Posts by VRME

    Edit : I tried with layer[name].childobjects.sortby(name,descending) but it returns unknown action

    maybe something like this could be an alternative:

    sortby('layer[name].childobjects', 'name','descending');
    <action name="sortby" args="arrayname, arraykey, desc" type="Javascript"><![CDATA[
    krpano.get(arrayname).sort((a, b) => {return desc==='descending'? a[arraykey].localeCompare(b[arraykey]) : b[arraykey].localeCompare(a[arraykey] );});


    you can use jscall() and jsget() actions for example:

    Thank you for your reply. What I want to achieve is to draw on the panoramic view. The solution I came up with is a transparent background and synchronized perspective, as hotspots cannot fill the screen, or the layer drawing board can partially meet the requirements

    not sure if I understand, but the solution above allows you to draw on your panoramic view. just replace "yourpano.jpg" with yours

    you can change the function draw_grid in canvas.js to insert your pano image:

    JavaScript: canvas.js
    modified draw_grid:
        function draw_grid() {
            var image = new Image();
            image.src = 'yourpano.jpg';
            image.onload = function () {
                var ctx = canvas_context = canvas.getContext("2d");
                ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height);


    yes, the plugin is intended to work together with the built-in krpano videoplayer “videoplayer.js” as a audio transform module. All you have to do is tell the plugin which video it should use via the attribute “videoname”:

    The plugin gets the audio on DOM level and should always be synchronized with the video if you do not perform any additional heavy calculations in the “onviewchange” event, see note in the krpano documentation.
    You can also determine from which deltas soundupdates are calculated and which movements (yaw, pitch, camroll) should be taken into account. To test the plugin with your spatial footage you can use this demo template:


    Hallo Klaus,

    danke, das hat funktioniert.

    2 Fragen hätte ich noch zum Thema:

    Funktioniert das encrypten mit Custom keys nur für Javascriptdateien?
    Wenn ich nämlich eine simple XML Datei damit damit encrypte und laden will, geht die Seite bei mir "Out of memory" und zwar unabhängig davon ob dem krpano viewer der Custom key über das Protection Tool und "Embed Custom Encryption " hinzugefügt wurde oder nicht. (Wird die selbe Datei mit einem publich key encrypted tritt das Problem nicht auf)

    Beim Versuch eine JS Datei zu laden die mit einem custom key encryptet wurde, ohne dass dem Viewer der Custom key hinzugefügt wurde, wird die Datei zwar korrekterweise nicht geladen, jedoch erscheint in der krpano console die Meldung "ERROR: parsing 'plugins/test.js' failed:RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed" (bei der test.js handelt es sich um das plugin example…luginexample.js)

    Danke für Hinweise, falls nötig kann ich meine Testdateien posten

    Maybe this will help:

    October 20, 2024 at 8:54 AM

    Maybe this will help:

    October 20, 2024 at 8:54 AM

    The spatialSound4krpano plugin allows the playback of monoscopic and stereoscopic 360 degree panoramic video files with integrated spatial audio tracks to create enhanced immersive experiences in krpano.

    Following formats are supported:

    • AmbiX 1st order
    • AmbiX 2nd order
    • Facebook TBE 6 (6 channels hybrid higher order ambisonic)
    • Facebook TBE 6.2 (6 channels ambisonic plus headlocked stereo)
    • Facebook TBE 8 (8 channels hybrid higher order ambisonic)
    • Facebook TBE 8.2 (8 channels ambisonic plus headlocked stereo)
    • Ambix 9.2 (ambiX 2nd order plus a stereo track)


    krpano - VRme
    The spatialSound4krpano plugin allows the playback of monoscopic and stereoscopic 360 degree panoramic video files with integrated spatial audio tracks to…

    we have problems playing videos in latest Firefox (v.131/64 bit/Windows11), they shake and only play a few frames, do others also have this problem? Probably a Firefox bug or they changed something, an older Version we testet (v.130) works fine..
