Posts by Arsdezi

    Off top:
    Ooh, Umalo!
    That Is not interesting! because I always don't see your images and all data from you!
    *g* Because your administrator has a phobia that's necessarily hacked residents from my country.... and nothing thought up as to limit full access) is not serious *tongue*

    There is only one little thing, the autorotate action doesn't pause at onover event... and also here I have found nothing, everything I tried did not let it pause.
    Do you have an other good advice for me...? ;o)
    Best regards, Werner

    Hi, Werner!
    Your code don't work, because we have two styles for hotspots! First, skin_hotspotstyle_white with onclick/onloaded actions and onloaded action the load second style - skin_tooltips with onover/onout actions. And when you put set(autorotate.enabled,false); in first style, onover/onout functions from second style is overridden this functions for first style! ;) You need put set(autorotate.enabled,false); in second, last style!
    But.... If you use this is solution for pause of autorotation, you always to start autorotate when out mouse of hotspots, even when your autorotate button on panel have a disabled state!
    Very simple and old solution in this case(not from me):

    Try! *wink*
    Cheers, Arsen

    So, the hidden navigation on start is perfect, the tooltips on the thumbnails work's fine – the only thing, I can't see any hotspots, they are not visible and I can't find the bug.

    He-he! Werner, is no a bug )) *tongue*
    Just replace hotspot style name for hotspots or rename style!
    Because your name style for hotspot in scenes:
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ...
    and your style name for anima hotsops in vtourskin file:
    <style name="skin_hotspotstyle_white" ...
    They different! Change/rename and enjoy! Will be works fine!

    Hi, Werner!
    1. Hotspots tooltips do not work because you use old code with fragments of new code styling for them in vtourskin.xml ;)
    Please use only new style of coding for full HTML5/Flash compatibility! Try this:

    And remove duplicate action <action name="hotspot_animate"> in main tour.xml!

    2. Add action in <action name="startup">....</action> for to the close control panel at start:


    Try! *wink*

    Could you provide some more infos, Arsdezi? What studio stand do you use and how do you trigger the camera up there?

    Hi, Nupsi!
    See pic in attachment(I do not want to wake up my family, photographed only the stand) *tongue*
    My DIY solution is very simple and cheap)

    1. one studio light stand, made in China - $65;
    2. few the metal vent hose clamps -$3;
    3. thin steel safety cable -complete with two spring catch and hook-up slot(DIY), because I do not trust the Chinese head stands -$3; *tongue*
    4. sticker with gradation of steps rotation - $0.1;
    5. radio flash/camera trigger Yongnuo RF-603 for trigger camera - $30-40

    ... and my Nodal Ninja 4 mounting without rotator.
    Now I want buy Pole Rotator 60(or 45) degree stops (…ee-stops-f7118/) for mounting fix on base and for turn column of stand using a DIY tube adapter ;)
    And of course you can use wireless controller like camranger or similar for liveview mode and control all general parameters of your camera!

    Hi, Samadi!
    A moment will come when I will buy myself the Pole Nodal Ninja, but at the moment I use regular studio stand (cheap price ~$60)! *g*
    That allows take pictures with height up to 4 meters, there are stands and up, but then they are much heavier (
    I'm attaching the head NN4+5dmII+Fisheye without rotator, rotating manually using the lower leg section of stand.
    And get result like this:


    I am pretty sure I have tested it in that version as well and it isn't working. Unless I am mistaken? Arsdezi, do you have this working for you?

    Hi, Martyn! As example you publish virtual tour with old version - krpano HTML5 Viewer, krpano 1.16.9 (build 2013-10-28), so I have written to you!
    PS: I personally can not check, check usually request my friends(I do not have the Ipad)! *wink*
    Cheers, Arsen

    Thank you guys for your responses!
    Said before, but just noticed that my answer was not published!
    Write again)

    Umalo, yes! exactly! That thing that I need for my simple needs!
    Really supermap *thumbsup*
    I tried play with settings, works fine!
    Thank you very much!
    ======== *thumbup* =========

    Sudarchikov Andrey, hi!
    is this plugin?:
    Nice solution! Maybe I'm will try use in future projects with large plans/maps!
    Thank you!
    BTW, it's your plugin too? Map with mode of full size area, very usable:

    Hi, Alex!
    At local you see flash version of virtual tour, when running online start prefer a HTML5 version(try flash prefer online:…?html5=fallback).
    And if you look error from krpano player you see 2 errors(push "O" on keboard):
    WARNING: hotspot[cuba-reception-day] skipped flash file: ... WARNING: plugin[cuba-reception-info] skipped flash file: ...

    And.. the solution to your problem is very simple! *g*
    Because you use wrong and null alternative files from hotspots and layer:
    <hotspot name="cuba-reception-day"
    type="image" url="skin/hotspot-reception-day.png"

    <layer name="cuba-reception-info"
    type="image" parent="hotspot[cuba-reception-day]"

    Documentation about alturl -

    Your image for html5 is "..." -null! *g*
    Delete this dots in alturl or all alturl line and will be work fine!
    BTW. You must use alternative files for audio and video if you want them to play on all types of browsers/devices! *attention*

    PS: nice tour!

    Read the response from Klaus! *tongue*
    And I explain to you, because I'm generous today! *g*

    And see documentation,
    lookat(atH, atV, fov*)
    Look at this panorama position.

    • atH
      Horizontal position in degrees, spherical coordinates (-180 to +180).
    • atV
      Vertical position in degrees, spherical coordinates (-90 to +90).
    • fov (optionally)
      The new field of view in degrees (0 - 179).

    loadpano(pano.xml); or loadscene(scene_name);
    lookat(45.1, -20.2, 110.0);

    If you use standart vtourskin file in your tour, standart hotspot code and etc., see action for onclick in scene:
    <!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-27.931" atv="5.787" linkedscene="scene_entrance" />

    Open vtourskin.xml and look to style for all hotspots:
    <style name="skin_hotspotstyle" url="hotspot-arrow.png" scale="0.60" edge="top" oy="0" distorted="false"
    crop="0|0|128|128" ondowncrop="128|0|128|128" onovercrop="128|0|128|128"
    onclick="if(linkedscene, skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); looktohotspot(); loadscene(get(linkedscene),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_updatescroll(); );"
    onloaded="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, if(linkedscene, copy(tooltip,scene[get(linkedscene)].title); loadstyle(skin_tooltips); ));"

    When the scene is loadedit is displayed with the parameters that are specified in the view:
    <view hlookat="66.851" vlookat="0.484" fov="109.0" fovtype="MFOV"....

    If you want use your parameters for different direction from hotspots when scene is onload, must be deleted line in hotspotstyle or create new hotspotstyle without: onclick="if(linkedscene,.......
    And put manual your parametrs in each hotspot onclick action in scenes, like this:
    <!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-27.931" atv="5.787"

    onclick="skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); looktohotspot(); loadscene(scene_name),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); lookat(-135,0,82); skin_updatescroll();"/>

    Good luck! *thumbup*