Beiträge von m.conche

    It looks like you're experiencing an issue running krpano Tools.exe on Windows 10. Here are a few steps you could try to resolve the error:

    1. Run as Administrator: Right-click on Krpano Tools.exe and select 'Run as administrator'.
    2. Compatibility Mode: Right-click on Krpano Tools.exe, go to Properties, then the Compatibility tab, and run the program in compatibility mode for an earlier version of Windows.
    3. Re-download and Reinstall: It's possible the downloaded file might be corrupted. Try downloading the krpano zip file again, extract it, and run the Krpano Tools.exe.
    4. Check for System Updates: Ensure your Windows 10 is up to date with the latest updates and patches.
    5. Check for Software Updates: Check if there's a newer version of krpano available that might have fixed compatibility issues with Windows 10.
    6. Antivirus/Firewall Exceptions: Sometimes, antivirus or firewall settings might block certain applications. Check if krpano Tools.exe is allowed through your antivirus/firewall.

    Best regards!


    I understand the requirement of having a 500px (on the longer side) thumbnail along with the multi-resolution tiles. Unfortunately, the native krpano droplet options might not provide this feature directly. However, a workaround could be to use an external image processing tool or a scripting language like Python with an imaging library like Pillow to resize your panorama to the desired dimensions post tile generation. This way, you can automate the process and have a 500px thumbnail created alongside the tiles and preview image generated by krpano.

    Best regards!

    Got it done with :

    ./krpanotools makepano ./public/template/customonlytiles.config inputfile.jpg

    here is a modified version of the multires.config :

    Hi all,

    When i do ./krpanotools makepano it gives me in output the following


    Which krpanotools spheretocube or maketiles command can i use to have the same output as makepano, but with only the tile folder, without all the files ?

    I saw in tour.xml krpano reads it as

    <image>      <cube url="/panos/DJI_0334.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280,2624"/>    </image>

    But cannot repeat it as output file for. krpano maketiles...

    Will need some help *cool*


    I want to hire a developper to make me the following :

    - a simple HTML JS CSS Firebase website where you can drag and drop an image
    - if the file is a panoramic image, execute the krpanotool maketiles function
    - store the output folder and images into a firebase project Storage system.

    The project shouldn’t use php. I can use NodeJS. It should work on local server on MAC OSX and on a Linux server.

    The price will be discussed in private messages.

    Please feel free ton contact me for any question :

    Hi all !!

    I manage to launch via the terminal on my machine, the maketiles command
    Syntax: ./krpanotools maketiles inputfile outputfile [tilesize] [OPTIONS]

    I would like via a javascript, to be able to launch this command line on my local server.

    Some are using php : exec(./krpanotools maketiles E1_devant_proche.jpg tile_%v_%h.jpg 2048);
    I would like to use JS.

    I am running it on local server via wampp on Mac OSX. And i tried running it with nodeJS server.

    None are working

    Can you help me doing that ?

    Cheers from France :)   :)



    I saw that is using KRpano. I would like to know if anyone know how they are doing the drag and drop your picture to create a scene ?

    Ho they manage to dynamically creates all the pano_b.jpg, pano_b.jpg, pano_d.jpg... preview.jpg etc from the upload of a picture ?

    Was I clear enough ?

    When I saw that they are using KR pano, thats when I knew the potential of embeding Krpano into HTML JS website.

    I am myself using Firebase to store all the textual data, and i have a script that dynamically set all the necessary data into scene.

    Cheers from france !!

    Hi all !

    I'm learning the JS interface.

    Today, i would like to run a xml action from a JS file by clicking on a HTML button

    I have my index.html

    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <div id="title"></div>
    <div class="button" onclick=" getSceneTitleName(); ">Get Scene Title Name</div>

    On my script.js

    function getSceneTitleName(){
    	krpano.set("scene[get(xml.scene)].title","Nouveau titre");
    	<!-- Here i would like to call the skin_update_scene_infos action of the /skin/vtourskin.xml -->
    	var title=  krpano.get("scene[get(xml.scene)].title");
    	document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = title ; 

    and my /skin/vtourskin.xml

    <action name="skin_update_scene_infos" scope="local">
    	...the actions...

    I tried"skin_update_scene_infos()") but doesn't seems to work in my case...
    I think the answer should be here : bu i can't figure it out....

    Thank you all

    Cheers from france,


    Hi all,
    I want to get the title name of the actual scene via the javascript interface. i saw other posts and tried em, but it didn’t worked for me

    This code :…49028#post49028 didn't worked for me.

    var krpano = document.getElementById("krpanoSWFObject"); 
    function getSceneTitleName(){ 
    	 var title= String( krpano.get("scene[get(xml.scene)].title") ); 

    anyone can help me ?
    Thank you


    I know this question has been answered a lot, but i didn't found a solution for me.

    in my index.html, i want to display a div aobe the pano div. For example, displaying a top bar with a menu in HTML5

    So i have my <div id="pano"> with the embedpano inside.

    and i want to display a div like follow, above the pano div .

    <div class="contenu" style="transform:translateZ(1000000000000px)">
    	<div class="button" onclick="add_hotspot();">Add a Hotspot at the current position</div>
    	<div class="button" onclick="randomview_set();">Set a Random view</div><br>

    I've tried dealing with z order, but didn't worked at all.
    I am not using flashplayer, and 'm on the latest krpano version on Chrome.

    Any help would be appreciated !!

    Cheers from france :)

    I've solved it !

    the problem was because of PARENT and CHILD problem !

    for(set(h,0), h LT hotspot.count, inc(h);, 
    	def(connection, array); 

    Like that it works properly !

    thanks a lot for your help *smile*

    I've solved it !

    the problem was because of PARENT and CHILD problem !

    for(set(h,0), h LT hotspot.count, inc(h);, 
     def(connection, array); 

    Like that it works properly !

    thanks a lot for your help *smile*

    Ok thank you, that helps me :)  
    But i have an issue with


    I want to make a script so that every scene will automatically be like that :

    So i have to create
    1. a layer named "connections" much connection element as hotspot numbers.
    3. set the connection element name and hdir
    4. set connection elements parent to layer connections

    for(set(h,0), h LT hotspot.count, inc(h);,      def(connection, array);                set(connection[get(h)].name,"name"); 

    for the first hotspot, it traces me :

    INFO: connection[get(h)].name 
    INFO: connection[get(h)].hdir 
    DEBUG: connection=[[object Object]] length=1 type=array

    But my issue is that


    doesn't seems to work properly because it should trace me "name" if it has worked...

    Am I not using set(connection[get(h)].name,"name"); wright ?

    Hope i'm clear ;)

    Thanks a lot !
