Posts by michel
Hi Klaus,
Like Christmas is near, I have a wish ...
We have lookto() as blocking action and interrupt able with oninterrupt() action...
We have tween() action interrupt able with stoptween() action...
And we have lookto() as nonblocking action but not interrupt able (at least I do not find a way to do)...So that's my wish: an Interrupt able nonblocking lookto() action... something like stoplookto() ....
Best regards,
Michel. -
Hi Klaus,
The Editor plugin seems to have a bug with hotspots...
Try adding the Editor plugin in an example with more than 1 hotspot like as the textstyles.xml for example...
Open the editor you will see that only 1 hospot is listed...SAlut.
Hi all,
This is a really annoying problem...
It seems that this behaviour has some relation with the onLongClick (or something similar) feature, that makes popup the fullscreen option (and affects the other events)....
In my opinion, as Krpano does not needs this flashplayer feature as it already manages Fullscreen function by his own, this onLongClick event could be annulled in some way (if possible)... KLAUSThere is another behaviour affecting the correct function of Krpano due to this onLongClick Fullscreen feature on Ondroid...
Take any panorama example (Ex: ) and touch the screen any where while waiting the Fullscreen popup feature... then pull off your finger from the screen... The pano does a panning to the left and up with no reason...Hope this can be solved by Klaus.
Hi Andrey,
Seems you has solved it ...
I found another little thing... I have difficulties in accessing the help button... I think is not really an issue of your interface but an behaviour due to the krpano log access at the extreme right-bottom corner that disallow access to your button behind it... You can see the area that I suppose correspond to this log area access by staying a few seconds inside, then the ipad feature copy pops up.
Probably, it should be better avoid this region.SAlut
Hi Andrey,
Testing your DEMO for iPad example on an Ipad, I noticed a strange behaviour...
After loading the page, when scrolling the thumbs to the left quickly, they disappears out of the screen without doing the rebound... After going fullscreen or calling next scene, the thumbs returns back again.
This does not happens with your DEMO for Iphone example (tested on Ipad)edited: So, after trying again, it appears that this happens also on the Iphone version ....
Hi Philippe,
In your code the image type is cube, not cubestrip ...
The code corrected:Code
Display More<scene name="scene3" onstart="startscene(Pano1);"> <action name="startscene"> txtadd(preview.url,%1,/preview.jpg); txtadd(image.cube.url,%1,/,%1,_%s.jpg); </action> <preview type="CUBESTRIP" url="" /> <image> <cube url=""/> </image> </scene>
Hi Philippe,
Or following your approach, you can do:
Display More<scene name="scene3" onstart="action(startscene);"> <action name="startscene"> set(var1,MyPanoName); txtadd(preview.url,get(var1),/preview.jpg); txtadd(image.cubestrip.url,get(var1),_%s.jpg); </action> <preview type="CUBESTRIP" url="" /> <image> <cube url=""/> </image>
Or similar:Code
Display More<scene name="scene3" onstart="startscene(MyPanoName);"> <action name="startscene"> txtadd(preview.url,%1,/preview.jpg); txtadd(image.cubestrip.url,%1,_%s.jpg); </action> <preview type="CUBESTRIP" url="" /> <image> <cube url=""/> </image> </scene>
Great... No Bug now ...
Thanks Klaus...SAlut.
Hi Andrey,
Beautiful clean work... I will buy this one when ready...
Chapeau ...
Hi Nupsi,
QuoteIt´s not working either, Michel The iPhone 4 wont remove the video if it´s paused. All that happens is that the video is paused and if you click it again it continues to play.
That's normal ... the code removes the video only if a stop() action is called (in fact, it removes the video when the current time is 0 (this is what happens after a stop() call ) after calling a pause() or stop() action ... See line 18 of the previous code)...
