Posts by kme
I'm not sure, but I think: in our tour.xml, override this setting :
maybe they are on a touch-enabled laptop? I will test on my windows laptop too (which has a touch screen)
Yes, you can combine it with this example, which has measurements:
what was the issue with big, multires tours? We have not run into any limitations so far (except for the download time increase).
Largest tour we did was 140 pano's. We did optimize for the target device (Quest 2) to keep the download size reasonable.
krpano 1.21 - build: "2023-04-30"
When using SVG as an image for a hotspot and using "prop" as either the width or height, firefox does not show the hotspot (probably width=0).
When analysing, the sourcewidth/sourceheight for the image are also "0" when using the SVG.
Is this something known?
In chrome/edge, all works properly? Is this something related to Firefox, or is it a bug in krpano?
An example project can be supplied if needed...
So far, I did not have the time to make a deep dive into this. I only looked at your online demo, as at the moment, I'm only doing single (and moslty non threejs) models. But I'm sure this will become useful when we go deeper into the new features of krpano 1.22
Hope the bug can be resolved by a krpano update soon. And I'm also curious on your 3d experiments!
One bug I noticed is that the panel is not resizing properly. It does so in the video, but not for me (chrome/windows).
I'm working on something that could maybe of help. Here is a demo for running a virtual tour offline:
Virtual Tour Offline Caching InstallerOn iPad, you can also create an app on your device home screen: use SAFARI on ipad and click "share" and then choose "add to home screen"
or can do the same on MAC or PC or ANDROID with chrome:
(choose "install Offline Tour")
I'm creating a package with instructions and all needed files which will be available for purchase later. Let me know if you are interested in helping out finetuning the setup.
Just FYI - Tested with Quest 2, and although it looks good, device can barely keep up with head movement. When looking around away from the car (no threejs objects visible), the scene performs well. But as soon as the car becomes in view, turning the head creates temporary black borders which breaks the VR experience. Maybe on Quest 3 performance is just enough, but I have to test when I get my hands on that device.
Thanks, just tested with hittest="true" for the threejs object and - as you said - it works properly in that case.
Also thanks for the hint for differences in the .obj vs the .gltf model, something might have shifted indeed when converting it from one format to another.
I could not use the .obj as it is encrypted, and threejs does not support the encrypted .obj like krpano does.
The new 1.22.1 does solve a few earlier reported problems with hittesting.
But I found another one This time with "screentodepth" for threejs hotspots
Exapmples: (krpano 1.21) (krpano 1.22 + threejs)
In the 1.21 example, hittest works as expected.
In the 1.22 example, hittest does not work on the object itself, but it does register a hit when one moves the mouse to the left/under of the motorcycle.
ImgurDiscover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining…i.imgur.comAlso a question on positioning of the threejs objects.
To make the motorcycles appear in the EXACT same location, I had to map the origin values of krpano obj to tx/ty/tz for threejs object.
Mapping of the tz was origin.z*scale
But mapping of ty ... i had to find manually as no formulate I found was doing an correct mapping (from origin.y =.5 to threejs.y=-54)
Any hints on correct mapping?
When i take out the origin in the 1.22 example the hittest works..
true, if origin="0|0|0" it also works as the model is than in the same place as the "hittest" model. but as soon as origin is moved, the hittest model is moved MORE (scale is applied to the model) than the visual model (no scale applied to the offset).
Different handling of origin and scale:
Display More<action name="enable3Dcursor" type="js" autorun="onstart" if="device.desktop"><![CDATA[ var renderloop_id = null; var hit ; = krpano.actions.renderloop( renderloop ); function renderloop() { hit = krpano.actions.screentodepth(krpano.mouse.x, krpano.mouse.y); if (hit) krpano.layer.getItem("hitdata").html = "we are htting the cube"; else krpano.layer.getItem("hitdata").html = "no hit"; console.log(hit); } ]]></action>
- the VIEW is totally different (scale factor?)
- the .obj is not moved to the same location as in 1.21 (scale factor not taken into account?)
- hittest is not accurate in 1.22: it is not on where the object is, but it does cause a hittest on where the object would be if it was in the same location as in 1.21 (move mouse somewhere below the cube and it will hit)
I'm not asking to fix, I'm just reporting there is a difference in behaviour in 1.22 vs 1.21 and it is up to you to decide how much "backwards compatibility" you want to support. If the first was wrong, then maybe it should be adjusted in 1.21
More reports coming, but need to break them down to simplyfied code...
Testing some more - here is another different behaviour of krpano 1.22 vs 1.21
Display More<layer name="container" type="container" visible="true" keep="false" width="100%" align="bottom" y="110" alpha="0.5"> <layer name="bottombar" keep="true" visible="true" type="text" parent="" align="bottom" width="200" height="22" css="color: white; font-size:16px;text-align:center" /> </layer>
In 1.21, this looks like this:
in 1.22, this looks like this:
Cause is the parent="" in the child layer which seems to clear the parent in 1.22, which was not the case in 1.21
Once the parent="" is removed from the child, 1.22 behaves the same as 1.21
Everything seems to work fine with 1.22 We will have to adjust documentation to include the "sameorigin" parameter in the embedpano, but after that, things should work fine.
If you purchased the license for the annotations plugin and the overlay is not being removed after setting your license, please reach out in direct message or by e-mail kristof @