Beiträge von dmc123

    It seems that Theta 360 camera adds this attribute to the meta data of their panos: -xmp:PoseHeadingDegrees

    Each of my theta panos had a different value for -xmp:PoseHeadingDegrees, which is why I think I was getting the inconsistent tile heading orientation. I'm not sure how the theta 360 camera was deterring the value of PoseHeadingDegrees. Also, I noticed that krpano processed the tiles differently when I tested using krpano v. 1.19 and krpano 1.20. Again, I noticed some inconsistencies.

    My fix (for my project) was to use the Exif Fixed app and manually set -xmp:PoseHeadingDegrees=0 for each one of my theta panos. Then, I re-processed the panos. Since I shot the panos facing north, this solution worked for me.

    Hello -

    I'm working on a mapping project that requires my panos to be aligned with proper north. I shot all theta panos facing north using a compass.

    My expectation is that all processed theta panos would have a "pano_f.jpg" cube face pointing north. After processing all my panos, some pano_f.jpg are facing north, but many are not.

    If I remove exif data from the theta panos with incorrect cube tiles showing proper north and re-process, the "pano_f.jpg" are correct and point north.

    Could it be that certain meta data in the theta panos files are causing the issue, since processing non theta panos
    and theta panos without exif data properly outputs "pano_f.jpg" properly.

    Thank you.


    Hello -

    I'm dynamically adding hotspots with a text layer to my flatpano map. Works great. However, if a hotspot falls ontop of a poly shaped hotspot, I run into issues with onclick js code (i.e. when i click the hotspot, both the hotspot and poly functions are called). So, after reading the support forum, I changed the hotspot to render as "css3d". This fixed the issue with the hotspot that is plotted over a poly hotspot. However, now I'm running into an 'order' issue between the hotspot and the text layer. The text layer is a number that is centered over its parent hotspot. When I change the hotspot to render as css3d, the hotspot image is 'over' the text layer. I need to have the text later over the hotspot. I hope that makes sense. Thank you."addhotspot(" + hs_name + ")");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].url", "include/hotspot.png");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].renderer", "css3d"); //testing w/ poly
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].distorted", true);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].zorder", "1");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].ath", h);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].atv", v);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].ox", "0");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].oy", "0");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].alpha", "0.75");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].scale", "0.006");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].edge", edge);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].capture", false);

    var l_pt = "layer_" + d[o].hotspots.hotspot_id;"addhotspot(" + l_pt + ")");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].type", "text");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].parent", hs_name);
    //krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].zorder", "2");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].align", "center");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].html", d[o].hotspots
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].alpha", "1");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].scale", "0.006");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].distorted", true);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].ath", h);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].atv", v);
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].ox", "0");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].oy", "0");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].edge", "center");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].bgcolor", "0xffffff");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].bgalpha", "0");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+l_pt+"].css", "font-family:Arial; font-size:16px; color:#000000;");