On firmware version 51, the problem persists.
Posts by localhostroot
All this is a very big problem. The current 50 Oculus Quest 2 firmware has caused the webxr render resolution to drop to 2880*1584 (according to the test at the link: https://krpano.com/examples/webxr/) This is extremely small for comfortable viewing of virtual tours. As tests have shown, to view photo panoramas, it is worth setting the resolution to 6144 * 3380. (If you have 360 high resolution video files, it is better to set 5120*2816). The tests were carried out using direct adb commands setting the required values. The problem is that the parameters set through the adb command are reset after the device is rebooted.
Klaus , can you say something about this problem?
Tested on a large number of different computers, there is one common problem.
360 video is very slow in the firefox browser. At the same time, it works great in other browsers (chrome, edge, even internet explorer). In firefox, it slows down even on very powerful PCs.
H264 or VP9 - it doesn't matter. It's about 4K (3840*1920).
Even 8K (7680*3840) plays perfectly in chrome, and even 3K (3072*1536) is very slow in firefox.
Is there any hope that the situation will improve?
iPad mini 2019 received the iOS 14.2 update. The situation has improved. Viewing is not as comfortable as on iOS13. But it allows you to show 3k, 4k. And not just 2k.
Klaus, hello!
Can you say something about this problem? She is very serious for several projects.
The first time I noticed this problem was during the beta version of iOS 14 (and krpano 20.7).
Now iOS 14 has been released. Problems with 360 videos remain. Low fps. Tested on 20.7 and 20.8.
We need help! :) files played perfectly on iOS 13. And very bad on iOS14 (w krpano 20.7 and 20.8).
Klaus, I have a question.
I was faced with the fact that the
settings for hotspots (markers, tooltips) optimal for the oculus go in webVR-mode became extremely unsuitable for webXR-mode. Everything has become too "large".
Can two kinds of depth settings be specified for these two modes?
I am afraid that the optimal for webXR on the oculus go will become too small for webVR on the oculus go (not updated, with the old browser, with webVR default)
What is the best thing to do in this situation?
As far as I understand (https://krpano.com/docu/html/#webxr) I can not prohibit the use of WebVR mode? Then not updated oculus go will show an incorrect scale?
I want depth.webvr and depth.webxrhttps://krpano.com/plugins/webvr/#oversampling
Now we need to forget about this parameter? Can't set a higher value for sensitive places? (Hotspots, buttons, texts) -
Works for me, no problem (tested on Oculus Quest using Oculus Browser
What Oculus Browser version do you use?
Additionally maybe try clearing the browser cache.
I confirm the problem. 100% repeatability. The cache on the device was cleared. The address (url) changed during the tests. The problem appeared after a forced transition from one technology to another (webVR -> webXR). Before that, there was a tour that worked perfectly in VR mode.It is about a Oculus Go.
You can repeat the problem:
1. Create a standard tour version 1.20.6.
2. Open it in the oculus browser (Oculus Go!).
3. When moving to the next scene, the described problem arises. In the lower left quarter of the visible area, part of the previous scene is temporarily displayed. -
Perhaps a device type "mobilevr" (oculus go) is not correctly detected.
When I viewing a virtual tour in the oculus go, he displays sets of tiles in multires mode
, and not those that are created specifically for him
To exclude my possible mistakes, I checked the test scene by creating a tour with a standard droplet "MAKE VTOUR (VR-OPT) droplet".
Test confirmed suspicion. The Oculus Go displays tiles from the <image if="!webvr.isenabled"> section, not from the <image if="webvr.isenabled">.
If you manually erase the entire <image if="!webvr.isenabled"> (multires) section, more suitable tiles are displayed. The image does not suffer from moire, the display performance is quite smooth.
How to make it work by switching modes?
I tried using. Does not help.
Moire and slowdowns are very critical. How to get the krpano to display the correct sets of tiles in the oculus of go?
How can you be right!
Thank you so much. It helped.
Thanks for the plugin! But there is a question.
How work
playHtml5sound2D (keep, name, audiofile, rate *, volume *, loops*, onload *, onplay *, onpause *, onstop *, onmute *, oncomplete)?My code:
Code<scene name="scene_01" title="01" onstart="load_audio_01();" ...> ... <action name="load_audio_01"> playHtml5sound2D(false, a01, html5sound/assets/a01, 1.0, 0.75, false, oncomplete(skin_nextscene(+1))); </action> </scene>
Sound - works.
Do not repeat in another scene.
Each scene has its own sound.When you manually move to another scene - the sound of the previous one goes out, the sound of the new one turns on.Its OK.
