Beiträge von jicenikub

    Ah I found the parameter in the documentation behind the "show / hide advanced parameter" button that I missed before. Sorry for the trouble.

    Hi there!

    I'm currently evaluating KRPano as a replacement for SaladoViewer which is only flash based and sadly support for flash has been dropped from most browsers years ago.

    SaladoViewer uses the Microsoft DeepZoom format. Panoramas can be defined with xml files like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Image TileSize="953" Overlap="0" Format="jpg" ServerFormat="Default" xmnls="">
    <Size Width="30496" Height="30496" />

    I tried to translate that to your xml format which looks like this:

    Sadly the problem I encounter is that krpano starts indexing with 1 while the Microsoft DeepZoom format starts indexing with 0. Can I somehow tell the krpano viewer to start with 0 also, so that I don't have to reorder all existing panoramas to switch to your viewer?

    With the xml config shown above I get an error console showing errors like this:

    ERROR: loading of 'path/x_f/10/1_1.jpg' failed!

    Ps.: I have not bought a license yet, I am still evaluating whether I want to make the switch.