I was also experimenting with
<events name="turn_pano" onloadcomplete="set(view.hlookat,-90);" />
but I have no control over vlookat parameter. Where should it be placed in the syntax?
I was also experimenting with
<events name="turn_pano" onloadcomplete="set(view.hlookat,-90);" />
but I have no control over vlookat parameter. Where should it be placed in the syntax?
Thank you!!! It works!
Please just fix letter mistake
there must be loadscene and it is loadcene - it didn't worked and I was hard thinking why ;)
Just for other people ;)
As in title: is it possible to disable KEEPVIEW for one scene only. I'm "walking" from drone scene to ground scene that must start on the other direction - start view - without using KEEPVIEW, but I want to use KEEPVIEW for all other scenes.
How to do it?
Thanks in advance!
I have additional labels linking to scenes on the left, but they are fixed.
How to make them close for mobiles?
Like on this virtual tour:
Is there any opposite to onstart?
I'm setting volume of the hotspot to 1 onstart of the new scene.
Now, I want to set volume back to 0 when that specific scene is off.
Is there any command for that?
Or I need to use onstart and set volume to 0 in all other scenes?
Hello again!
So I'm using add_hotspot plugin.
I placed video into 5ht scene of my virtual tour.
I want that this specific video starts when this specific scene is opened.
But if I set pauseonstart="false", so it starts automaticaly, it starts once virtual tour is opened. I don't want that.
I want this video is started only on specific scene and stopped once you move to another scene.
Can anyone help me with it, please?
Thank you...
Hey there!
Sorry for newbie question, but for us, newbies, it is really hard to find so simple answers.
So I made this animated hotspot like in the example, but how to open image once it is clicked?
Thank you, but this is not my idea...
Changes from day to night shouldn't move scene like if we go forward. I just want to slowly change from one to another, but static, no movement...
I just changed zoom to 0,0.
Thank you!!
It works perfect, thank you!
I have a one more need and request for above:
I wish to blend the change of two scenes. At the moment, change is instant and I wish to make it with small slow change from one to another. Kind of transition. Hope I put it clear in my words...
Thank you!
I will test it out...
I have still problem with 1st question.
Have a look - I'm setting north to same point at both panos, however the hlookat is way different:
<scene name="scene_livining-day" title="livining-day" onstart="" thumburl="panos/livining-day.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
<control bouncinglimits="true" />
<view hlookat="-91.630" vlookat="6.571" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.000" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="40.577866" fovmax="140.0" limitview="auto" hlookatmin="-180.0" hlookatmax="180.0" vlookatmin="-90.0" vlookatmax="90.0"/>
<preview url="panos/livining-day.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<image prealign="0|43.9|0">
<cube url="panos/livining-day.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1152,2304" />
<scene name="scene_living-night" title="living-night" onstart="" thumburl="panos/living-night.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
<control bouncinglimits="true" />
<view hlookat="-142.191" vlookat="6.330" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.0" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="40.577866" fovmax="140.0" limitview="auto" hlookatmin="-180.0" hlookatmax="180.0" vlookatmin="-90.0" vlookatmax="90.0"/>
<preview url="panos/living-night.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<image prealign="0.224214|43.900686|0.231647">
<cube url="panos/living-night.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1152,2304" />
What I'm doing wrong here?
Thx for reply!
Yes, I have seen your panorama. Awesome!
Can you past some of the code to see, how layer code should look like?
Hey all!
I'm newbie here and have some problems and I need your help:
1. I'm alligning two scenes to make day/night switch.
If I set them view hlookat to same value, they are pointing different angle. So I'm setting North, but it does not change anything!
I need same view angle to make nice day/night change.
What I'm doing wrong?
2. I wish to make hotspot that stays on the screen without moving around. How to achive that? I'm using add_hotspot plugin, so hotspot code goes to seperate file save_hotspot.xml
Sorry for my question, but I have learn how to assign a determinate set point to an hotspot with a code like this:
onclick="loadscene(scene_20);lookat(180, -20, 110.0);
I ask if could is possible instead to have the same with the "keepview" function, something like this (that obviously not work!)onclick="loadscene(scene_20);keepview;
Hey! Very nice tour!
Can you please help me to understand how did you achive day/night effect?
Thx in advance
Dear Luis!
Awesome plugin!
I also don't like default black arrows and I\m learning how to use circle styled hotspots...
I'm very new with krpano and in the process of taking decision if I should go for krpano.
Learning curve is hugh for me, but I can see, with all nice people ready to help PLUS various plugins developer this piece of software is super cool.
Thank you for your work and share!
All the best to you!