Thanks Mische!
Your workflow with 4 steps was absolutely perfect (!) for my situation, the new 1.7 version does it much easier and fun, the alignment was perfect as you can see in the test scene (i just read loc,rot,sca from the camera in 3ds max and copied it to the _HANDLE).
I created my first test scene with KPPano and Depthmap (but without Dollhouse for this time) of my existing Pano2VR Project.
here is the link to old Pano2Vr project:
here is the link to new KRPano test scene:
I just have two problems!
First one is the navigation.
I would like to implement the movements like in Everpano Navigator Plugin, so I decided to buy the Everpano 3D software. Unfortunately I didn't find the way how to use the plugin outside of the software. I asked it in official Everpano thread for the help, but I didn't get any answer until now.. If I undestand correctly, the Navigator Plugin embed in the main software, but how I can use this navigation in another KRPano project, maybe you can point me?
I already have the depthmap 3d model with aligned panos so I only need to add the navigation (click somewhere and you will be moved to closest panorama and round white coursor sliding on the depthmap model).
And second one is the optimization, load of each panorama takes to much time. I have used multires config in Make VRTOOL Droplet, but it is still unacceptable. You can compare the loading time of the same scenes in my old (pano2vr) and in new (krpano) tours.
As I can see, i have three options:
1. continue to opitmize my JPEG panoramas or decrease the resolution (for now they are 10000x5000 pixels)
2. find the better way to load tiles / try different configs in Droplet / make separate XML for scenes only / something else to speed up load of the tiles
3. make splash screen and preload one panorama or preload the whole tour
How are you optimizing your projects?
Thank you in advance for any help!
cheers, Dima