Posts by zhitongjia
Why is the actual clarity different for an 85 inch touchscreen computer with installed Win10 and Android systems and the same resolution settings? Android has significantly better clarity, but it is prone to freezing. Configuration information: CPU:Intel i7-u@2.59GHz , RAM:16GB, 64 bit operating system
I thought the plugin was just encrypting webvr. xml, but have other plugins such as webvr. js and JavaScript already been publicly encrypted? So now it seems that we can only cancel it
Thank you for your support. I will try loading 1000 scenes at different times using 'skin_loadtour()' to see if it can solve the problem.
Multiple tour.xml and tour.html files? Then redirect to the corresponding tour.html link?
That's a Chrome error when the page takes too long or uses too much resources...
1000 scenes is a bit much!
The default vtourskin.xml is not designed to manage that many panos, e.g. by default then 1000 thumbnail images would be created and loaded and depending on the system that might be too much...For extremely large tours I would recommend some custom skin or scene/pano management.
Or split the tour into multiple tours and switch from one tour to the other using the 'skin_loadtour' action.Best regards,
KlausDo you have any corresponding cases? The 'skin_Ladtour' action was not found in the document. Do I need to redirect to the corresponding tour link myself
Thank you Klaus for your support
The number of 'xml. scene' is 1000, and there is an occasional error in the browser: error code:STATUS_BREAKPOINT.How to solve that?
You are very creative and interesting! Unfortunately, there is no such person around me. If I could meet them, it would be great to chat. Unfortunately, my skills are too limited, and most of them are simply incomprehensible. But the toolbox has been very helpful to me, and I have also purchased your showroom interactive plugin, which is fantastic! If you create new interactive plugins, I will still purchase them. -
Thank you for your support. Let's try again
The reason has been identified. For Android phones, type="krpano" takes up a lot of resources. Can it be optimized
The detailed information has been sent to the email I am eagerly waiting for the upgrade of the system and looking forward to guidance.
Looking at the document, I think I used custom encryption and the plugin didn't load? I am trying, thank you for your support
The previous version did not remind us of this issue, do we need to set it up there? I am currently using 1.22.2