Posts by mo.lx
Is VTBuilder dead?
Yes, we did add the allowfullscreen tag.
You can check the panorama here…-bodenbelaegen/
On small mobile screens you have to scroll down a bit to get to the panorama.
There is no fullscreen button on mobile devices.Regards,
Alex -
Hi Klaus,
any updates about the upcoming update/version?
Best wishes,
Alex -
Hi Kilby,
you can hide the thumbs button with
Code<action name="remove_index_btn" autorun="preinit"> umbrella_ico.item.removearrayitem(index_ico); copy(index_ico_aktyw, umbrella_ico.item.count); </action>
But if you hide all the buttons in the bottom menu (thumbs and vr) the menu button "+" has no function and I do not know how to hide it.
You can control which thumbs are shown by creating categories. Only thumbs of the active category are shown.
Maybe that helps.Best wishes
Alex -
Hi Piotr,
our client wants no map or floorplan, but we can't get rid of the floorplan-/map-button in the umbrella template.
Top right icon:
I tried it with the following code. It was just a good guess, but didn't work:
Code<action name="remove_navi_btn" autorun="preinit"> umbrella_ico.item.removearrayitem(navi_ico); copy(index_ico_aktyw, umbrella_ico.item.count); </action>
Can you please help us with that issue.Update 26.4.2019:
I was able to hide the button with a dirty CSS solution:
Still a more reasonable solution would be appreciated.Best wishes,
Alex -
Hi Piotr,
I got one more question
Is it possible to have different background audio in a tour?
3D audio is cool, but I would love to have simple different background audio for each category or even each scene.
I tried the following code in tour.xml but I got no sound output
Code<action name="load_audio">playHtml5sound2D(true, atmo, media/atmo_01, 1.0, 1.0, true);</action>
In the media folder is a file with the name atmo_01.mp3Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Best wishes,
Alex -
Hi Alex
Give me a link.
ps. In these examples, only one is floating style=true.
Hi Piotr,
here is a link to a panorama with floating POI style .
As you can see, the transition from one panorama to the next is only pan and fade.In your umbrella example there is a pan-ZOOM-fade transition.
We would like such a transition in our tour, but we don't know how to achieve that.Regards,
Alex -
Hi Piotr,
I try it one last time.
In the following VTB example tour there is a pan-zoom if you click on one of the arrows (hotspots).…umbrella/1.6.0/How can I get this pan-zoom in my own VTB projects?
Kind regards,
Alex -
Hi Piotr,
You do not need to add anything, all actions are ready and you do not need to modify them. What do you want to achieve?
I recently asked how to do a pan-zoom-in transition from one panorama to another (post 230 in this thread).
Your answer was (post 231)
QuoteI use this code: loadscene(SCENE_NAME,null,MERGE|KEEPVIEW, ZOOMBLEND(0.5,3));
But I do not know where to put it.
kind regards
Alex -
I use this code:
Hi Piotr,
thank you for your fast reply.
I am quite a newbie to krpano and VTBuilder.As I understand, most manual changes are done in the tour.xml and in the settings.xml of the skin, right?
In tour.xml I found the following lines...Codeloadscene_flags="MERGE" loadscene_blend="SLIDEBLEND(1.0, 135.0, 0.4, linear)" loadscene_blend_prev="SLIDEBLEND(0.5, 180, 0.75, linear)" loadscene_blend_next="SLIDEBLEND(0.5, 0, 0.75, linear)"
But changing these values does not do anything.My question now: Where do I put your line of code?
kind regards,
Alex -
New arrow plugin: Piotr,
how do we get a pan-zoom-in transition from one panorama to another (zoom to hotspot) just like in the example above?
We only have the standard pan-fade transition?kind regards