hi Klaus
any chance to have an update of the system to watch several OBJ with JPG at the same time ?
some scenes are really complex to handle
kind regards!!!
hi Klaus
any chance to have an update of the system to watch several OBJ with JPG at the same time ?
some scenes are really complex to handle
kind regards!!!
this is the faceted object to place a cylindrical screen... so i need to crop the video several times... (no matter with that) just i need the code to crop
we have a cylinder to texture with a video... so we need 8 hotspots with the same video... cropped...
is there any way to do it ?
Display MoreHi,
not sure what you mean.. can you explain or show?lrivero
this is just one object.
Have a look at the panocamadder tutorial by Michael Eva.. Also the multitexture baking might help.
The script is mainly the same a the example in your krpano download package.. only with tons of custom changes and experiments.
I will not share this code.
I prefer doing paid jobs.Tuur
good support means work so... yes, we paid what is tough, always!!!
Hi Jordi
Great Plugin!
We just need a standalone version of that Plugin because we do "synthetic panoramas" aka "renderings" and its mutch easier for us to model the "depthmodel" with our own 3d-software instead of everpano.
Will you provide it as a standalone Plugin as well?Kind regards
everpano publish .STL 3d files for everypano:
1 import every .STL to 3dsmax so you can align and scale a detailed lowpoly 3dmodel
2 export that detailed model as .STL with the same name overwriting the old one
3 do 1st step again for each pano .STL
great work!!
can i ask you about the obj...
are you merging two or more obj ? or using two or more textures ?
how you did it? can you copy the code sample here?
thanks for considering!!!!
there are two blocks you need to add:
<!-- BUTTONS -->
<!-- the style for the button -->
<style name="infospot" keep="true" type="text"
html="test" css="font-size:30px;text-align:center;" vcenter="true"
width="70" height="70" scale="0.1"
bgroundedge="36" bgborder="2 0x000000 1" bgshadow="0 0 5 0xFFFFFF 1.0"
oversampling="2" mipmapping="true" depth="0" depthbuffer="true" zorder="2"
zoom="true" torigin="world"
autoalpha="true" alpha="0.0"
onover.addevent="tween(scale,0.23,0.2,easeoutback); tween(alpha,0.7);"
onout.addevent="if(enabled, tween(scale,0.2,0.2); tween(alpha,0.5); )"
<!-- the the button itself where txyz are the 3d coordinates for the hotspot -->
<hotspot name="abu_simbel_18_info1" style="infospot"
tx="0" ty="-50" tz="100"
onclick="show_info_text(abu_simbel_18, abu_simbel_18_infotext1, +31,-224,-2, 267,0,110);"
Can anybody explain me the difference between Blender solution and Everpano? Shortly?
Will I be able to insert to my future tours some 3d objects as they are presented on Sketchfab.com ??
everpano projects the nearest texture over a simple low poly geometry
krpano texture 3d models use only ONE texture as a typical 3d model
ive found a goaround
1 crete simple geometry, just a few boxes with references
2 render project
3 in 3dsmax import each STL
4 they will be in different positions
5 if the source of pano is a rendering, just create lowpoly models of furniture or sensitive objects such lamps, coachs or chairs in the scene
5 link one of the STl to one dummie (they are all the same model with different positions and rotations)
6 animate the dummy to get the STL aligned
7 export and overwrite the STLs in everyframe
you got it.. (sounds easy but its quite easy to do it wrong...)