Beiträge von Christian_KKW

    Hey Klaus!

    Thank you so much for your the community IS alive after all!

    There may have been a misunderstanding about the error messages... :D

    I was deliberately provoking them by cutting the server connection during testing to see how the project would react. Sorry, should have phrased that more clearly.

    Your first response did indeed help, showerrors=false in combination with events.onxmlerror
    /events.onloaderror seems to have done the trick! ...although, I have to say, the DOCs are a bit lamentable in that regard, it took me quite a while to figure out that I had misinterpreted a paragraph and misplaced my events (since krpano seems to be geared towards developers, I guess that's not really a dealbreaker).


    So, the console.logs are triggered by everpano?

    Unfortunately, support seems a bit underwhelming for everpano (especially since it is NOT a free software). So, I don't really know where else I could really address this...

    Are there any known workarounds for those pesky console.logs?

    Or do I have to resort to console.log = () => {} (sledgehammer to crack a nut)?

    Cheers and again thanks for you continuous support and dedication!


    Wow, thanks for the really fast response!

    Here's the thing though -

    ad 1) yes, I CAN shut up the Error Message overlay altogether.
    HOWEVER, the user then doesn't get any feedback whatsoever, the whole canvas just turns black after a couple of seconds.

    ad 2) Also, yes I HAVE skimmed the docs prior to posting.
    No matter what I try though, I can't seem to be able to shut down the console.log's.

    everpano 3D v1.5.1 provides me with main.xml, project3d.xml, contextmenu.xml, depthmap_navigation.xml, followmouse.xml, fps.xml, info-player.xml, ios_iframe_fullscreen.xml, iphone_fullscreen_swipe.xml, webvr.xml and youtube-player.xml.

    I have adjusted my main.xml according to the krpano docs:

    ...AND the embedded script tag:

    However, krpano.js line 10 > eval line 1 is still wreaking havoc in my devTools:

    Hi from navigator v: 1.5.0 krpano.js line 10 > eval line 1 > Function:85:269
    number of vertices 337 & number of triangles 414 krpano.js line 10 > eval line 1 > Function:80:375
    vertexStartIndex 1 & trianglesStartIndex 1013 krpano.js line 10 > eval line 1 > Haddonfield, beware, Michael Myers is on the loose

    This is all triggered by krpano.js, hence problem is caused by krpano.

    Could I maybe send you an excerpt of the sample files in question? Openly publishing the link to the project here on this forum is unfortunately not an option, as this is not very professional towards my client.

    Thanks again!


    Okay, so I have got two main issues I can't seem to find a way around:

    1) is there a way to customize the everpano/krpano error-handling?
    [Probably] most typical scenario: Internet connection cuts off (also happens when too slow...) as Pano is loading, error message will appear:

    INFO: krpano 1.20.11 (build 2022-03-07)
    INFO: HTML5/Desktop - Firefox 122.0 - WebGL
    INFO: Registered to: MyVeryImportantCompanyMANIsItImportantLISTEN... Limited
    WARNING: Unknown action: layer[ev_thumbscroll].scrolltocenter 
    ERROR: loading of './assets/panos/myTile.tiles/preview.jpg' failed! 
    ERROR: loading of './assets/panos/anotherTile?!?!.tiles/preview.jpg' failed! 

    This isn't user-friendly at all and does not appear very professional.


    2) Is there a way to actually really shut up the console.log's?

    I set the consolelog parameter in the embedpano function call [embed_pano.js] to false - to no avail.


    everpano user, but these issues seem to be conjured up by the krpano HTML implementation.

    It's such a shame, I've really come to enjoy and appreciate the workflow of the software, however, with these shortcomings, it isn't really production ready for professional use cases.

    Also, after all this is NOT a free software, but there is no workaround for logging Hi from navigator v: 1.5.0, SCENEINDEX, floor spot, mouse spot (...)?

    I mean, come on guys...
    ...this is a giant middle finger to your customers.

    Thank you for your attention,



    Careful though, money spent on this extra licence might be worthless if you are also working with Everpano, as the Everpano logo will still appear in your context menu, as pointed out by this [to this day largely ignored] thread:

    23. Februar 2023 um 03:30


    been at this for a while now but no matter what I try, my measurements are way off.

    I have set the camera height accordingly and have also [repeatedly] realigned my panoramas.

    Images were shot on a RICOH Theta X. (Maybe an issue with the Theta X's focal length settings?)

    I UPLOADED A LIVE EXAMPLE TO for testing (just one pano for simplicity sake). The original pano image used can be found at

    In preparation for this live example I aligned the pano accordingly and determined the height of the camera by setting the width of the entrance door (the closed door) to 90cm. everpano determined the camera height to be 159.098, which is way too low. (However, setting the camera to its real height doesn't correct the measurements either...)

    If you measure the width of the entrance door in my live example, the viewer will spit out approx. 56.5cm (a farcry from the actual 90cm).

    How can I fix this?
    Do I need to reshoot the pictures, and if yes, what do I have to watch out for?
    Is it best to manually adjust some values in one of the xml/json files?

    Thank you for your help,