Yes I was thinking of using Iframe here.
Thanks Klauss.
Yes I was thinking of using Iframe here.
Thanks Klauss.
Hello everybody,
I have a problem with the embedding using swfkrpano.js java method.
when I embed, if every thing is on the same server, I use relative path writing method : ../krpano.swf and everything work normally.
exemple :
<script type="text/javascript" src="../pano/swfkrpano.js"></script>
<div id="v360DIV"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var swf = createswf("../pano/krpano.swf","krpanoSWFObject","680","510", "#222244");
swf.addVariable("xml", "SB_360_tr.xml");
Display More
but when I use absolute path for the krpano.swf the mousewheel bug is no more corrected
exemple :
<script type="text/javascript" src="****/swfkrpano.js"></script>
<div id="v360DIV"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var swf = createswf("****/krpano.swf","krpanoSWFObject","680","510", "#222244");
swf.addVariable("xml", "****/SB_360_tr.xml");
Display More
Is it normal, is it a bug?
Please help coz I don't want to provide the js files to the client. It's safer for me just to give code to paste into the page rather than files to install on their server.
Thanks in advance,
I see a lit bit more clear on this problem.
The fact is there is a problem on zorder mixing hotspot and plugin.
If the video is as a plugin over an other plugin for darkening the panorama, no problem (just the fact that the video is not distorded and does not stick to the wall). And if I use an hotspot, no more problem for the disported aspect but the video player as an hotspot don't respect the zorder and goes under the darken plugin...
What can I do?
Hello everybody,
I need to darken a panoram before starting a video.
I try to add a black square on top of the panorama and to play with his alpha setting but there is a problem with the zorder. Impossible to put the video on top of it...
So perhaps there is a more conventionnal way to lower the brightness of a pano.
I remember there was a setting/plugin to create a lot of special viewing effect, but I don't find it.
Best regards,
Can you share the material used for this great picture (lens, head, number of picture).
Good picture.
Back after 2 weeks.
What a good surprise!!!
Go on.
(just a recurrent question for Klauss, I have read that you would implement a 360 VR object capabilities for the next release, I think 1.0.9, is it always on your mind? Coz I need this kind of think and I don't know if it's better to wait your tool, or to begin with an other thing)
I agree with the previous comments. HDR is really important for making the difference with basic 4 shot tour builder. But if you have shoot in RAW format perhaps you don't need to re shoot it. just develop your picture at 5 different exposures and after blend them.
Have a try, it make all the difference (exemple :
Thanks a lot, good compass realisation.
and a 360 object viewing fonction, inch'allah...
I am waiting this very very much...
Please Klauss realize my hopes
It was that
Thanks a lot.
There is a kind of white block under the label and it's not very beautifull on top of the transparent combobox.
I will make a screenshot the next time I have it.
Beautifull work.
Sure a lot of post prod.
This is pure html5 :
See the demo 3 for example.
I think that krPano should be ported on html5 before reaching the version 1.
At least I hope.
İf you have a ton of panos the solution of on main xml calling the different xml is clearly faster (you don't load unneeded datas). But for me the scene approach is cleaner than the other method.
I advice you to test the two on the slower PC that you can access and you will see that the performance difference is very low.
You can run a "Sun VirtualBox" on your linux for running a windows from your linux session. It's working very fine for me.
Thanks for giving us the answer of your question. It could help.
Michel, what a great coder are you. One more problem killed.
I used to read every of your post cause there is a ton of usefull info in. Some times I don't use them imediatly but I know one day they will be usefull.
Long life man.
I used the additem() to populate a combobox and for the management of the multilingual aspect of the interface. And it's working fine. Just a problem if you hide it before populating it (I think this bad pasrt will disapear in the next version)
Could have a look here :…le/virtual-tour
Don't hesitate to look at the code , you can note the load on random pano function too...