Beiträge von svendroid

    I would like to play one video in two seperate places at the same time.
    At the moment I load the video two times in different videoplayer plugin nodes. The first (name=video) is used for a video panorama, the second (name=videobar) is used as an overview video of the whole 360° scene, so it is just a flat video placed on the background of the stage.

    Is there a way to reference the video from the first plugin in the second videoplugin to avoid the double loading?

    At the moment I also have a second issue. The performance is not good when both videos are played at the same time. Are there typical pitfalls I should avoid when I play two videos at the same time?

    In general i try to create something similiar to this video

    Following are the relevant pieces of my code.

    ... />

    <sphere url="plugin:video" />

    align="bottom" x="0" y="-13%"

    I would like to have a button bar beneath my panorama, not on top of it.



    navigation bar layer

    In the examples i have seen the button bar is always on top of the panorama. I would like to have the bar beneath the panorama because it is quite high and therefore would cover most of the panorama.

    Is there a propertey like panorama height i could set?

    Thanks a lot,

    I would like to add hotspots to a video panorama. The hotspots should stay at the same position in the video and not "follow" the user arround.
    At the moment I am having an infinite loop that checks the played time of the video every 0.2 seconds and then decides if the hotspot is visible (I defined a start and end time / 0 and 10) and also updates the ox attribute of the hotspot to adjust the position of the hotspot to the current position in the video.

    My problem is that the hotspot is stuttering because of the adjustment.
    Is the general idea okay? or did I miss a hotspot attribute to set for this task? Did anybody already do this or has an advice how to solve this?

    Thanks a lot,