Beiträge von Barras

    I have images taken with a Riegl scanner.
    The RiscanPro software generates a panoramic image and a depthmap.
    The panoramic is decomposed into a multi-resolution cubic image using Krpano tools.
    In order to use the distance measurement tool, I integrate the depth map with the line into the xml file created by Krapno tools:
    <depthmap url="modeles3d/ScanPos003-rgb-depth.png" scale="10" encoding="rgb24" hittest="true" enabled="true"/> => file : 230605_withDepthmap.jpg
    the panoramic view degrades very badly with offsets.

    If I deactivate the depth map, the panoramic view is of good quality : => file : 230605_withoutDepthmap.jpg

    On closer examination, my depthmap has black pixels (file : 230605_DetailDepthmap.jpg)? Is this my problem?
    Is it possible to correct this problem with a parameter?
    Can you give me an idea of how to solve this problem?

    Best Regards

    Hello everybody,

    I have partial panoramas (not 360° x 180°) at high resolution. With krpano tools, I generated "sphere" images.
    In parallel, I have a 3D model *. OBJ.
    I didn't understand why I could only see one or the other. And then I found out this note :
    "Note - the depthmapping-support is only available for <cube> (single- and multi-resolution) and <sphere> panos (single-resolution only)!"

    • Do you have a workaround for this, given that partial panoramas are already 160GB for 100° x 100°?
    • Is it possible to make cubic images with different resolutions for different faces?

    Thank you for your suggestions and ideas
    With my best regards


    I'm looking for a solution to display perimeters in all my scenes.
    My perimeters are in an xml file and I can display these hotspots in a scene via <include url="panos/_pts_alarm/permit.xml" />

    Since I have scenes that are generated by another program, I would like these hotspots to be automatically included, without having to add the command to each scene.

    Can you help me and tell me at what level I should include this command in the xml

    <include url="panos/_pts_alarm/permit.xml" />

    Thanks for your precious help


    To visualize differences between 2 point clouds, I generated hotspots for the 3D points of the cloud that exceed a certain tolerance.
    The hotspots without stored in a file and the style of the hotspots are in another file.
    The definition of style is :

    Up to ~1000 hotspots, everything is fine.
    However, as soon as the number of hotspots increases (up to ~10'000 hotspots), it takes a long time before the first points appear (several minutes).
    Do you have a solution so that the points arrive more regularly?
    Thanks for your help


    Is it possible to display several images in the same scene?

    With a robotic head, I have 4 to 5 images for a partial panorama.
    In order to automate the creation of panoramas and to speed up the processing, I would like to avoid stitching. I know the angles of my images.
    However, if I place 2 <image> sections in my scene, only the 2nd is displayed.

    For exemple :
    <scene name="scene_220211_114218_1" title="220211_114218_2" >
    <image align="44.5922|10.265|-2.2765" fov="81.0209" voffset="0.00" lenscp="0.0366466|-0.0672961|-0.00738026|0.283614|-0.547321">
    <fisheye url="panos/test/220211_124218_01_01.jpg" />
    <image align="88.9351|10.265|-2.2765" fov="81.0209" voffset="0.00" lenscp="0.0366466|-0.0672961|-0.00738026|0.283614|-0.547321">
    <fisheye url="panos/test/220211_124218_02_01.jpg" />

    Do you have a solution?
    thanks for your help


    To try to get a 3D distance value, I am looking for the following workflow:
    1) detect the position of my mouse on the current panoramic (it works, it's OK)
    2) ask for the color in the depthmap panorama which is positioned with the same orientations.
    -. Is there a function that returns the RGB color of a spherical position?
    -. Is it possible to query an image that is not displayed on the screen?

    Thanks for your help
    Best regards


    In a scene that has a depth map, I am looking for a solution to know the depth value of the cursor position (when clicking).
    Then I want to place a hotspot at this depth.

    Can someone guide me to the function to use?
    Thanks for your help


    I was super happy with the above solution:"assignstyle(hotspot["+hs_name+"],'mystyle');");

    This Javascript function worked great locally (with krpano Testing Server.exe)
    After copying my tree structure on my website, online, I get this error :

    (newHotspot is my style)

    this error occurs each time I have the order"assignstyle(hotspot["+hs_name+"],'mystyle');");
    and with all styles.

    However the FichiersVBs/Def_Styles.xml is well defined in the tour.xml and it is well copied to the right place.

    Do you have an idea
    Thank you for your help
    Best regards

    Hello both of you,
    Thank you for your 2 very quick proposals.

    I also tried with Klaus' proposal, but it didn't work. I must have made another mistake in my javascript.

    Indexofrefraction's 1st solution worked very well and I was able to reuse my styles easily and automatically.

    Thanks again for your very quick help.
    Best regards

    Hello Klaus,

    Thank you for the proposal.
    Sorry for my difficulties, but if my javascript object is
    (for example: var krpanoScene = krpanoSceneG.get("xml.scene");)

    How should I code, in javascript to detect a change in the scene through the navigation buttons in the "tour" tools
    Your quick help is precious

    Best regards

    In a JS script, I want to place hotspots with :"addhotspot(" + hs_name + ")");
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].type", 'text');

    For style, I tried:
    krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].style", 'mystyle');
    or"assignstyle(hotspot["+hs_name+"]", "'mystyle');");

    (for info, "mystyle" is defined in an xml).

    Can you help me find the right command to use this style?
    Thank you very much for your help
    Best regards


    Before I start adding 3D models in the background of my panoramas, I would like to know if anyone has a sample code to allow distance measurements.
    I seem to have seen this once on the web, but I can't find the example.
    Thank you for your help and your research leads.

    I have a problem with a javascript code.

    I have 2 div and several different scenes (in the same .xml file)
    I want to place in the krpanoSceneD object the same scene as in krpanoSceneG, but with a fixed zoom of 10x in order to visualize it in my 2nd div.

    varhlookat = krpanoSceneG.get("view.hlookat");
    varvlookat = krpanoSceneG.get("view.vlookat");
    varfov = krpanoSceneG.get("view.fov") /10;
    varkrpanoSceneNum = krpanoSceneG.get("xml.scene");
    krpanoSceneD.set("xml.scene", krpanoSceneNum);
    krpanoSceneD.set("view.hlookat", hlookat );
    krpanoSceneD.set("view.vlookat", vlookat );
    krpanoSceneD.set("view.fov", fov );
    My code above works except for :
    krpanoSceneD.set("xml.scene", krpanoSceneNum);

    I can't make the scene change.

    can you help me?
    A very big thank you