Posts by Yren

    I try to adding text to a variable int "for" by get an empty result if using multiple text parameters: txtadd(destination,txt1,txt2,txt3,...)
    for(set(i,0), i LT skin_media_list.count, inc(i),
    txtadd(media_list, get(i), '. ', get(skin_media_list[get(i)].name), '<br />');
    copy(layer[skin_media].html, media_list);

    But if I write such manner (single text parameter), there is concatenated string in results:
    for(set(i,0), i LT skin_media_list.count, inc(i),
    txtadd(media_list, get(i));
    txtadd(media_list, '. ');
    txtadd(media_list, get(skin_media_list[get(i)].name));
    txtadd(media_list, '<br />');
    copy(layer[skin_media].html, media_list);

    Help me, please, what's wrong?

    Hi, Klaus.
    Please, could you look at full code here:
    Nevertheless I think this is onstart ("onstart in onstart" more exactly) problem and only for HTML5 (there is no problem with flash), ...and maybe connected with hotspots...
    There is autogeneration of hotspots in the scenes, so when I just open the 3D tour, there are no hotspot appears, but when I open the same scene through the thumbs, hotspots are generated correctly.

    PS I tried the latest version - got the same problem. It worked fine in autumn version.


    From the april version scene's onstart action does not execute from the loadscene called from krpano onstart action.
    I mean situation like this:

    <krpano onstart=startup();">
    <action name="startup">
    if(scene.count GT 1, buildthumbs(); );
    loadscene('meteogorka', null, MERGE);
    <scene name="meteogorka" title="meteogorka_spring_2012_02" onstart="action(buildhotspot, 'meteogorka_autmn', 352.6, 13.2);" thumburl="pano_data/meteogorka_spring_2012_02.tiles/thumb.jpg">

    The "buildhotspot" action is not executed. ...And it looks like nothing after the loadscene in the "startup" action executes (I tried to add some actions after the loadscene, but they were ingnored.)