

    EDIT: same error using a smaller sphere (8000x4000 px) with fov=90 and outsize=2000x1600

    Bin mir nicht sicher, wo der "Hund begraben liegt", aber der code:

    führt bei mir in Flash immer zur Ausgabemeldung:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Der Zugriff auf eine Eigenschaft oder eine Methode eines null-Objektverweises ist nicht möglich.
    at paScroller01dev_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

    Hallo all!

    Does anyone know a method to determine if the user has reached the max zoom in a pano (set via maxpixelzoom or fovmin)?
    I want to report (googleanalytics) this event because i want to know if visitors use the zoom functions extensively (interested in details) or only for short ("nice gimmic...").

    It is - in multires panos - no problem to get the actual multires-level, but this is to weak for my investigation...

    Ich stehe etwas an; vielleicht kann jemand helfen(?):

    Beim Upgraden mancher meiner touren, die eigene swf-plugins enthalten, ist es nötig, die mittlerweile neue swf sowie deren und die neue Einbindung in as3-code zu verwenden, wie es klaus schreibt.
    Sieht bei mir zB so aus:

    .. jetzt habe ich hier nur die möglichkeit, (xml-aufrufbare) funktionen zu definieren, aber nicht, wie bisher - nach geladenem plugin - direkt code ausführen zu lassen, mit dem diese funktionen ggf. interagieren;
    so wie bisher einfach mit code fortzusetzen:

    ... ist nicht möglich, da zB die arrays scTexte und scTitel sich nicht mehr im jew. benötigten Gültigkeitsbereich befinden. In der bisherigen Methode, war ich nicht gezwungen, die benötigten funktionen (die mit kr.set("...",...)) innerhalb der registerplugin-funktion zu definieren.
    Gibt es einen Weg, dies zu umgehen?

    PS: Es geht in dem Beispiel um eine in Flah erstellte Textbox "Scroller" mit Titelleiste und Textscrollbereich, für die beim Laden des Plugins ein 2dim Array alle Texte erhält und das Plugin selbst tauscht (xml-Befehl "newSC" bei jedem szenenwechsel) auf Befehl diese Texte für die neue szene aus...

    Bin schon draufgekommen, dass meine bisherige Version der Einbindung - mit

    weiterhin auch mit der neuen funktioniert und damit das Problem der Variablengültigkeit ausserhalb v. funktionen gar nicht besteht...
    Manchmal ist der einfache Weg, etwas zum Laufen zu bringen, der, der einem zuletzt einfällt...

    My virt. tour through - and around! - St.Peter´s cathedral (Salzburg) is done and online now - 16 panos.
    It was not easy to gather all planned panos, because my customers decision makers changed two times(!), then suddenly all roofs of St.Peters district got serviced (for nearly a year no shooting possible...) and some other reasons made this project stuck for about 1 1/2 years...

    Please also have a look at the map and visit the both panos placed a little bit outside the map. They show Salzburg´s roofs and one of them is done hires with my portrait tele!

    Do you plan to release one in the near future? - otherwise i would start to do it on my own (my customerst WANT TO have it on iPad work...).
    So if you were at starting point for such a project i´d rather be patient (2-3 month) and wont waste time for sth that comes up...