Here a modified code to removes the video also on pause() action:Code
Display More<plugin name="video" ... onvideoready="check_ispaused(get(name));" /> <action name="check_ispaused"> if( plugin[%1].loaded, <!-- check if the plugin exit before executing following code --> if(plugin[%1].ispaused, delayedcall(0,check_ispaused(%1)); , check_isstoppedorpaused(%1); ); ); </action> <action name="check_isstoppedorpaused"> if( plugin[%1].loaded, <!-- check if the plugin exit before executing following code --> ifnot(plugin[%1].ispaused, delayedcall(0,check_isstoppedorpaused(%1)); , <!-- the video has been stopped or paused --> removeplugin(%1); ); ); </action>
Hope this one works as you expect ... (I have no ipod/iphone)
Hi Nupsi,
ispaused is not an event but a variable that can be checked at any time...
I am not sure if the following code match your needs but here it is, in the hope it can help (sorry if I am off topic).
It would remove the video after a stop() action (but only if the video has already been played partialy or totally)Code
Display More<plugin name="video" ... onvideoready="check_ispaused();" /> <action name="check_ispaused"> if(plugin[video].ispaused, delayedcall(0,check_ispaused()); , check_isstopped(); ); </action> <action name="check_isstopped"> ifnot(plugin[video].ispaused, delayedcall(0,check_isstopped()); , if(plugin[video].time == 0, <!-- the video has been stopped --> removeplugin(video); , delayedcall(0,check_isstopped()); ); ); </action>
Hope it help...
After playing with the last videoplayer version (build 2011-10-21) it seems that there is a BUG in using the pausedonstart attribute...
As a test, edit the video-hotspot example, changing hotspot by plugin, like this:Code<!-- note - the url of the video must be always relative to the main krpano swf file --> <plugin name="videospot" onvideoready="trace('ispaused returns = ',ispaused )" .....
As the attribute pausedonstart is set to true, the variable ispaused returns true but the video does not show ...A workaround that seems to work, is:
Code<!-- note - the url of the video must be always relative to the main krpano swf file --> <plugin name="videospot" .... pausedonstart="false" onvideoready="stop(); trace('ispaused returns = ',ispaused );" />
Hi krTim,
Using get() inside the condition is not needed:
The var1 or var2 can be a variables or values. When var1 or var2 is a variable then the content of the variable will be used for comparison. Only when using a 'strict' comparison operator (=== or !==) then var1 and var2 must be variables (or null).
Your code should be:
Hi srisa,
QuoteThat tour plays well on flash viewer but doesn't work on javascript viewer.
In your code, you call an action called onstart from the "onstart" event of the <krpano> node:
Code<krpano version="1.0.8" onstart="action(onstart);"> <action name="onstart"> trace(starting the pano); loadscene(kitchen, null, MERGE); </action> .....
First, In my opinion it is always a bad idea to use the same name as any already existing element... If you change the name of your onstart action by something different, it should work...
Second, it seems that you found a Bug... It is not normal that it resolves in a way in flash and in another way in JS... it seems that in flash it looks for an action named onstart and in JS it calls to itself (in my opinion this seems logical), resulting of a looping call...SAlut.
Sacha... I think you are making a mistake here.
Try this code:Code<action name="incorrect"> if(xml.scene == get(xml.scene), trace(the condition is true); , trace(the condition is false); ); </action>
it return the condition is falseCode<action name="correct"> if(xml.scene == xml.scene, trace(the condition is true); , trace(the condition is false); ); </action>
it return the condition is true2. Comparing two variables or values:
if(var1 OPERATOR var2, ...);
The var1 or var2 can be a variables or values. When var1 or var2 is a variable then the content of the variable will be used for comparison. Only when using a 'strict' comparison operator (=== or !==) then var1 and var2 must be variables (or null).SAlut.
Hi Sacha,
I try your code and I am not able to understand your request....
But I note an error in your second if call... get(xml.scene) should be xml.sceneCode
Display More<action name="nextscene"> if(%1 != findnext, set(i,0)); set(scenename,get(scene[get(i)].name)); trace(scenename,' ',get(xml.scene)); if(scenename == xml.scene, trace('scene checked is next'); inc(i); if(i == scene.count, set(i,0)); loadscene(get(scene[get(i)].name), null, MERGE, BLEND(1)); , inc(i); if(i LT scene.count, nextscene(findnext)); ); </action>
reference about if