But oncomplete does not work in any way. What needs to be corrected?,
I want after the end of the audio playback - the following scene was loadedI have tried:
playHtml5sound2D(false, a01, html5sound/assets/a01, 1.0, 0.75, false, oncomplete(skin_nextscene(+1)));
playHtml5sound2D(false, a02, html5sound/assets/a02, 1.0, 0.75, false, oncomplete(loadscene(scene_02)));
playHtml5sound2D(false, a02, html5sound/assets/a02, 1.0, 0.75, false, oncomplete(loadscene(scene_02);));
playHtml5sound2D(false, a02, html5sound/assets/a02, 1.0, 0.75, false, oncomplete(loadscene(scene_02);));
None of the options worked. -
Change language by pressing the (flag):
Names panoramas, hotspots and descriptions in a separate file.
Example, text_data_en.xml:Code
Display More<krpano> <language name="english"> <text name="main_title" value="City Walk" /> <text name="menu" value="Main menu" /> <text name="skin_load" value="Loading..." /> <text name="skin_sc_discr_on" value="Show description" /> <text name="skin_sc_discr_off" value="Hide" /> <text name="scene_021" sc_title="Memorial complex “Walk of Fame”" sc_discr="...1" spot-00-01="" /> ... </language> </krpano>
Displays the name of the current scene:
Codetxtadd(layer[skin_scene_title].html, get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[main_title].value), '[br]', get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].sc_title) ); , copy(layer[skin_scene_title].html, language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].sc_title );
It works.Name hotspot:
Codeonhover="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, if(linkedscene, showtext(get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(linkedscene)].sc_title),SKIN_TOOLTIPS)) );"
It works too.Function skin_addmapspots():
Code... if(skin_settings.tooltips_mapspots, escape(spottitle,get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(scene[get(i)].name)].sc_title)); txtadd(spothoverevent,'showtext(',get(spottitle),',SKIN_TOOLTIPS)'); , set(spothoverevent,null); ); addspot(get(spotname), get(scene[get(i)].lat), get(scene[get(i)].lng), get(scene[get(i)].heading), false, get(spotclickevent), get(spothoverevent)); ...
Displays the name of the mapspot only on default language. Language select dont work.As I understand it, the call skin_addmapspots(); occurs only once. By event onmapready.
I tried to call this function when changing the language:
Codeonclick="set(currentlanguage, russian); skin_addmapspots(); onclick="set(currentlanguage, english); skin_addmapspots();
It did not work Mapspot signed only on the default language.What do I need to change the language of signatures mapspot?
Display More<language name="russian"> <text name="scene_01" value1="" value2="" /> <text name="scene_02" value1="" value2="" /> </language> <language name="english"> <text name="scene_01" value1="" value2="" /> <text name="scene_02" value1="" value2="" /> </language>
Display More<action name="skin_update_scene_infos"> if(xml.scene != null, if(title, txtadd(layer[skin_title].html, get(title), '[br]', get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].value1) ); , copy(layer[skin_title].html, language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].value1 ); ); delayedcall(0.1, set(layer[skin_title].visible,true) ); if(title2, txtadd(layer[skin_scene_name].html, get(language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].value2) ); , copy(layer[skin_scene_name].html, language[get(currentlanguage)].text[get(xml.scene)].value2 ); ); delayedcall(0.1, set(layer[skin_scene_name].visible,true) ); </action>
Understood. Everything is working.
Thank you all for the tips. -
There was a raving lunatic.
XML is a markup language and there's no clear definition of "variable".
How can I create a separate file containing only texts? I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it.Working with hundreds and thousands lines disseminated across the files with scenes is kinda disaster.
Thanks for the answer!
I forgot to write that the solution was found.
Sorry for broken English. This post is written with the help of Google-Translator.
My task:
Divide the control code, and all texts (titles hotspots, the names of panoramas, etc.)Examples:
Code<hotspot name="hs_01" devices="all" onhover="showtext(TEXT, hs_name_style);" /> ... <scene name="scene_01" title="NAME" thumburl="%SWFPATH%/panos/01.tiles/thumb.jpg" >
I want to put text into a separate file.Code<include url="%SWFPATH%/skin/text_data_ru.xml" /> (or <include url="%SWFPATH%/skin/text_data_en.xml" />, etc...) ... <hotspot name="hs_01" devices="all" onhover="showtext($Hs_text_01, hs_name_style);" /> ... <scene name="scene_01" title="$Pano_name_01" thumburl="%SWFPATH%/panos/01.tiles/thumb.jpg" >
Code$Hs_text_01="TEXT-1" $Hs_text_02="TEXT-2" ... $Pano_name_01="NAME-01" $Pano_name_01="NAME-02" ...
This is in order that would simplify the work on translations, typos, etc.
A separate file that contains in one place all the used texts - it's very convenient.How to do it?
I read these threads. But there is described a different functionality. I need the imposition of a separate text file.
Switching showtext according to chosen language?