I have been able to verify that there are many posts talking about preloading the "cubes" of the next scenes through an action (solutions of more than 10 years: https://krpano.com/forum/wbb/inde…d&threadID=1894 ), but in the official documentation there is a flag called "PRELOAD" (https://krpano.com/docu/actions/#loadpano.flags ).
I have implemented the solution from the official documentation, but it seems that it does nothing since when I load the next scene it "takes time to load" and I don't know if it is a problem or that I am not using it as it should.
Right now I have a simple project with two scenes in which, when starting, I load scene 1 as follows:
<krpano bgcolor="0x000000" onstart="startup();" showerrors="false">
<action name = "startup" autorun = "onstart"> loadscene (1, null, MERGE | PRELOAD); </action>
As the documentation indicates, setting the "PRELOAD" flag will preload the cubes of the next scene, but it is not.
When changing scenes he takes his time to load the cubes and then transitions.
For if it helps, I load scene 2 as follows (in my case from JS):
krpano.set("hotspot["+hs_name+"].onclick", "loadscene( 2,null,MERGE|PRELOAD|NOPREVIEW|KEEPVIEW,BLEND(2,easeoutexpo) );");
I would like, please, if you could give an example of use in the case of having 2 and 4 scenes (since in my case I also need it with 4 scenes so that from scene 1 I can go to number 2, 3 or to the 4).
That will help me a lot and I think the community will too, since there is no examples of PRELOAD in the official documentation and it is quite important.