Posts by SunnyRed

    We have just purchased the plugin, and after we have included it in our project and uploaded the plugin files, we get the following error

    ERROR: parsing '.../plugins/abs.js' failed:SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':'


    Googling the error brought up the following thread: http://thread

    So, we wonder if the abs.js plugin might not be still compatible with the latest versions of krpano.

    If that's not the case, what might be the reason for the error we get?

    Many thanks

    If I am not doing something wrong, this does just minimize the control bar and does not completely remove it, so that it can't be reopened.

    I do not want to exclude the whole vtourskin.xml, if this would be an option, because I am using the littleplanetintro. I've also uncommented the


    in the skin_setup_littleplanetintro action, but this leads to the same result (the control bar is minimized and can be reopened).

    Any help is very much appreciated.

    Ok, many thanks.

    So I'll guess when I start my next project I'll try to use less html and try it more traditionally and use more (or perhaps only) "normal" krpano layers. For my current project I unfortunately don't have enough time to clean things up and had to stick with my current implementation.

    But, the hint you gave me to add css definitions via "calc" did indeed work. There were still some problems because my take is, that it doesn't extend same selectors but override them, but that is a fully acceptable "workaround".

    So once again many thanks.

    Ok, beforehand I do want to mention, that I am still very new to krpano and might do some things in a "unexpected / inexperienced" way.

    Additionally, I do want to state that I do prefer to split things up into multiple files, so here there isn't only a tour.xml. In the real project (this is a stripped down version) more data does exist (especially in the hotspots_data.xml).

    Lastly, there might also be some unnecessary code, but for my original question please especially take a look at the styles.xml and how to avoid the code redundancy in

    <data name="css_hotspot_overlay_marker">
    <data name="css_hotspot_overlay_marker_neighbors">

    So finally here is a link to a simplified live example:

    I am creating the hotspots dynamically, which might not be optimal as well, but I guess that's a topic on its own. As mentioned in the headline, the styles are generally loaded.

    I use some data CSS in an extending style definition like so:

    the corresponding data CSS might look similar to this:

    Now under a certain condition I would like to override or more exactly extend the used CSS, like so

    <data name="css_hotspot_marker_green">
        div {
        background: url("") no-repeat;

    without duplicating the whole CSS and maybe style definition.

    Is there a way to accomplish that?

    ... I was working on some different projects in recent time and therefore wasn't really able to respond any sooner. Please excuse. Nevertheless or even more so thanks for your reply.

    Ok, I see and agree. As of now I believe the issue I originally had was actually different than what if have tried to describe in my initial post and show with the example I have given. With a little bit more experience now I assume that the hotspot positioning "issue" I had when setting distorted=false was caused by some additional defined attributes (maybe via style(?)) or some incorrect use of css. This isn't necessary at all, but if this is possible I would appreciate any kind of confirmation.

    Regardless of the latter and in summary: At least as of now the topic can be seen as resolved from my part.

    Many thanks

    I know this posting is a bit older, but I do have the same and maybe one more issue than the original poster. Therefore I decided to continue in this thread as it keeps similar or same issues together. On side-note: I am really new to krpano, but I did try to solve my matter by reading through the docs and looking at some other examples, but unfortunately without any success. ... So, my issue is (once again) as follows:

    When I set a hotspots distorted attribute to false the hotspot changes its position (when moving around the scene) and scales (when zooming in or out). This is even the case when I explicitly set the zoom attribute to false. As this does also happen, when I do use the standard tour.xml generated by the "krpano tour builder", add a hotspot via the tour-builder interface and just add the distorted attribute with a false property to the generated hotspot, I am wondering, if this is standard behaviour, if I do need to use some specific configuration / setting to suppress this behaviour (for once I thought I need to use a sphere and not a cube image, but that (probably obviously) didn't change anything) or what might cause this issue?
    Many thanks and kind regardsRobin