I hope so too!
But if the initial menu has few buttons and is not overcrowded, then everything should work fine.
My menu have more than 20 button :v lolll
I hope so too!
But if the initial menu has few buttons and is not overcrowded, then everything should work fine.
My menu have more than 20 button :v lolll
Hi, this might be the reason.
Waiting for the krpano updatetry changing the orientation of the phone by turning it and return it back. If the bottom panel appears, then just wait for the update.
oh, it work when i rotate the phone :v but user doesn't know it :v hope version fixed in the future
I checked. In the demo version archive the layer_menu.xml file is not encrypted.
Please Help me : Why doesn't the search bar work on the mobile version? I tried accessing it on my phone and found it was hidden
I checked. In the demo version archive the layer_menu.xml file is not encrypted.
Thank you, I downloaded new version, let me try it
Why? In the demo version, the layer_menu.xml file is editable
Still Encrypted, or maybe this is old version?
menu/plugins/layer_menu.xml - style name="beg_m2" .
container for the runner - layer name="beg_cont_menu" the width changes in it
style name="beg_m" - changes color settings on mouse hover
LOLL I can not edit file, maybe need to purchare ^^
Hi, it's not entirely clear what block you're talking about, can you show it on a screenshot?
Free version or demo version?
If free, where and who provides it?
sorry, i wrong, it's demo version, Its width and color difficult to see so I want to choose a darker color
I have a question: How to customize style overflow bar in main menu? I use free version, Someone please help me
I tried <cssstyles>
.shake {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background-color: #3498db;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
color: white;
font-size: 24px;
animation: shake 0.5s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes shake {
0% { transform: translate(0); }
25% { transform: translate(-5px, 0); }
50% { transform: translate(5px, 0); }
75% { transform: translate(-5px, 0); }
100% { transform: translate(0); }
<layer type="text" keep="true" html="Upside Down" align="center" padding="8 16" cssclass="shake " />
Display More
It not work :(
Hi, sorry for the late reply, didn't saw your post...
You have to call the onloaded event after changing the title :set(hotspot[hs1].title,'new title');
thank you so much
How can i change title of hotspot callout by use set() ?? i have already used set(hotspot[callout_1].title, New Name) but it not work
can you tell me know the name of this layer ( layer language in bottom menu )? i want to change content inside it by krpano instance
title_text_1 is not a layer and you will not be able to change the title dynamically if there is an attachment in the menu, because the text from the button with the attachment will be dynamically written to the title layer.
You can try in the file menu/plugins/layer_menu.xml
Thank You ,Let me try
hi, I didn't quite understand the question.
Here is the value setting at startupThis fits into the menu button and the label in this button changes dynamically when the group nested in the button is opened
I use I18 language to change language, with menu lists that are layers I can use set("layer[txt_1_2].html","HIGH VIEW") to change the language, but with the title_text_1 line in the settings I don't know how to change it. change it
I tried editing the code in the file vtourskin.xml at
<style name="skin_tooltips" onover.addevent.mouse="copy(layer[skin_tooltip].html, tooltip); set(layer[skin_tooltip].visible, calc(webvr.isenabled ? false : true)); tween(layer[skin_tooltip].alpha, 1.0, 0.1); asyncloop(hovering, copy(layer[skin_tooltip].x,mouse.stagex); copy(layer[skin_tooltip].y,mouse.stagey); );" onout.addevent.mouse="tween(layer[skin_tooltip].alpha, 0.0, 0.1, default, set(layer[skin_tooltip].visible,false), copy(layer[skin_tooltip].x,mouse.stagex); copy(layer[skin_tooltip].y,mouse.stagey); );" />
Replace mouse.stagex code with hotspot[get(name)].ath but it still doesn't work, maybe I'm wrong somewhere, please help me