Posts by dia.interactive

    Hi there,
    Hi Klaus,

    we experience strange behavior of the blend between scenes after update to 1.21.

    Here is the links to both 1.20 and 1.21 versions of the same template depthmap project.

    1.20 -
    1.21 -

    There is the same transition and blend settings for both tours:

    It looks like the tweentype in ver 1.21 works different to 1.20 and thats why it start blending to fast and looks horrible compare to 1.20.

    How can we adapt blend effect in 1.21 to look like in 1.20 with correct transiton/blend comination?

    For now the blending between panoramas catches the eye too much and can't be used in the final project...

    Please help!


    I am looking for the experienced KRPano developer to help me implement some features in my Demo Depthmap VR CGI Tour.

    Features list to implement:

    - Navigation similar to Everpano Navigator Plugin. I need it for non-Everpano CGI projects. (I own the Everpano Licence).
    - original UI (design will be decided)
    - Preload Function (whole tour or first panorama)
    - Toggle depthmaps / toggle panoramas (for example day/night version - same depthmap, or modern/classic interior - two different depthmaps)

    I look forward to your applications here or in PM.

    Here is some examples:…ZVG5U&fs=e&s=cl


    Thanks Mische!

    This is exactly what I need right now, second step after I created the tour.

    I tested your demo scene in the window and found some bug. Steps to recreate:

    1. Press on a dollhouse button.
    2. Wait until camera direction looks down.
    3. Press on the dollhouse button again. (nothing will change because we are already in dollhouse mode)
    4. Press on any hotspot. (no 3d transition effect)

    Look like by doublepress on dollhouse button brokes 3d transition effect to the hotspot.

    And my second question,

    how to implement the starting rotate effect around dollhouse like in everpano? (first second when you start the tour).

    PS: In your Brandruine Projekt everything works fine.

    I managed how to create the tour with just one single 3d model which is encrypted .depth file.
    Actually my way to achieve best solution was like:
    1. STL 3d model for every single pano (STL size: 12 panos x 17 mb = 204 mb total size, absolutely inacceptable and tour was very laggy).
    2. single STL for all panos (STL size: 17 mb, more suitable, but still laggy)
    3. single .DEPTH for all panos (.DEPTH size: 2,7 mb, almost fine, but still slightly noticable laggy between 3d transitions)
    4. single encrytped .DEPTH for all panos (encrypted .DEPTH size: 1,4 mb, works like a charm *squint* )

    here is this test scene: pano is very lowres, just to test the 3d transition and to find out how many panos I need to comfort movement.

    Now I am struggling with another problem, but this time I am looking for experienced krpano programmer. I am looking for a way to implement Everpano Navigator Plugin for non-everpano project. For now I only have CGI projects and I don't need to create 3d model in everpano again, because I already have the 3d model from 3ds max (just need to simplify it).

    PS: When I press on another hotspot while movement between hotspots it makes strange effect.
    How can I solve it? The idea, dont react on click while 3d transition.

    Thank you, but unfortunately I am not a coder, and I don't know exactly what I need to change instead [2,87] ?

    Does anybody know how to configure the 3d transition speed and animation type??
    I didn't find it in depthmap_navigator.xml and I cannot edit the navigator.js

    have a look at

    you can move / rotate your depthmap in the 3d space separately from the panorama projection center (if not uv-mapped)
    if you set up all coordinates / axes correctly it works, i'm using one depthmap for multiple panos....

    Thank you. I can easily move my depthmap with using of, but how can I rotate the depthmap itself?

    Unfortunately, all panos were renderded with 155° so I need to rotate just the 3d model, hotspots and panos shoud stay on the same position.


    I experience the problem with the software. I created a new project, imported and aligned the panos, but I can't start modelling. Please take a look a video. It look like a bug, impossible to create anything in 3D like polygon or cube. The program is just not working!

    UPDATE: it looks like the method to create 3d geometry was changed in new version, now you need to start with base point then high point and not three points on the floor and then high point. But there is still old tutorial videos on the website which can confuse people.

    Thanks Mische!

    Your workflow with 4 steps was absolutely perfect (!) for my situation, the new 1.7 version does it much easier and fun, the alignment was perfect as you can see in the test scene (i just read loc,rot,sca from the camera in 3ds max and copied it to the _HANDLE).

    I created my first test scene with KPPano and Depthmap (but without Dollhouse for this time) of my existing Pano2VR Project.

    here is the link to old Pano2Vr project:
    here is the link to new KRPano test scene:

    I just have two problems!

    First one is the navigation.

    I would like to implement the movements like in Everpano Navigator Plugin, so I decided to buy the Everpano 3D software. Unfortunately I didn't find the way how to use the plugin outside of the software. I asked it in official Everpano thread for the help, but I didn't get any answer until now.. If I undestand correctly, the Navigator Plugin embed in the main software, but how I can use this navigation in another KRPano project, maybe you can point me?
    I already have the depthmap 3d model with aligned panos so I only need to add the navigation (click somewhere and you will be moved to closest panorama and round white coursor sliding on the depthmap model).

    And second one is the optimization, load of each panorama takes to much time. I have used multires config in Make VRTOOL Droplet, but it is still unacceptable. You can compare the loading time of the same scenes in my old (pano2vr) and in new (krpano) tours.

    As I can see, i have three options:
    1. continue to opitmize my JPEG panoramas or decrease the resolution (for now they are 10000x5000 pixels)
    2. find the better way to load tiles / try different configs in Droplet / make separate XML for scenes only / something else to speed up load of the tiles
    3. make splash screen and preload one panorama or preload the whole tour

    How are you optimizing your projects?

    Thank you in advance for any help!
    cheers, Dima

    Hello there,

    I just bough the Everpano 3D 1.4 and would like to know how can I use the Navigator Plugin Pro in another KRPano project. I need it, because we create not only photo pano tours but cgi with 360 renderings too?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi jbravo,

    I am facing the same situation like you trying to find the best way to create cgi depthmap tours using of existing 360 renderings.
    I have a 360 rendering panos and low poly version of original 3ds max scene. I highly recommend you to buy PanoCamAdder+ 1.7 plugin for blender from Mische. He has a very simple and useful tutorial how to create the tour with 360 panos on his youtube chanel.

    If I understand correctly next step would be import the simplified 3d model into blender and use this plugin to insert and adjust every single cgi pano onto the 3d model. How far are you now with creating the cgi dollhouse tour?

    Dear Mische,

    I have bough your plugin and I am very happy with it so far. But I would like to use it more for cgi 360 rendering not for 360 photography panos. Would you be so kind to point me or maybe to prepare a short tutorial how to use your plugin (or workflow in general) for creating depthmap tours on cgi basis?
    In your video tutorial "PCA+1.7 - Workflow Tutorial" on youtube your are showing how to create and adjust 3d model for every single 360 pano and I mean the opposite way to create the tour on existing simplifed 3d model of my scene (created in 3ds max and imported to blender) and existing 360 renderings. When you will be so kind to create the tutorial and help me with my first project I would be happy to donate you! Sure we can discuss it in pm if you like.

    Vienna, Austria