Beiträge von reim_dh

    *sad* Hi there,

    I'm creating a mixed pano tour (v1.20.6) with images and videos. Therefore I have a two skins included:

    <include url="skin/vtourskin.xml" if="design == 'normal'" />
    <include url="skin/videointerface.xml" if="design == 'video'" />

    For changing the skin I use this action:

    <action name="change_skin_design">
                loadpanoscene("tour.xml", %2, null, IGNOREKEEP, NOBLEND);

    When I call the action from an hotspot with onclick="change_skin_design(normal,scene_01);" it works just fine.
    But when I call the action from a combobox item its loading the correct scene, but the skin doesn't change:

    <combobox name="cbscenes" design="rounded" align="topleft" x="20" y="20" onchange="selectItemByName(0);">
    	<item name="item0" caption="Item 1" onclick="change_skin_design(normal,scene_01);" />
    	<item name="item1" caption="Item 2" onclick="change_skin_design(video,scene_02);" />	

    Did anyone have a similar Problem?

    Edit: I uploaded an edited skinselect.xml from the examples, where I added the combobox with the same onclick event. Same here: when it is called from the layer it works fine. Called from a combobox item doesnt work.